Photon Drop

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop
High purity crystal Photon.
There is someone who needs this...
Max Stack

Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop (commonly abbreviated "PD") is a rare tool that is primarily used as trade currency between players. Photon Drops can drop from any enemy or box in the game on any difficulty.

Photon Drops can also be used in Paganini's exchange in the quest Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop to exchange for items or weapon enhancements. Paganini will trade various items for Photon Drops, at prices ranging from 1 to 99 Photon Drops; he will also add specials to ES weapons for set amounts of Photon Drops, and attributes to non-ES Weapons at a rate of 5% per 20 PDs.

By default, only the item exchange service is offered for each character. The "Modify ES Weapon" and "Enhance weapon's Photon" services must be unlocked on a per-character basis by completing a sidequest in Quest icon.pngThe East Tower and Quest icon.pngThe West Tower respectively.


By talking to Hopkins in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop with at least one Photon Drop in the inventory, he will take you to Paganini, where you can exchange them either for one of a selection of items depending on the number of Photon Drops held, or for two other unlockable services he can offer.

Item exchange

WARNING: Only carry the minimum amount of Photon Drops needed in your inventory, as Paganini will take all of them for the trade. You will be asked to confirm the exchange multiple times before it is finalized.

This exchange is notable for the Tool icon.pngPhoton Sphere (among other things) that allows the player a faster and more cost-effective option of adding attributes to weapons, as a Photon Sphere may be used to add 30% to a single attribute (as long as the attribute is 70% or less), instead of spending 100 Photon Drops to add only 25% to that attribute.

Adding specials to ES weapons

Global flag
ET Paganini (ES SPECIAL)
Flag (Hex)
Bitmask (Hex)

If the player brings Paganini the data from the top of the Control Tower during Quest icon.pngThe East Tower, the "Modify ES Weapon" option will be available in Paganini's exchange in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop for the character that completes this sidequest (which can be completed on any difficulty). Quest icon.pngThe East Tower

The "Modify ES Weapon" option allows the player to trade Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops in exchange for adding a special attack to their ES weapon, with the available specials depending on the number of Photon Drops in the player's inventory and the ES Weapon in question.

Note that unlike Paganini's exchange, adding specials to ES weapons will only consume the indicated number of Photon Drops for the special added, rather than all Photon Drops carried in the inventory.

Special Rank Specials Offered Photon Drops
D-Rank HP Revival*, TP Revival* 20
C-Rank Blizzard, Burning, Tempest 30
B-Rank Berserk, Chaos, Geist, Gush, King's, Spirit 40
A-Rank Arrest, Demon's, Hell 50
S-Rank Jellen.pngJellen (Lv. 21), Zalure.pngZalure (Lv. 21) 60
* Note: HP Revival and TP Revival refer to passive recovery over time, similar to the Unit icon.pngHP/Revival and Unit icon.pngTP/Revival units.

The following restrictions apply to adding specials to ES Weapons:

  • Sword icon.pngES Knuckle cannot receive HP Revival or TP Revival
  • Gun icon.pngES Psychogun can only receive HP Revival or TP Revival
  • Cane icon.pngES Windmill can only receive HP Revival, TP Revival, Jellen, or Zalure

To unlock this option, follow these steps:

  • Start the quest Quest icon.pngThe East Tower
  • Talk to Hopkins in the lab (he is down the ramp from the shops to the left in the corner - the same place you would find him in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop to access Paganini)
  • Kill Epsilon on the top floor of the Control Tower, then interact with the terminal (you will receive a Quest Board item)
    • Upon killing Epsilon, player teleporters (via Tool icon.pngTelepipe or Ryuker.pngRyuker) can no longer be created, and any that are active will be turned off. The gate in the Lab leading to the Central Control Area will also become locked. If you use the provided teleporter before interacting with the terminal, you will be forced to redo the quest to complete the sidequest
  • Return to the lab and talk to Hopkins before ending the quest

Note: Paganini will no longer be accessible in this quest for that character once you have done this, and Hopkins will only state that, "My father is working on a huge project right now.", which can serve as an alternative method of checking completion.

