1st Anniv. Platinum Badge

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
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Tool icon.png1st Anniv. Platinum Badge
With whom could you trade this rare currency with...?
Event item
Max Stack

Tool icon.png1st Anniv. Platinum Badge was an extremely rare 2016 Anniversary event-exclusive item. It could be traded for one of six rare weapons in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop.


In the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop, a 1st Anniv. Platinum Badge could be exchanged for one of six rare weapons.

The Guide

The Guide is located in the Hunter's Guild. For 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Platinum Badge, she will allow the player to choose one rare weapon from the following list (all weapons come without attributes):



1st Anniv. Platinum Badge dropped extremely rarely from any enemy (except for scared Rappies) on Ultimate difficulty during the 2016 Anniversary event.