Anniversary Badge Shop

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop
Episode 1
Category: Quest category icon.pngShop
Client: Ephinea Event Team
Info: Exchange your Bronze, Silver and Gold Badges here.
Author: Kanashimi, XII
Languages: English, Japanese
You can trade your badges for various prizes.
There might be more than just a few event shops...
- Quest description

The Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop is one of the featured quests during the annual Anniversary event. This quest features numerous shops at which players can trade in their Anniversary Badges for various items.

This quest is available at all times, and may still be accessed even after the Anniversary event has concluded.


Bronze Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2024
Items Offered
1 Tool icon.pngMusic disk (random)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder
5 Sword icon.pngSoul Eater
Gun icon.pngSuppressed Gun
Cane icon.pngTechnical Crozier
8 Tool icon.pngAddSlot
20 Sword icon.pngButterfly Net
Sword icon.pngBamboo Spear
50 Frame icon.pngChu Chu Fever
Shield icon.pngBunny Ears
Shield icon.pngCat Ears

Silver Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Gold Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2024
Items Offered
1 Sword icon.pngImperial Pick (random stats)
Gun icon.pngRed Mechgun (random stats)
Cane icon.pngWindmill (random stats)
Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal
5 Tool icon.pngPioneer Parts
Tool icon.pngHeart of YN-0117
Tool icon.pngStealth Kit
6 Frame icon.pngElectro Frame (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
Frame icon.pngFlame Garment (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
Tool icon.pngParasitic Cell Type D
8 Frame icon.pngAura Field (250 DFP, 140 EVP)
30 Tool icon.pngMag Kit
Tool icon.pngVaruna Kit
Tool icon.pngKalki Kit
Tool icon.pngVritra Kit
35 Tool icon.pngPhoton Filter
50 Tool icon.pngPhoton Booster
Tool icon.pngMagic Rock "Heart Key"
95 Tool icon.pngPhoton Sphere


The Badger

The Badger, an NPC located next to the teleporter to The Principal, can "up-trade" your badges in the following ways:

It is not possible to trade up for an Tool icon.pngAnniv. Platinum Badge.

The Thief

The Thief is located in the Medical Center. She accepts 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge in return for a random item from the following list:

The Hunter

The Hunter is located in The Principal's office. He offers one of a selection of weapons for 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badge; these weapons all come with random stats. Alternatively, he can be given 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badge in return for a random weapon from his selection with the opportunity for higher stats.

The Guide

The Guide is located in the Hunter's Guild. For 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Platinum Badge, she will allow the player to choose one rare weapon from the following list (all weapons come without attributes):

Anniversary Badge Shop 2024
Melee Ranged Technique

Sword icon.pngLavis Cannon
Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword

Gun icon.pngHandgun: Guld
Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher

Cane icon.pngProphets of Motav
Cane icon.pngPsycho Wand