Game mechanics/Frame data

From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst runs at 30 frames per second.

  • Combo is the frame data when this attack is not the ending step of a combo.
  • Full is the frame data when the combo ends on this attack.

Heavy and Special are the same unless explicitly marked.

Calculating a Combo

Examples using HUmar frame data:

Handgun N: N1(Full) = 27 = 27f total

Handgun NNN: N1(Combo) + N2(Combo) + N3(Full) = 14 + 11 + 19 = 44f total

Handgun NH: N1(Combo) + H2(Full) = 14 + 30 = 44f total

Male with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Saber Normal 29 13 24 10 31
Heavy 37 21 29 15 34
Sword Normal 39 17 31 15 43
Heavy 46 24 35 19 43
Daggers Normal 40 21 30 15 50
Heavy 46 27 35 20 49
Partisans Normal 39 17 30 14 33
Heavy 46 24 35 19 35
Slicers Normal 40 21 32 12 42
Heavy 47 28 37 17 43
Double Sabers Normal 39 22 27 11 51
Heavy 46 29 32 16 49
Claws Normal 27 16 22 11 37
Heavy 35 24 27 16 39
Katanas Normal 30 14 29 15 44
Heavy 38 22 33 19 44
Twin Swords Normal 37 18 34 19 51
Heavy 44 25 37 22 49
Fists Normal 26 19 26 19 35
Heavy 33 26 29 22 36
Ranged Handguns Normal 27 14 25 11 19
Heavy 34 22 30 16 25
Master Raven Normal 26
Heavy 36
Rifles Normal 29 15 25 12 20
Heavy 37 23 30 17 26
Mechguns Normal 49 12 45 10 42
Heavy 58 21 50 15 48
Shots Normal 50 25 43 21 34
Heavy 56 31 46 24 38
L&K38 Combat Normal 46
Heavy 55
Launchers Normal 46 21 41 19 36
Heavy 52 27 44 22 39
Technique Canes Normal 29 13 27 13 39
Heavy 37 21 32 18 40
Rods Normal 29 14 27 14 40
Heavy 37 22 32 19 41
Wands Normal 30 14 29 15 40
Heavy 37 21 33 19 41
Cards Normal 33 18 30 17 47
Heavy 40 25 34 21 47

Female with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Saber Normal 29 13 26 (+2) 12 (+2) 35 (+4)
Heavy 37 21 31 (+2) 17 (+2) 37 (+3)
Double Sabers Normal 35 (-4) 18 (-4) 26 (-1) 10 (-1) 45 (-6)
Heavy 42 (-4) 25 (-4) 31 (-1) 16 45 (-4)
Claws Normal 27 16 22 11 34 (-3)
Heavy 35 24 27 16 36 (-3)
Katanas Normal 30 14 29 15 41 (-3)
Heavy 38 22 33 19 42 (-2)
Fists Normal 25 (-1) 18 (-1) 23 (-3) 16 (-3) 39 (+4)
Heavy 32 (-1) 25 (-1) 27 (-2) 20 (-2) 39 (+3)
Ranged Last Swan Normal 26 14 25 12 21
Heavy 36 24 32 19 28
Technique Canes Normal 30 (+1) 14 (+1) 27 13 39
Heavy 38 (+10) 22 (+1) 32 18 40
Rods Normal 33 (+4) 18 (+4) 30 (+3) 17 (+3) 40
Heavy 40 (+3) 25 (+3) 34 (+2) 21 (+2) 41

HUcaseal with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Daggers Normal 37 (-3) 18 (-3) 29 (-1) 14 (-1) 41 (-9)
Heavy 44 (-2) 25 (-2) 33 (-2) 18 (-2) 42 (-7)
Double Sabers Normal 35 (-5) 18 (-4) 27 11 45 (-6)
Heavy 42 (-4) 25 (-4) 32 16 45 (-4)
Claws Normal 32 (+5) 21 (+5) 25 (+3) 14 (+3) 34 (-3)
Heavy 38 (+3) 27 (+3) 29 (+2) 18 (+2) 36 (-3)
Fists Normal 22 (-4) 15 (-4) 21 (-5) 14 (-5) 36 (+1)
Heavy 30 (-3) 23 (-3) 26 (-3) 19 (-3) 38 (+2)

