
From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Quests are optional missions in PSO that give Meseta rewards for clearing them. Many quests also include item rewards. Ephinea offers both the original Sonic Team quests and an assortment of community- and staff-created quests. The majority of quests are available to play in both One Person and multiplayer mode, but some are specific to one or the other. Quests are started at the quest counter, and displayed by category, along with a short description for each quest. Quests are cleared in various ways, with some not having any clear condition at all; most of the Shop quests fall into this category.

Government quests

Government quests can be initiated by talking to Momoka at the G-general Counter in the Principal's Office in Episodes 1 and 4, and Nol in the Lab in Episode 2. Similar to previous versions of Phantasy Star Online's offline story missions, Government quests involve investigating the surface of Ragol and moving through the main story of PSO. Government quest unlocks are episode-based, so clearing Episode 1's quests isn't necessary to play Episode 2 or 4's quests. Additionally, some Government quests give out rewards the first time they're cleared on a given character and difficulty. Unlike other quests, players may join Government quests while they are in progress.

Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's Guild counter is located on Pioneer 2, in the same room where players initially spawn. The Hunter's Guild contains all non-Government Quests. In multiplayer, it consists of five categories: Extermination, Maximum Attack, Retrieval, Shop, and VR. In One Person mode, the Hunter's Guild contains two additional categories: Side Story and Solo Only. Rewards for completing missions differ depending on the content of the mission. The Hunter's Guild counter is also used to begin Battle and Challenge Mode games.

Challenge mode

Main article: Challenge

Challenge mode stages are available for both Episode 1 and 2, with each Episode having 9 and 5 stages respectively. To play Challenge mode, it must be selected during party creation in the lobby. Parties must clear stages sequentially in order to progress. At the start of each Challenge stage, all levels, equipment, and learned techniques will be reset to the stage's default. Returning to Pioneer 2 is not possible until a stage is either failed or cleared. Each player is given a set number of Scape Dolls; these are the only way party members can be revived. The whole team will be sent back to the Hunter's Guild if the HP of one of the participating member drops to zero and they have run out of Scape Dolls.

Battle mode

In Battle mode, players battle one another by rules set by the party leader. To play Battle mode, it must be selected during party creation in the lobby. At the beginning of each game, the rules set by the team leader will be displayed; each player will be positioned at one of four starting locations. Players compete to defeat as many of their opponents as possible within the time limit. Certain weapons, items, equipment, Mags, and techniques may be unusable, depending on the selected rules. A player falls when their HP drops to 0, and the fallen player will respawn at a random location on the map. The game is over when time expires.

Quest list

Episode 1

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Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.png1-1:Planet Ragol Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.png1-2:Torrential Woods Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.png1-3:Subterranean Den Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.png2-1:Infernal Cavern Cave 1
Quest icon.png2-2:Deep Within Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.png2-3:The Mutation Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.png2-4:Waterway Shadow Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.png3-1:The Facility Mine 1
Quest icon.png3-2:Machines Attack Mine 2
Quest icon.png3-3:Central Control Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.png4-1:The Lost Ruins Mine 2, Ruins 1
Quest icon.png4-2:Buried Relics Ruins 2
Quest icon.png4-3:Hero & Daughter Ruins 1, Ruins 2
Quest icon.png4-4:The Tomb Stirs Ruins 3
Quest icon.png4-5:Dark Inheritance Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3

Side Story

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngBattle Training Forest 1
Quest icon.pngMagnitude of Metal Forest 1
Quest icon.pngClaiming a Stake Forest 1
Quest icon.pngThe Value of Money Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngJournalistic Pursuit Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngThe Fake in Yellow Forest 1
Quest icon.pngNative Research Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngForest of Sorrow Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngGran Squall Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngAddicting Food Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.pngThe Lost Bride Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngWaterfall Tears Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngBlack Paper Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.pngSecret Delivery Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngSoul of a Blacksmith Forest 1, Forest 2, Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.pngLetter from Lionel Forest 1, Forest 2, Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngThe Grave's Butler Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngKnowing One's Heart Mine 1
Quest icon.pngThe Retired Hunter Forest 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngDr. Osto's Research Mine 2
Quest icon.pngUnsealed Door Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngSoul of Steel Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngDoc's Secret Plan Ruins 1
Quest icon.pngSeek my Master Ruins 1, Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngFrom the Depths Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngCentral Dome Fire Swirl Forest 2


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngMop-up Operation #1 Forest 1
Quest icon.pngMop-up Operation #2 Cave 1
Quest icon.pngMop-up Operation #3 Mine 1
Quest icon.pngMop-up Operation #4 Ruins 1
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #1 Forest 2
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #2 Cave 3
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #3 Mine 2
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #4 Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngEndless Nightmare #1 Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngEndless Nightmare #2 Cave 1, Cave 2
Quest icon.pngEndless Nightmare #3 Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngEndless Nightmare #4 Ruins 1, Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngToday's Rate Cave 2, Cave 3, Mine 1
Quest icon.pngAnomalous Ordeal #1 Forest 1, Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngAnomalous Ordeal #2 Cave 2, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngScarlet Realm #1 Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngScarlet Realm #2 Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.pngScarlet Realm #3 Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngScarlet Realm #4 Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngSilent Afterimage #1 Forest 1, Ruins 1
Quest icon.pngSilent Afterimage #2 Cave 3, Mine 1

