Drop charts

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Drop anything rate)

Ephinea's drop charts differ from those on the original Blue Burst servers. "Iconic" drops, such as Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword from Skyly icon.pngSkyly Gi Gue and Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher from Bluefull icon.pngBluefull Hildetorr, remain as they were. However, other items have been moved around or added to the drop table for accessibility or balance reasons. For example, Sword icon.pngGirasole, Tool icon.pngParasitic Gene "Flow", Gun icon.pngRambling May, and Shield icon.pngRed Ring can all be dropped from various monsters, while Unit icon.pngV501 and Unit icon.pngV502 have been outright moved from Episode 4 to Episode 2.

Drop rates[edit | edit source]

Drop anything rate[edit | edit source]

A monster's drop anything rate (DAR), or drop rate, is the chance that it drops any item at all. For example, a Booma on Normal difficulty has a DAR of 1/3.57 (28%). DAR is boosted by 25% once every four weeks and can be boosted by another 25% via Ragol Boost Road.

Various events also boost DAR, including the Anniversary event (up to 25%) and the Christmas event (extra 25% during DAR boost week). All Halloween quests also have a fixed 50% DAR boost that does not stack with other boosts.

Rare drop rate[edit | edit source]

Daily Forecast (log/update)
7 February 2025
(Not updated)
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
0% 1% 0% 1%
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
1% 3% / 2% 1% 3% / 2%
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl
0% 1% 0% 1%

A monster's rare drop rate (RDR), or rare rate, is the chance that it drops its specific rare item. For example, Dark Falz on Ultimate difficulty with a Redria icon.pngRedria section ID has an RDR of 1/186.18 (0.53763%). Certain classes can also receive an RDR boost of up to 5%, depending on their daily luck (shown on the right). RDR is also boosted by 25% once every four weeks, and can be boosted by another 25% via Ragol Boost Road.

Various events also boost RDR, including the Valentine's event (up to 20% with 4 players in a party), the Anniversary event (up to 25%), and the Christmas event (extra 25% during RDR boost week). All Halloween quests also have a fixed 50% RDR boost that does not stack with other boosts. A monster's RDR cannot be boosted above 7/8 (87.5%).

Drop charts[edit | edit source]

Note: These drop charts are incomplete, and, because they are maintained manually, subject to inaccuracy in the event of drop chart changes. The most accurate drop charts may be viewed at all times on the Ephinea homepage.