RAmarl with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Claws Normal 32 (+5) 21 (+5) 25 (+3) 14 (+3) 34 (-3)
Heavy 38 (+3) 27 (+3) 29 (+2) 18 (+2) 36 (-3)
Ranged Handgun Normal 26 (-1) 13 (-1) 24 (-1) 10 (-1) 19
Heavy 34 21 (-1) 29 (-1) 15 (-1) 25
Last Swan Normal 26 14 25 12 21
Heavy 36 24 32 19 27 (-1)

FOmar with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Claws Normal 32 (+5) 21 (+5) 22 11 41 (+4)
Heavy 38 (+3) 27 (+3) 27 16 42 (+3)
Fists Normal 24 (-2) 17 (-2) 23 (-3) 16 (-3) 45 (+10)
Heavy 31 (-2) 24 (-2) 27 (-2) 20 (-2) 45 (+9)
Technique Rods Normal 31 (+2) 16 (+2) 27 14 40
Heavy 38 (+1) 23 (+1) 32 19 41
Wands Normal 30 14 30 (+1) 16 (+1) 42 (+2)
Heavy 37 21 34 20 42 (+1)

FOmarl with V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Sabers Normal 31 (+2) 15 (+2) 26 (+2) 12 (+2) 37 (+6)
Heavy 39 (+2) 23 (+2) 31 (+2) 17 (+2) 39 (+5)
Swords Normal 38 (-1) 16 (-1) 31 15 53 (+10)
Heavy 45 (-1) 23 (-1) 35 19 51 (+8)
Daggers Normal 42 (+2) 23 (+2) 34 (+4) 19 (+4) 53 (+3)
Heavy 48 (+2) 29 (+2) 37 (+2) 22 (+2) 51 (+2)
Partisans Normal 38 (-1) 16 (-1) 32 (+2) 16 (+2) 42 (+9)
Heavy 46 24 36 (+1) 20 (+1) 42 (+7)
Slicers Normal 39 (-1) 20 (-1) 33 (+1) 13 (+1) 38 (-4)
Heavy 45 (-2) 26 (-2) 38 (+1) 18 (+1) 40 (-3)
Double Sabers Normal 38 (-1) 21 (-1) 27 11 48 (-3)
Heavy 44 (-2) 27 (-2) 32 16 47 (-2)
Claws Normal 27 16 22 11 34 (-3)
Heavy 35 24 27 16 36 (-3)
Katanas Normal 30 14 29 15 41 (-3)
Heavy 38 22 33 19 42 (-2)
Fists Normal 24 (-2) 17 (-2) 21 (-5) 14 (-5) 33 (-2)
Heavy 31 (-2) 24 (-2) 25 (-4) 18 (-4) 35 (-1)
Ranged Handgun Normal 30 (+3) 17 (+3) 28 (+3) 14 (+3) 23 (+4)
Heavy 37 (+3) 24 (+2) 32 (+2) 18 (+2) 28 (+3)
Last Swan Normal 27 (+1) 15 (+1) 25 12 21
Heavy 36 24 32 19 28
Rifles Normal 31 (+2) 17 (+2) 28 (+3) 15 (+3) 26 (+6)
Heavy 38 (+1) 24 (+1) 32 (+2) 19 (+2) 30 (+4)
Shots Normal 43 (-7) 18 (-7) 32 (-11) 10 (-11) 27 (-13)
Heavy 50 (-6) 25 (-6) 37 (-9) 15 (-9) 32 (-6)
L&K38 Combat Normal 45 (-1)
Heavy 54 (-1)
Technique Canes Normal 29 13 27 13 39
Heavy 37 21 32 18 40
Rods Normal 31 (+2) 16 (+2) 27 14 36 (-4)
Heavy 38 (+1) 23 (+1) 32 19 38 (-3)
Wands Normal 30 14 30 (+1) 16 (+1) 40
Heavy 37 21 34 (+1) 20 (+1) 41

