2nd Anniv. Gold Badge

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
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Tool icon.png2nd Anniv. Gold Badge
A currency accepted by scavengers and thieves...
Event item
Max Stack

Tool icon.png2nd Anniv. Gold Badge was a 2017 Anniversary event-exclusive item. It could be traded for various items in the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop.


In the Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop, 2nd Anniv. Gold Badges could be exchanged for a variety of items.

Gold Badge Shop

The Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badge shop is located across from the Check Room.

Anniversary Badge Shop 2017
Items Offered
1 Sword icon.pngImperial Pick (30 Hit)
Gun icon.pngRed Mechgun (30 Hit)
Cane icon.pngWindmill (30 Hit)
2 Unit icon.pngSmartlink
Unit icon.pngV501
5 Shield icon.pngRed Merge
Shield icon.pngBlue Merge
Shield icon.pngYellow Merge, Tool icon.pngPioneer Parts
6 Tool icon.pngParasitic Cell Type D
Frame icon.pngFlame Garment (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
Frame icon.pngElectro Frame (220 DFP, 120 EVP)
8 Frame icon.pngAura Field (250 DFP, 140 EVP)
10 Tool icon.pngMagic Rock "Heart Key"
50 Tool icon.pngPhoton Sphere

The Hunter

The Hunter is located in The Principal's office. He offers one of a selection of weapons for 2 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badges; these weapons all come with random stats. Alternatively, he can be given 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Gold Badge in return for a random weapon from his selection with the opportunity for higher stats.
Normal items

Random selection only



2nd Anniv. Gold Badge dropped from any enemy (except for scared Rappies) on Ultimate difficulty during the 2017 Anniversary event.