Amplifier of Gibarta

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngAmplifier of Gibarta
Photon Amplifier that boosts the effective power of Gibarta.
Max Stack
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Tool icon.pngAmplifier of Gibarta is an amplifier (a type of rare combination tool) that is used to turn Shield icon.pngBlue Barrier into Shield icon.pngGibarta Merge. It can be found in item boxes in certain areas in Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Ultimate difficulties.


Box Drops

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Rate
Viridia Normal Cave 3 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Hard Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Very Hard VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Greenill Normal Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Hard Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Very Hard VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Purplenum Normal Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Hard Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Very Hard VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Pinkal Normal Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Hard Mine 1 1/683
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Very Hard Cave 2 1/1170
Ultimate Mine 1 1/630
VR Spaceship Beta 1/630
Whitill Normal Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Hard Mine 1 1/1170
VR Spaceship Beta 1/1170
Very Hard Cave 2 1/1170