Adding attributes to weapons

Global flag
Flag (Hex)
Bitmask (Hex)

If the player brings Paganini the data from the terminal in Seabed during Quest icon.pngThe West Tower quest, the "Enhance weapon's Photon" option will be available in Paganini's exchange in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop for the character that completes this sidequest (which can be completed on any difficulty).

The "Enhance weapon's Photon" option allows the player to increase attribute percentages on their weapons in exchange for set amounts of Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops, at the following rates:

Cost Increase
Item Amount
Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop x4 +1%
x20 +5%
Tool icon.pngPhoton Sphere x1 +30%
Note: The Photon Sphere option cannot be used if the attribute to be increased is higher than 70%.

The following restrictions apply to adding attributes:

  • A weapon cannot have more than three attributes
    • Sealed weapons and their unsealed counterparts may not have more than two, including Hit%
  • Attributes cannot exceed 100%
  • Hit% cannot be added to a weapon
  • ES Weapons cannot have attributes

To unlock this option, a character must have already collected Quest icon.pngThe East Tower data for Paganini (refer to adding specials to ES weapons for directions), then follow these steps:

  • Start the quest Quest icon.pngThe West Tower
  • Talk to Hopkins in the lab (he is in the same place you would find him in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop to access Paganini)
  • Traverse the Seabed Upper levels until you find and access the terminal containing the Research Data (you will receive a Quest Board item)
    • Unlike the previous sidequest, you do not have to continue onto the Control Tower to complete this sidequest. You may simply access the terminal and return to Pioneer 2 via Tool icon.pngTelepipe or Ryuker.pngRyuker
  • Return to the lab and talk to Hopkins before ending the quest

Note: Unlike The East Tower, there is no easy way to check through Hopkins if you have already completed The West Tower sidequest, as Hopkins in Gallon's Shop will say the same "My father is working on a huge project right now." line, both before completing the previous sidequest as well as after completing this one.

Photon Hoard

Main article: Photon Hoard

A stack of 99 Photon Drops can be condensed into a Tool icon.pngPhoton Hoard, a rare tool unique to Ephinea, by speaking with an NPC in military garb in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop.

Photon Hoards serve the purpose of allowing players to store and trade large amounts of Photon Drops at a time. One Photon Hoard can be disassembled back into a stack 99 Photon Drops by speaking to the same NPC. The character must not be holding any Photon Drops in their inventory at the time to do this.


Enemy drops

All drop rates assume a drop anything rate of 100%.

Difficulty Drop Rate
Normal 1/2000
Hard 1/1500
Very Hard 1/600
Ultimate 1/375

Box drops

Black Paper's Dangerous Deal 2

Main article: Quest icon.pngBlack Paper's Dangerous Deal 2

Note that all rates are the chance of getting an item per Photon Crystal, not per roll.

Quest Difficulty Rate
Black Paper's Deal 2 Normal 1/9
Hard 1/16
Very Hard 1/8.76
Ultimate 1/8.76

Quest reward

Photon Drop can be obtained from the Lucky Roulette in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop. If the roulette lands on Paganini after obtaining both "Gods Shields" from him, the player is rewarded a Photon Drop.

Photon Drop can be obtained from the gambling terminal in Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue. After every first-prize item has been won once, any additional first-prize wins will be rewarded with a Photon Drop.

Photon Drop can be obtained from the roulette in Quest icon.pngThe Beak's Cafe Ver.2 roulette.


Photon Drop could be obtained from a Tool icon.pngPresent on Normal difficulty in 2015, all difficulties in 2016, and Normal and Hard difficulties in 2017.

Photon Drop was given as a consolation prize for failing the 5-Tool icon.pngEgg gambles in the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Quest icon.pngEgg Shops, as well as the 10-Egg gamble in the 2016 and 2018 Egg Shops.