Heart of Tension Blaster

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngHeart of Tension Blaster
Turns certain handguns
into Tension Blaster.
Weapon heart
Max Stack

Tool icon.pngHeart of Tension Blaster is a weapon heart that changes the aesthetics of certain handguns into Gun icon.pngTension Blaster, while retaining the parameters of the original handgun. The skinned item can be reverted to its original form with a Tool icon.pngNeutralizer. The heart will not be returned.

If a Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher* has both a cosmetic skin and either Tool icon.pngDivine Filter or Tool icon.pngLock-on Filter applied, the Neutralizer will only remove the Divine Filter or Lock-on Filter effect, leaving the cosmetic skin applied. A second Neutralizer can then be used to remove the cosmetic skin, leaving a vanilla Heaven Punisher with no skin or special attack filter applied.

To apply the heart, equip a compatible piece of equipment, and use the heart in the inventory. A handgun that is skinned with Heart of Tension Blaster will have its name appended with an asterisk (*), and also have "Skin: Tension Blaster" in the item description.

Compatible equipment


Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Yellowboze Ultimate Pan Arms (E1) 1/4045