Male without V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Sabers Normal 32 16 28 14 40
Heavy 40 24 32 18 41
Swords Normal 44 22 37 21 56
Heavy 50 28 40 24 54
Daggers Normal 46 27 36 21 66
Heavy 52 33 39 24 62
Partisans Normal 45 23 35 19 42
Heavy 51 29 39 23 43
Ranged Handguns Normal 31 18 28 14 23
Heavy 38 25 33 19 27
Mechguns Normal 53 16 48 13 45
Heavy 60 23 53 18 50

Female without V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Sabers Normal 32 16 30 (+2) 16 (+2) 46 (+6)
Heavy 40 24 34 (+2) 20 (+2) 45 (+4)

HUcaseal without V101

Category Weapon Attack Combo Step 1 Combo Step 2 Combo Step 3
Full Combo Full Combo Full
Melee Daggers Normal 43 (-3) 24 (-3) 34 (-2) 19 (-2) 53 (-13)
Heavy 48 (-4) 29 (-4) 37 (-2) 22 (-2) 52 (-10)



Casting Speed refers to the entire technique casting animation from start to finish. Casting speed is composed of four animations: Startup -> Charge time -> Cast time -> Endlag

  1. Startup is the first movement your character does when you begin to cast a technique, and it is always 6 frames;
  2. Charge time is a stationary animation after startup that is accompanied by particle effects, and ranges from 0 frames (absent) to 15 frames;
  3. Cast time is the time from the end of the charge animation to when TP is deducted and the technique's effect happens;
  4. Endlag is the amount of time after the technique is cast that the player cannot move or perform any actions.

Casting speed varies between techniques, classes, and even specific weapons. Techniques in any context reach their maximum casting speed at or before Lv16.

Time-to-Cast, or TTC, is a combination of startup, charge time, and cast time. This is used for efficiency as there is no practical difference between these animations in-game (i.e. an interrupted technique will have the same effect regardless of which of these three animations was active).

Casting Speed Tables

Format follows XXyy, where XX is the total Casting speed of the technique, while yy is the time to cast. The fastest casting speed for any given technique on a table is shown in yellow. There are 9 distinct casting speed sets. They are listed in order from fastest to slowest.

