
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngNeutralizer
Reverts any skinned weapon back into its original version.
Max Stack

Tool icon.pngNeutralizer is a rare tool that is exclusive to Ephinea. It can be used to change a skinned weapon back into its original form.

It can also be used to revert a Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher* or Gun icon.pngMille Marteaux* with Tool icon.pngDivine Filter or Tool icon.pngLock-on Filter back into its original form. If the weapon has both a cosmetic skin and either Divine Filter or Lock-on Filter applied, the Neutralizer will only remove the Divine Filter or Lock-on Filter effect, leaving the cosmetic skin applied. A second Neutralizer can then be used to remove the cosmetic skin, leaving a vanilla weapon with no skin or special attack filter applied.

Availability[edit | edit source]

Quest Reward[edit | edit source]

Neutralizer can be obtained for free in the following quests:

There is no limit to the number of Neutralizers that can be obtained this way.