4th Anniv. Bronze Badge

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Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Bronze Badge
A currency accepted by scavengers and thieves...
Event item
Max Stack

Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Bronze Badge was a 2019 Anniversary event-exclusive item. It could be traded for various items in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop.


In the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop, 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be exchanged or gambled for a variety of items.

Bronze Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2019
Items Offered
1 Tool icon.pngMusic disk (random)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder
5 Sword icon.pngSoul Eater
Gun icon.pngSuppressed Gun
Cane icon.pngTechnical Crozier
8 Tool icon.pngAddSlot
20 Sword icon.pngButterfly Net
Sword icon.pngBamboo Spear
50 Frame icon.pngChu Chu Fever
Shield icon.pngBunny Ears
Shield icon.pngCat Ears


The Thief

The Thief is located in the Medical Center. She accepts 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge in return for a random item from the following list:

Anniversary Badge Shop 2019
Common Uncommon Rare

Mate icon.pngMonomate
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid
Tool icon.pngAntidote
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis

Unit icon.pngCure/Poison
Unit icon.pngCure/Paralysis
Unit icon.pngCure/Slow
Unit icon.pngCure/Confuse
Unit icon.pngCure/Freeze
Unit icon.pngCure/Shock
Unit icon.pngHero/Ability
Unit icon.pngHP/Revival
Unit icon.pngTP/Revival
Unit icon.pngPB/Create
Unit icon.pngDevil/Technique
Unit icon.pngDevil/Battle
Shield icon.pngThree Seals
Tool icon.pngTablet

Sword icon.pngRaikiri
Shield icon.pngInvisible Guard
Shield icon.pngSacred Guard
Shield icon.pngS-Parts ver2.01
Shield icon.pngHoneycomb Reflector
Shield icon.pngHunter's Shell

Badge trade-up

10 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be traded up for a Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Silver Badge. In addition, during the 2020 Anniversary event, 3 obsolete 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be traded for a functioning Tool icon.png5th Anniv. Bronze Badge.



4th Anniv. Bronze Badge dropped from any enemy (except for scared Rappies) on any difficulty during the 2019 Anniversary event. It dropped more commonly on higher difficulties.