Doc's Secret Plan

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngDoc's Secret Plan
Episode 1
Category: Quest category icon.pngSide Story
Client: Dr. Montague
Info: Dr. Montague is a renowned scientist in bio-technology. He needs help.
Reward: 5000 Meseta
Author: Sonic Team
Languages: English, Japanese
Prerequisites: Quest icon.pngSecret Delivery
Total XP

2398 7596 14278 38597

I need someone to test my prototype weapon.
- Quest description

Converting Enemy Parts

Completing this quest is the prerequisite to convert enemy parts into their respective items, which is done by speaking to Dr. Montague in the quests Quest icon.pngDr. Osto's Research and Quest icon.pngUnsealed Door, in which he is located near the warp to The Principal.

The full list of quests required to unlock Quest icon.pngDoc's Secret Plan are as follows:

  1. Quest icon.pngBattle Training
  2. Quest icon.pngClaiming a Stake
  3. Quest icon.pngMagnitude of Metal
  4. Quest icon.pngSecret Delivery

Enemy Counts

Box Type Count
Ruins 1
Box 43
Box (Armor) 4
Box (Weapon) 8


  • Despite Dr. Montague indicating as such, the weapon Elenor uses throughout this quest, Gun icon.pngRed Scorpio, is not an enemy weapon, and cannot be obtained through the conversion of enemy parts.