6 frames (male, unarmed, V801):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3212 2712
Zonde.pngZonde 3212 2712
Barta.pngBarta 3212 2712
Gifoie.pngGifoie 5712
Gizonde.pngGizonde 3712 3212 2712 2212
Gibarta.pngGibarta 5712 5212 4712 4212
Rafoie.pngRafoie 4616 4015 3914 3813 3712 3212 2712
Razonde.pngRazonde 4616 4015 3914 3813 3712 3212 2712
Rabarta.pngRabarta 4616 4015 3914 3813 3712 3212 2712
Grants.pngGrants 5717 5116 5015 4914 4313 4212 3712
Megid.pngMegid 5717 5116 5015 4914 4313 4212 3712
Resta.pngResta 3712 3212 2712 2212
Anti.pngAnti 3712 3212 -
Reverser.pngReverser 4914 -
Shifta.pngShifta 4712 4212 3712 3212
Deband.pngDeband 4712 4212 3712 3212
Jellen.pngJellen 3212 2712
Zalure.pngZalure 3212 2712
Ryuker.pngRyuker 4621 -
8 Frames (male, unarmed):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3414 2914
Zonde.pngZonde 3414 2914
Barta.pngBarta 3414 2914
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6116 6015 5914
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4116 3515 3414 2914 2414
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6116 5515 5414 4914 4414
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5222 4621 4520 4419 4318 4217 3616 3515 3414 2914
Razonde.pngRazonde 5222 4621 4520 4419 4318 4217 3616 3515 3414 2914
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5222 4621 4520 4419 4318 4217 3616 3515 3414 2914
Grants.pngGrants 6424 5823 5722 5621 5520 5419 4818 4717 4616 4515 4414 3914
Megid.pngMegid 6424 5823 5722 5621 5520 5419 4818 4717 4616 4515 4414 3914
Resta.pngResta 4116 3515 3414 2914 2414
Anti.pngAnti 4116 3515 3414 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5419 -
Shifta.pngShifta 4914 4414 3914 3414
Deband.pngDeband 4914 4414 3914 3414
Jellen.pngJellen 3414 2914
Zalure.pngZalure 3414 2914
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5429 -
9 frames (any class, armed, V801 & FOmarl, unarmed, V801):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3515 3015
Zonde.pngZonde 3515 3015
Barta.pngBarta 3515 3015
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6015
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4015 3515 3015 2515
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6015 5515 5015 4515
Rafoie.pngRafoie 4919 4318 4217 4116 4015 3515 3015
Razonde.pngRazonde 4919 4318 4217 4116 4015 3515 3015
Rabarta.pngRabarta 4919 4318 4217 4116 4015 3515 3015
Grants.pngGrants 6020 5419 5318 5217 4616 4515 4015
Megid.pngMegid 6020 5419 5318 5217 4616 4515 4015
Resta.pngResta 4015 3515 3015 2515
Anti.pngAnti 4015 3515 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5217 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5015 4515 4015 3515
Deband.pngDeband 5015 4515 4015 3515
Jellen.pngJellen 3515 3015
Zalure.pngZalure 3515 3015
Ryuker.pngRyuker 4924 -
10 frames (FOmar, Rod, V801):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3616 3116
Zonde.pngZonde 3616 3116
Barta.pngBarta 3616 3116
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6116
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4116 3616 3116 2616
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6116 5616 5116 4616
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5020 4419 4318 4217 4116 3616 3116
Razonde.pngRazonde 5020 4419 4318 4217 4116 3616 3116
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5020 4419 4318 4217 4116 3616 3116
Grants.pngGrants 6121 5520 5419 5318 4717 4616 4116
Megid.pngMegid 6121 5520 5419 5318 4717 4616 4116
Resta.pngResta 4116 3616 3116 2616
Anti.pngAnti 4116 3616 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5318 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5116 4616 4116 3616
Deband.pngDeband 5116 4616 4116 3616
Jellen.pngJellen 3616 3116
Zalure.pngZalure 3616 3116
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5025 -
11 frames (female, unarmed, V801 (excl. FOmarl)):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3717 3217
Zonde.pngZonde 3717 3217
Barta.pngBarta 3717 3217
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6217
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4217 3717 3217 2717
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6217 5717 5217 4717
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5121 4520 4419 4318 4217 3717 3217
Razonde.pngRazonde 5121 4520 4419 4318 4217 3717 3217
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5121 4520 4419 4318 4217 3717 3217
Grants.pngGrants 6222 5621 5520 5419 4818 4717 4217
Megid.pngMegid 6222 5621 5520 5419 4818 4717 4217
Resta.pngResta 4217 3717 3217 2717