Maximum Attack

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 1 Ver2 Forest 2, Cave 3, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1A- Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1B- Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1C- Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1R- Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd Stage Cave 1, Mine 1, Ruins 3, Palace, Spaceship
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 1 Forest 2, Cave 2, Mines 1, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd REV 1 Forest 1, Forest 2, Cave 1, Cave 3, Mine 1, Mine 2, Ruins 1, Ruins 3, Palace, Spaceship


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngThe Missing Maracas Forest 1, Cave 1
Quest icon.pngLost HEAT SWORD Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngLost ICE SPINNER Cave 1, Cave 2, Cave 3
Quest icon.pngLost SOUL BLADE Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngLost HELL PALLASCH Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngFragments of a Memory Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngRappy's Holiday Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngGallon's Treachery Cave 3, Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngRescue from Ragol Forest 1, Forest 2, Cave 1
Quest icon.pngForsaken Friends Mines 2, Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngThis Must Be The Place Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngRoad To Nowhere Ruins 1, Ruins 2, Ruins 3


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngThe Forge Pioneer 2


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngTowards the Future Forest 2, Cave 3, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngTyrell's Ego Forest 2, Cave 3, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngLabyrinthine Trial Cave 1
Quest icon.pngSugoroku Forest 2
Quest icon.pngSimulator 2.0 Forest 2, Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3, VR Temple Alpha, VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngMine Offensive Mine 1, Mine 2
Quest icon.pngEndless: Episode 1 All Episode 1

Solo Only

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngGallon's Plan Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngGood Luck! Forest 1
Quest icon.pngAOL CUP -Sunset Base- Forest 1, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngKnight of Coral Cave 2, Mine 1, Ruins 3, Palace


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco Cave 2, Mine 2, Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngSolstice Snafu Ruins 1, Cave 3, Forest 2
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #1 Forest 2, Ruins 1, Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Forest Forest 2
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Cave Cave 2
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Mine Mine 1
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Ruins Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 1 Mine 2


Main article: Halloween quests

Episode 2

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Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.png5-1:Test/VR Temple 1 VR Temple Alpha
Quest icon.png5-2:Test/VR Temple 2 VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.png5-3:Test/VR Temple 3 VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.png5-4:Test/VR Temple 4 VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.png5-5:Test/VR Temple 5 VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.png6-1:Test/Spaceship 1 VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.png6-2:Test/Spaceship 2 VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.png6-3:Test/Spaceship 3 VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.png6-4:Test/Spaceship 4 VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.png6-5:Test/Spaceship 5 VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.png7-1:From the Past Jungle North, Jungle East
Quest icon.png7-2:Seeking Clues Jungle East, Mountain
Quest icon.png7-3:Silent Beach Mountain, Seaside
Quest icon.png7-4:Central Control Central Control Area
Quest icon.png7-5:Isle of Mutants Jungle North, Jungle East, Mountain, Seaside, Central Control Area
Quest icon.png8-1:Below the Waves Seabed Upper
Quest icon.png8-2:Desire's End Seabed Lower
Quest icon.png8-3:Purple Lamplight Seabed Upper, Seabed Lower

Side Story

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngSeat of the Heart VR Temple Beta, VR Spaceship Beta, Central Control Area, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngBlue Star Memories VR Temple Beta, VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta, Central Control Area


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World #1 Jungle North, Seaside
Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World #2 Mountain, Central Control Area
Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World #3 Seabed Upper, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World #4 Control Tower
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #5 VR Temple Alpha
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #6 VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #7 Jungle North
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #8 Seabed Upper
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #9 Control Tower
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #1 VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #2 VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #3 Jungle North, Seaside, Mountain
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #4 Central Control Area
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #5 Seabed Upper, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #6 Control Tower
Quest icon.pngAnomalous Ordeal #3 VR Temple Beta, Mountain
Quest icon.pngAnomalous Ordeal #4 VR Spaceship Beta, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngAnomalous Ordeal #5 Seaside Night, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngGal Da Val's Darkness VR Spaceship Alpha, Central Control Area
Quest icon.pngCAL's Clock Challenge VR Temple Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta, Central Control Area, Seabed Upper, Control Tower

Maximum Attack

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 2 Ver2 VR Temple Beta, VR Spaceship Alpha, Jungle North, East, Mountain, Seaside, Central Control Area, Seabed Upper, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2A- Central Control Area, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2B- Central Control Area, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2C- Central Control Area, Seabed Lower, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2R- Central Control Area, Seabed Lower, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd Stage All Episode 2
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: VR VR Temple Alpha, VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Gal Da Val Central Control Area, Seabed Upper, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd REV 2 All Episode 2


