4th Anniv. Bronze Badge

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Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Bronze Badge
A currency accepted by scavengers and thieves...
Event item
Max Stack

Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Bronze Badge was a 2019 Anniversary event-exclusive item. It could be traded for various items in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop.

Uses[edit | edit source]

In the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop, 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be exchanged or gambled for a variety of items.

Bronze Badge Shop[edit source]

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2019
Items Offered
1 Tool icon.pngMusic disk (random)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder
5 Sword icon.pngSoul Eater
Gun icon.pngSuppressed Gun
Cane icon.pngTechnical Crozier
8 Tool icon.pngAddSlot
20 Sword icon.pngButterfly Net
Sword icon.pngBamboo Spear
50 Frame icon.pngChu Chu Fever
Shield icon.pngBunny Ears
Shield icon.pngCat Ears

Gambles[edit | edit source]

The Thief[edit source]

The Thief is located in the Medical Center. She accepts 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge in return for a random item from the following list:

Anniversary Badge Shop 2019
Common Uncommon Rare

Mate icon.pngMonomate
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid
Tool icon.pngAntidote
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis

Unit icon.pngCure/Poison
Unit icon.pngCure/Paralysis
Unit icon.pngCure/Slow
Unit icon.pngCure/Confuse
Unit icon.pngCure/Freeze
Unit icon.pngCure/Shock
Unit icon.pngHero/Ability
Unit icon.pngHP/Revival
Unit icon.pngTP/Revival
Unit icon.pngPB/Create
Unit icon.pngDevil/Technique
Unit icon.pngDevil/Battle
Shield icon.pngThree Seals
Tool icon.pngTablet

Sword icon.pngRaikiri
Shield icon.pngInvisible Guard
Shield icon.pngSacred Guard
Shield icon.pngS-Parts ver2.01
Shield icon.pngHoneycomb Reflector
Shield icon.pngHunter's Shell

Badge trade-up[edit | edit source]

10 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be traded up for a Tool icon.png4th Anniv. Silver Badge. In addition, during the 2020 Anniversary event, 3 obsolete 4th Anniv. Bronze Badges could be traded for a functioning Tool icon.png5th Anniv. Bronze Badge.

Availability[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

4th Anniv. Bronze Badge dropped from any enemy (except for scared Rappies) on any difficulty during the 2019 Anniversary event. It dropped more commonly on higher difficulties.