
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Unit icon.pngPB/Create
When equipped, this unit draws ether from the air, and rapidly converts it into Photon Blast (PB) energy.
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HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Unit icon.pngPB/Create is a PB generation unit. While equipped, it generates 1 PB every 23 seconds.

Claire's Deal 5

PB/Create is one of six trade components in the quest Quest icon.pngClaire's Deal 5 for the rare unit Unit icon.pngPB/Increase.


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Redria Ultimate Hidoom (E2) 1/700
Yellowboze Ultimate Ul Gibbon 1/1707
Whitill Very Hard Dubchic (E1) 1/213
Ultimate Vulmer 1/1707

Wandering Tekker

Main article: Coren
Day Meseta Rate
Monday 1,000 1/156.25
10,000 1/104.17
100,000 1/78.13
Tuesday 1,000 1/125
10,000 1/83.33
100,000 1/62.50
Friday 1,000 1/212.5
10,000 1/141.67
100,000 1/106.25
Saturday 1,000 1/168.75
10,000 1/112.5
100,000 1/84.38

Quest Reward

PB/Create may be obtained in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop as an uncommon reward from the Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge gamble.


  • Identically to Unit icon.pngPB/Generate, Unit icon.pngPB/Amplifier, and Unit icon.pngPB/Increase, PB/Create's timer will reset upon any change of equipped Sword icon.pngGun icon.pngCane icon.pngweapon, Frame icon.pngframe, Unit icon.pngunit, Shield icon.pngbarrier, or Mag icon.pngmag. This leads to less effectiveness than expected.
  • In contrast, Shield icon.pngGods Shield "Kouryu"'s timer does not reset upon change in equipped weapon, frame, units or mag. However, the timer will reset if the barrier itself is unequipped or re-equipped.
  • All timer-based PB-generating equipment start their timer the moment the item is equipped, or if it is already equipped upon joining a party, the moment the player bursts into a party. The timer will count down while on Pioneer 2 and is preserved through quest load, floor transition teleporters, and telepipes.
  • If the player is on Pioneer 2 - where PB cannot be generated or stored - when the timer hits 0, no PB will be generated and the timer will reset.
    • If a player joins a party, waits 18 seconds on Pioneer 2, then teleports into Forest 1, the next PB generated with this unit will be 5 seconds later.
    • If a player joins a party, waits 28 seconds on Pioneer 2, then teleports into Forest 1, the next PB generated with this unit will be 18 seconds later.