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Rag Rappy Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing Rappy's Wing
1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78 1/7281.78
Al Rappy Mind Material Mind Material Mind Material HP Material Mind Material Star Atomizer Trimate HP Material Trimate Star Atomizer
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Savage Wolf Recovery Barrier
Barbarous Wolf Scape Doll Star Atomizer Sol Atomizer Scape Doll Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Star Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/758.52 1/758.52 1/758.52 1/10402.54 1/758.52 1/758.52 1/758.52 1/758.52 1/758.52 1/758.52
Booma Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm Booma's Right Arm
1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18 1/8359.18
Gobooma Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm Gobooma's Right Arm
1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480 1/20480
Gigobooma Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Star Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5201.27 1/5.08 1/5.08 1/5.08
Hildebear Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22
Hildeblue Resist/Fire Power Material Resist/Fire General/Mind General/Legs Resist/Flame Resist/Light General/Mind Resist/Fire General/Legs
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Dragon Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Evil Shark Blue Barrier Assist Barrier Blue Barrier
1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59
Pal Shark Blue Barrier Blue Barrier
1/5688.89 1/5688.89
Guil Shark Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Monogrinder Sol Atomizer Trimate Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/11.85 1/11.85 1/2100.51 1/11.85 1/11.85 1/11.85 1/11.85 1/11.85 1/11.85 1/11.85
Poison Lily
Nar Lily General/Mind General/Mind General/Mind Dragon/HP General/Legs Angel/Mind Angel/Mind Dragon/HP Dragon/HP Angel/Mind
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Nano Dragon Sol Atomizer Trimate Trimate Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Trimate Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Trimate
1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56
Pan Arms Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98 1/1.98
Hidoom Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44
Migium Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44
Grass Assassin Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms Grass Assassin's Arms
1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46 1/10082.46
Pofuilly Slime Evade Material HP Material Def Material Evade Material HP Material Def Material Def Material Evade Material Def Material Def Material
1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60 1/1083.60
Pouilly Slime Resist/Freeze Resist/Flame Resist/Thunder Resist/Thunder Resist/Flame Resist/Light Master/Ability Resist/Thunder Resist/Thunder Resist/Light
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
De Rol Le Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Gillchic S-Parts ver2.01 S-Parts ver2.01 S-Parts ver2.01 Brionac M&A60 Vise Fire Scepter: Agni S-Parts ver2.01 S-Parts ver2.01 DB's Saber S-Parts ver2.01
1/10638.96 1/10638.96 1/10638.96 1/14628.57 1/16718.37 1/14628.57 1/10638.96 1/10638.96 1/14628.57 1/10638.96
Dubchic HP/Restorate General/Arm HP/Restorate TP/Restorate Dragon/HP TP/Restorate TP/Restorate TP/Restorate HP/Restorate TP/Restorate
1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59
Canadine Red Barrier Blue Barrier Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier
1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50 1/5516.50
Canane Trimate Monogrinder Sol Atomizer Trimate Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/5.39 1/2256.75 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39
Sinow Beat Monogrinder Scape Doll Monogrinder Monogrinder Evade Material Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder
1/744.73 1/8511.17 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73 1/744.73
Sinow Gold Sol Atomizer Star Atomizer Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate AddSlot Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/3.56 1/9.14 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/5461.33 1/3.56 1/3.56 1/3.56
Garanz Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Dragon/HP Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/11702.86 1/2.22 1/2.22 1/2.22
Vol Opt Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer
1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14 1/1.14
Dimenian Blue Barrier
La Dimenian Scape Doll Star Atomizer Scape Doll Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer Star Atomizer
1/15100.46 1/1201.17 1/15100.46 1/1201.17 1/1201.17 1/1201.17 1/1201.17 1/1201.17 1/1201.17 1/1201.17
So Dimenian Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39 1/5.39
Claw Blue Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier Red Barrier
1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59 1/6501.59
Bulk Crush Bullet Visk-235W Sacred Guard Sacred Guard Sacred Guard Fire Scepter: Agni Sacred Guard Blade Dance Sacred Guard Sacred Guard
1/31207.62 1/15603.81 1/19859.39 1/9929.70 1/9929.70 1/15603.81 1/9929.70 1/15603.81 1/9929.70 1/9929.70
Bulclaw Crush Bullet Visk-235W Sacred Guard Sacred Guard Sacred Guard Fire Scepter: Agni Sacred Guard Blade Dance Sacred Guard Sacred Guard
1/23405.71 1/11702.86 1/14894.55 1/7447.27 1/7447.27 1/11702.86 1/7447.27 1/11702.86 1/7447.27 1/7447.27
Delsaber Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm Delsaber's Right Arm
1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43 1/5851.43
Chaos Sorcerer Mind Material Evade Material Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/5.93 1/3.81 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93 1/5.93
Dark Belra Def Material Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44
Dark Gunner Invisible Guard Visk-235W Invisible Guard Brionac Invisible Guard Invisible Guard Invisible Guard S-Parts ver2.01 Invisible Guard Slicer of Assassin
1/7447.27 1/18204.44 1/7447.27 1/18204.44 1/7447.27 1/7447.27 1/7447.27 1/7447.27 1/7447.27 1/18204.44
Chaos Bringer Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Sol Atomizer Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate Trimate
1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09 1/2.09
Dark Falz

