2nd Anniv. Silver Badge

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Tool icon.png2nd Anniv. Silver Badge
A currency accepted by scavengers and thieves...
Event item
Max Stack

Tool icon.png2nd Anniv. Silver Badge was a 2017 Anniversary event-exclusive item. It could be traded for various items in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop.


In the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop, 2nd Anniv. Silver Badges could be exchanged for a variety of items.

Silver Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2017
Items Offered
1 Tool icon.pngDef Material
Tool icon.pngEvade Material
Tool icon.pngPower Material
Tool icon.pngMind Material
2 Tool icon.pngHP Material
Tool icon.pngTP Material
8 Cane icon.pngBroom
Sword icon.pngChameleon Scythe
Sword icon.pngCrazy Tune, Sword icon.pngToy Hammer
Gun icon.pngSamba Maracas
Sword icon.pngHarisen Battle Fan
Cane icon.pngFlower Cane
Sword icon.pngWok of Akiko's Shop
10 Tool icon.pngLuck Material
12 Tool icon.pngItem Ticket
Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal
30 Sword icon.pngDaisy Chain
50 Tool icon.pngHeart of YN-0117


The Scavenger is located next to the Check Room. He accepts 1 Silver Badge in return for a random item from a chosen tier of weapon; weapons come with 50, 55, or 60 Hit, and higher tier weapons have a lower chance of having higher Hit.

Weapon tier Hit
50 55 60
Green 10% 60% 30%
Blue 40% 40% 20%
Purple 70% 20% 10%
Red 85% 10% 5%
Yellow 95% 4% 1%

Badge trade-up

10 2nd Anniv. Silver Badges could be traded up for a Tool icon.png2nd Anniv. Gold Badge. In addition, during the 2018 Anniversary event, 3 obsolete 2nd Anniv. Silver Badges could be traded for a functioning Tool icon.png3rd Anniv. Silver Badge.



2nd Anniv. Silver Badge dropped from any enemy (except for scared Rappies) on Very Hard and Ultimate difficulties during the 2017 Anniversary event. It dropped more commonly on Ultimate difficulty.