Skin:Main Page

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
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A player using a skin for Baranz Launcher to recolor it blue.

Skins are visual modifications to Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst that change how something looks in game. These modifications are local only, meaning that only the player who has installed the skin will be able to see it, while all other players will still see the original look.

Skins can modify everything in game, but some popular examples of skins are:

  • Character costumes
  • HUD
  • Areas

Skins are installed by placing the skin file in the appropriate location in the game files. For all skins listed here, they will be installed by extracting the downloaded archives into the main Ephinea folder.

List of skin categories

Submitting a skin

Please message Matt on the forums with information about your skin, up to 4 preview images (if it is a large pack, you may have more), and a download link, along with any other information you feel is pertinent.

All skins will be uploaded to Ephinea's servers to combat link rot, but you may request for an external mirror to be included on the skin page. Please note that skins uploaded to Ephinea's servers will not be taken down, even at creator's request, please keep this in mind.