Stealth Kit

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngStealth Kit
An experimental evolution device for Mags, created as a by-product of research into optical camouflage.
Mag Cell

Tool icon.pngStealth Kit is a Mag cell that can be used on a level 50+ non-rare Mag to evolve it into Mag icon.pngStealth.


Quest Reward

Stealth Kit may be purchased from the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop for 5 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badges..


Stealth Kit is one of the items that can be obtained from opening a Tool icon.pngPresent during the Christmas Event.


  • This Mag Cell is an Ephinea-exclusive item, and the first completely custom item introduced on Ephinea. Until May 27, 2018, it was also the only custom item available on Ephinea.
  • During the Mag's development, Hindu deities' names were suggested to fit in with the majority of Mag names. "Stealth" was chosen instead, as a reference to the PSO2 item "Evolution Device / Stealth."[1]