From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Telepipe is an item that creates a teleport gate (commonly called a pipe) back to Pioneer 2 when used. The warp is available to all players until its user returns to Ragol or the VR field through it. Telepipes cannot be used inside of or too close to other warps, or in boss arenas (except after defeating Shambertin or Kondrieu in
Point of Disaster). Some quests, such as
Phantasmal World #4, disable the use of Telepipes completely.
Ryuker can be used to create a teleport gate without the use of a Telepipe item, spending the user's TP instead. This gate behaves the same way as one created from a Telepipe would.
Availability[edit | edit source]
Shop[edit | edit source]
Telepipes can be purchased from the Tools Shop for 350 Meseta.