Anti.pngAnti 4217 3717 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5419 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5217 4717 4217 3717
Deband.pngDeband 5217 4717 4217 3717
Jellen.pngJellen 3717 3217
Zalure.pngZalure 3717 3217
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5126 -
11 frames (FOmarl, Card):
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3717 3217
Zonde.pngZonde 3717 3217
Barta.pngBarta 3717 3217
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6419 6318 6217
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4419 3818 3717 3217 2717
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6419 5818 5717 5217 4717
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5525 4924 4823 4722 4621 4520 3919 3818 3717 3217
Razonde.pngRazonde 5525 4924 4823 4722 4621 4520 3919 3818 3717 3217
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5525 4924 4823 4722 4621 4520 3919 3818 3717 3217
Grants.pngGrants 6727 6126 6025 5924 5823 5722 5121 5020 4919 4818 4717 4217
Megid.pngMegid 6727 6126 6025 5924 5823 5722 5121 5020 4919 4818 4717 4217
Resta.pngResta 4419 3818 3717 3217 2717
Anti.pngAnti 4419 3818 3717 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5722 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5217 4717 4217 3717
Deband.pngDeband 5217 4717 4217 3717
Jellen.pngJellen 3717 3217
Zalure.pngZalure 3717 3217
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5732 -
12 frames (any class, armed & FOmarl, unarmed)
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3818 3318
Zonde.pngZonde 3818 3318
Barta.pngBarta 3818 3318
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6520 6419 6318
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4520 3919 3818 3318 2818
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6520 5919 5818 5318 4818
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5626 5025 4924 4823 4722 4621 4020 3919 3818 3318
Razonde.pngRazonde 5626 5025 4924 4823 4722 4621 4020 3919 3818 3318
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5626 5025 4924 4823 4722 4621 4020 3919 3818 3318
Grants.pngGrants 6828 6227 6126 6025 5924 5823 5222 5121 5020 4919 4818 4318
Megid.pngMegid 6828 6227 6126 6025 5924 5823 5222 5121 5020 4919 4818 4318
Resta.pngResta 4520 3919 3818 3318 2818
Anti.pngAnti 4520 3919 3818 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5823 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5318 4818 4318 3818
Deband.pngDeband 5318 4818 4318 3818
Jellen.pngJellen 3818 3318
Zalure.pngZalure 3818 3318
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5833 -
13 frames (FOmar, Rod)
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 3919 3419
Zonde.pngZonde 3919 3419
Barta.pngBarta 3919 3419
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6621 6520 6419
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4621 4020 3919 3419 2919
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6621 6020 5919 5419 4919
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5727 5126 5025 4924 4823 4722 4121 4020 3919 3419
Razonde.pngRazonde 5727 5126 5025 4924 4823 4722 4121 4020 3919 3419
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5727 5126 5025 4924 4823 4722 4121 4020 3919 3419
Grants.pngGrants 6929 6328 6227 6126 6025 5924 5323 5222 5121 5020 4919 4419
Megid.pngMegid 6929 6328 6227 6126 6025 5924 5323 5222 5121 5020 4919 4419
Resta.pngResta 4621 4020 3919 3419 2919
Anti.pngAnti 4621 4020 3919 -
Reverser.pngReverser 5924 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5419 4919 4419 3919
Deband.pngDeband 5419 4919 4419 3919
Jellen.pngJellen 3919 3419
Zalure.pngZalure 3919 3419
Ryuker.pngRyuker 5934 -
15 frames (female, unarmed (excl. FOmarl))
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 4121 3621
Zonde.pngZonde 4121 3621
Barta.pngBarta 4121 3621
Gifoie.pngGifoie 6823 6722 6621
Gizonde.pngGizonde 4823 4222 4121 3621 3121
Gibarta.pngGibarta 6823 6222 6121 5621 5121
Rafoie.pngRafoie 5929 5328 5227 5126 5025 4924 4323 4222 4121 3621
Razonde.pngRazonde 5929 5328 5227 5126 5025 4924 4323 4222 4121 3621
Rabarta.pngRabarta 5929 5328 5227 5126 5025 4924 4323 4222 4121 3621
Grants.pngGrants 7131 6530 6429 6328 6227 6126 5525 5424 5323 5222 5121 4621
Megid.pngMegid 7131 6530 6429 6328 6227 6126 5525 5424 5323 5222 5121 4621
Resta.pngResta 4823 4222 4121 3621 3121
Anti.pngAnti 4823 4222 4121 -
Reverser.pngReverser 6126 -
Shifta.pngShifta 5621 5121 4621 4121
Deband.pngDeband 5621 5121 4621 4121
Jellen.pngJellen 4121 3621
Zalure.pngZalure 4121 3621
Ryuker.pngRyuker 6136 -