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngLost SHOCK RIFLE VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta
Quest icon.pngLost BIND ASSAULT VR Spaceship Alpha, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.pngLost FILL CANNON Jungle North, Jungle East, Mountain, Seaside, Central Control Area
Quest icon.pngLost DEMON'S RAILGUN Seabed Upper, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngLost CHARGE VULCAN Control Tower
Quest icon.pngDream Messenger Seaside Night
Quest icon.pngRevisiting Darkness VR Temple Alpha, VR Temple Beta, VR Spaceship Beta
Quest icon.pngDolmolm Research VR Temple Beta, Seabed Upper, Seabed Lower


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngItem Present Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngSinging by the Beach Seaside Night
Quest icon.pngBeach Laughter Seaside Night
Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue- Seabed Upper
Quest icon.pngTA Reward Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngThe Egg Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngSeasons Shop Pioneer 2
Quest icon.pngMy Career Pioneer 2


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngThe East Tower Central Control Area, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngThe West Tower Seabed Upper, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngRaid on Central Tower Control Tower
Quest icon.pngThe Military Strikes Back VR Temple Beta, Jungle East, Seaside, Central Control Area, Seabed Upper, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngTwilight Sanctuary Jungle East, Control Tower


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngReach for the Dream VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngRespective Tomorrow VR Temple Alpha, VR Spaceship Alpha, Seaside, Seabed Lower, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngEndless: Episode 2 All Episode 2

Solo Only

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngKnight of Coral Advent VR Temple Beta, VR Spaceship Beta, Central Control Area, Seabed Lower, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngA New Hope VR Temple Beta, Jungle East, Seaside, Central Control Area, Seabed Upper, Control Tower


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngFestivity on the Beach Seaside Night
Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco VR Spaceship Beta, Central Control Area, Seabed Lower
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #2 Jungle East, Mountain, Control Tower
Quest icon.pngPioneer Christmas Mountain
Quest icon.pngPioneer Halloween Info needed
Quest icon.pngRappy Halloween Info needed
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Temple VR Temple Alpha
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Spaceship VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: CCA Central Control Area
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Seabed Seabed Upper
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Tower Control Tower
Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 2 Central Control Area


Main article: Halloween quests
Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngHollow Reality: Temple VR Temple Alpha
Quest icon.pngHollow Reality: Spaceship VR Spaceship Alpha
Quest icon.pngHollow Phantasm: Jungle Jungle East
Quest icon.pngHollow Phantasm: Seabed Seabed Upper
Quest icon.pngHollow Phantasm: Tower Control Tower

Sandbox Only

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngThe Gloom Spire Control Tower

Episode 4

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Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.png9-1:Missing Research Crater East
Quest icon.png9-2:Data Retrieval Crater West
Quest icon.png9-3:Reality & Truth Crater South
Quest icon.png9-4:Pursuit Crater North, Crater Interior
Quest icon.png9-5:The Chosen (1/2) Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 1
Quest icon.png9-6:The Chosen (2/2) Subterranean Desert 2
Quest icon.png9-7:Sacred Ground Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.png9-8:The Final Cycle Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3

Side Story

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngWarrior's Pride Crater South, Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngThe Restless Lion Subterranean Desert 1
Quest icon.pngPioneer Spirit Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.png荒野の果てに Crater East, Crater West
Quest icon.pngBlack Paper's Dangerous Deal Crater South
Quest icon.pngBlack Paper's Dangerous Deal 2 Subterranean Desert 3


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngPoint of Disaster Crater East, Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngThe Robots' Reckoning Crater South, Interior, Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngWar of Limits #1 Crater East
Quest icon.pngWar of Limits #2 Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngWar of Limits #3 Subterranean Desert 1
Quest icon.pngWar of Limits #4 Subterranean Desert 2
Quest icon.pngWar of Limits #5 Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation #1 Crater East
Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation #2 Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation #3 Subterranean Desert 1
Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation #4 Subterranean Desert 2
Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation #5 Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #10 Crater East
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #11 Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #12 Subterranean Desert 1
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #13 Subterranean Desert 2
Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation #14 Subterranean Desert 3

Maximum Attack

Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 3 Ver2 Crater West, Interior, Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4A- Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4B- Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4C- Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4R- Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 4 Crater West, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd REV 4 All Episode 4


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngClaire's Deal 5 Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngThe Beak's Cafe Ver.2 Crater East, Subterranean Desert 3


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngLost BERSERK BATON Crater East, Crater Interior
Quest icon.pngLost SPIRIT STRIKER Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngBeyond the Horizon Crater East, Crater Interior, Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngLOGiN presents 勇場のマッチレース Crater East, Crater West, Subterranean Desert 1, Subterranean Desert 2


Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco Crater East, Subterranean Desert 2, Subterranean Desert 3
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Crater Crater West
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Desert Subterranean Desert 3


Main article: Halloween quests
Quest Name Areas
Quest icon.pngHollow Wasteland: Wilderness Crater West
Quest icon.pngHollow Wasteland: Desert Subterranean Desert 3

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