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Episode 1
Forest 1
AddSlot Amplifier of Barta Amplifier of Barta Amplifier of Barta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Foie
Forest 2
Amplifier of Barta AddSlot Amplifier of Foie Amplifier of Foie AddSlot AddSlot Amplifier of Foie AddSlot Amplifier of Foie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Barta Amplifier of Foie AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Cave 1
Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde AddSlot AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Cave 2
Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gizonde Amplifier of Gizonde Amplifier of Gizonde AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Gizonde
Cave 3
Cannon Blaster Breaker Glaive Repeater Staff Cutter Blade Cutter
1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44
Glaive Blade Blaster Pole Blade Glaive Cannon Breaker Repeater
1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44
Amplifier of Gibarta AddSlot Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gifoie AddSlot Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gifoie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/744.73 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Gifoie
Mine 1
Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag
1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78
Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Gibarta AddSlot Amplifier of Gibarta AddSlot Amplifier of Gibarta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/744.73 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Gibarta
Mine 2
Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag
1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256
Cannon Blaster Breaker Glaive Repeater Staff Cutter Blade AddSlot Cutter
1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1170.29 1/1489.45
Glaive Blade Blaster Pole Blade Glaive Cannon Breaker Repeater
1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45
AddSlot Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Rabarta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Ruins 1
Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Rafoie AddSlot Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Rafoie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/744.73 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Rafoie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Ruins 2
Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Razonde Amplifier of Razonde Amplifier of Razonde Amplifier of Yellow Amplifier of Yellow Amplifier of Yellow
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Yellow Amplifier of Razonde
1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Ruins 3
Launcher Beam Claymore Berdys Gatling Baton Sawcer Edge Amplifier of Blue Sawcer
1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1170.29 1/1260.31
Berdys Edge Beam Pillar Edge Berdys Launcher Claymore Gatling
1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31
Amplifier of Blue Amplifier of Blue Amplifier of Blue Amplifier of Blue
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Episode 2
VR Temple: Alpha
AddSlot Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde Amplifier of Zonde
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
VR Temple: Beta
Amplifier of Barta AddSlot Amplifier of Barta Amplifier of Barta AddSlot Amplifier of Barta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Barta
VR Spaceship: Alpha
Amplifier of Foie AddSlot Amplifier of Foie Amplifier of Foie Amplifier of Foie Amplifier of Foie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Foie
VR Spaceship: Beta
Amplifier of Gibarta Amplifier of Gibarta AddSlot Amplifier of Gibarta Amplifier of Gibarta AddSlot Amplifier of Gibarta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Jungle North
Cannon Blaster Breaker Glaive Repeater Staff Cutter Blade AddSlot Cutter
1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1170.29 1/1820.44
Glaive Blade Blaster Pole Blade Glaive Cannon Breaker Red Barrier Repeater
1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1170.29 1/1820.44
Red Barrier Red Barrier Amplifier of Gizonde AddSlot Amplifier of Gizonde Red Barrier Amplifier of Gizonde Red Barrier
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Red Barrier Amplifier of Gizonde Red Barrier Red Barrier
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Jungle East
Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag
1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78 1/113.78
Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gifoie Yellow Barrier Amplifier of Gifoie Yellow Barrier AddSlot Yellow Barrier AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Yellow Barrier Yellow Barrier Amplifier of Gifoie Amplifier of Gifoie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Yellow Barrier
Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag
1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256
Cannon Blaster Breaker Glaive Repeater Staff Cutter Blade AddSlot Cutter
1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1170.29 1/1489.45
Glaive Blade Blaster Pole Blade Glaive Cannon Breaker Repeater
1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45 1/1489.45
Amplifier of Razonde Amplifier of Razonde Amplifier of Razonde AddSlot Amplifier of Razonde
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Seaside & Central Control Area
Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Rabarta Amplifier of Rabarta AddSlot Amplifier of Blue AddSlot Amplifier of Rabarta
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Blue Barrier Amplifier of Blue Blue Barrier Amplifier of Rabarta Blue Barrier Amplifier of Blue Blue Barrier
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Blue Barrier Amplifier of Blue Blue Barrier
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Blue Barrier
Seabed: Upper Levels
Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Rafoie Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Rafoie
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Amplifier of Red Amplifier of Red AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Seabed: Lower Levels
Launcher Beam Claymore Berdys Gatling Baton Sawcer Edge AddSlot Sawcer
1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1170.29 1/1260.31
Berdys Edge Beam Pillar Edge Berdys Launcher Claymore Amplifier of Yellow Gatling
1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1260.31 1/1170.29 1/1260.31
Amplifier of Yellow Amplifier of Yellow
1/1170.29 1/1170.29
Episode 4
AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot AddSlot
1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29 1/1170.29

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Episode 1
Forest 1
Forest 2
Cave 1
Cave 2
Cave 3
Mine 1
Mine 2
Ruins 1
Ruins 2
Ruins 3
Episode 2
VR Temple: Alpha
VR Temple: Beta
VR Spaceship: Alpha
VR Spaceship: Beta
Jungle North
Jungle East
Seaside & Central Control Area
Seabed: Upper Levels
Seabed: Lower Levels
Episode 4
Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform Alliance Uniform
1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44 1/1820.44

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Episode 1
Forest 1
Forest 2
Cave 1
Cave 2
Cave 3
Mine 1
Mine 2
Ruins 1
Ruins 2
Ruins 3
Episode 2
VR Temple: Alpha
VR Temple: Beta
VR Spaceship: Alpha
VR Spaceship: Beta
Jungle North
Jungle East
Seaside & Central Control Area
Seabed: Upper Levels
Seabed: Lower Levels
Episode 4
Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal Photon Crystal
1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40 1/1638.40