Divine Filter

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngDivine Filter
Grants divine power to a weapon.
Combination item

Tool icon.pngDivine Filter is an Ephinea-exclusive rare tool. It may be used on the weapons Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher and Gun icon.pngMille Marteaux to enable them to use the Divine Punishment special attack regardless of the current beat time. The modified item can be reverted to its original form with a Tool icon.pngNeutralizer. The filter will not be returned.

If the weapon has both a cosmetic skin and either Divine Filter or Tool icon.pngLock-on Filter applied, the Neutralizer will only remove the Divine Filter or Lock-on Filter effect, leaving the cosmetic skin applied. A second Neutralizer can then be used to remove the cosmetic skin, leaving a vanilla weapon with no skin or special attack filter applied.

To apply the filter, equip a compatible piece of equipment, and use the Divine Filter in the inventory. A weapon with the Divine Filter applied will have its name appended with an asterisk (*), and also have "Style: Divine" in the item description.


The Forge

Divine Filter can only be obtained by trading the following items to Montague in the quest Quest icon.pngThe Forge:

Items Quantity
Cane icon.pngCaduceus 3
Frame icon.pngSelect Cloak 2
Shield icon.pngPurple Ring 1
Unit icon.pngDivine Protection 2
Mag icon.pngRappy 1
Tool icon.pngPhoton Filter 1

See also

  • Tool icon.pngLock-on Filter, a similar tool which allows Heaven Punisher and Mille Marteaux to use their "auto-aim" specials regardless of beat time.