Music disks

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Music disk)
A Music Disk, as they appear on the ground

Tool icon.pngMusic disks are single-use consumable tools which change the background music of the current area for both the user and any other players in the same area. The effects last until the player changes area by any means (e.g. teleporter or Tool icon.pngTelepipe), at which point the original game music is restored. Up to 99 of a single type of music disk may be stacked in the player's inventory or bank.

List of disks[edit | edit source]

Disks 1-7 have appeared in multiple iterations of Phantasy Star Online.

Disks 8-12 were created by fans and submitted to a Japanese Blue Burst event to commemorate the server's first anniversary, PSO BB一周年記念感謝祭イベント.

Disks 13-21 are unique to Ephinea and are from various other sources.

Availability[edit | edit source]

Enemy drops[edit | edit source]

All music disks have a 1/600 chance of dropping from any enemy, and are unaffected by drop rate modifiers.

Quest reward[edit | edit source]

Disks Vol.1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 can be purchased from Gallon in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop for Meseta icon.png10,000 Meseta or 30 Gallon points each.

Events[edit | edit source]

A random music disk can be purchased from the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop for 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Bronze Badge.