Endlag Table

Each technique disk has a set amount of endlag. Endlag decreases in increments of 5, and decreases in endlag for a given technique can happen at Lv. 6, Lv. 11, and/or Lv16 depending on the technique.

Minimum endlag for a technique is shown in yellow.

Technique Endlag
Lv. 1-5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10 Lv. 11 Lv. 12 Lv. 13 Lv. 14 Lv. 15 Lv. 16+
Foie.pngFoie 20 15
Zonde.pngZonde 20 15
Barta.pngBarta 20 15
Gifoie.pngGifoie 45
Gizonde.pngGizonde 25 20 15 10
Gibarta.pngGibarta 45 40 35 30
Rafoie.pngRafoie 30 25 20 15
Razonde.pngRazonde 30 25 20 15
Rabarta.pngRabarta 30 25 20 15
Grants.pngGrants 40 35 30 25
Megid.pngMegid 40 35 30 25
Resta.pngResta 25 20 15 10
Anti.pngAnti 25 20
Reverser.pngReverser 35
Shifta.pngShifta 35 30 25 20
Deband.pngDeband 35 30 25 20
Jellen.pngJellen 20 15
Zalure.pngZalure 20 15
Ryuker.pngRyuker 25



Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Min Frames Max Frames
Male 40% N1 11 13 29
N2 10 10 24
N3 8 31 31
H1 20 21 37
H2 15 15 29
H3 14 34 34

Double Saber

Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Earliest Cancel Total Frames
N1 16,19 22 39
N2 8 11 27
N3 9,17,22 - 51
H1 23,26 29 46
H2 14 16 32
H3 14,21,25 - 49
N1 21,25 30 47
N2 11 15 31
N3 11,23,31 - 67
H1 27,31 35 52
H2 16 20 36
H3 17,26,32 - 63
N1 13,16 18 35
N2 7 10 26
N3 8,15,20 - 45
H1 21,23 25 42
H2 13 15 31
H3 13,19,23 - 45
N1 17,21 24 41
N2 10 13 29
N3 10,20,27 - 59
H1 24,27 30 47
H2 15 18 34
H3 15,23,29 - 56
N1 18 35
N2 11 27
N3 - 45
H1 25 42
H2 16 32
H3 - 45
N3 -
H3 -
N1 21 38
N2 11 27
N3 - 48
H1 27 44
H2 16 32
H3 - 47
N3 -
H3 -


Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Earliest Cancel Total Frames
N1 11 17 39
N2 11 15 31
N3 11 - 43
H1 20 24 46
H2 16 19 35
H3 16 - 43
N1 14 22 44
N2 15 21 37
N3 15 - 56
H1 22 28 50
H2 19 24 40
H3 19 - 54
N1 16 38
N2 15 31
N3 - 53
H1 23 45
H2 19 35
H3 - 51
N3 -
H3 -


Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Earliest Cancel Total Frames
Male 40% N1 14 39
N2 11 30
N3 9 33
H1 22 46
H2 16 35
H3 15 35


Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Earliest Cancel Total Frames
N1 5 14 27
N2 3 11 25
N3 3 - 19
H1 15 22 35
H2 10 16 30
H3 10 - 25
N1 6 18 31
N2 4 14 28
N3 3 - 23
H1 15 25 38
H2 10 19 33
H3 10 - 27
N3 -
H3 -
N3 -
H3 -
N3 -
H3 -
N3 -
H3 -


Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Earliest Cancel Total Frames
N1 5,8,11 12 (earliest input on 11) 49
N2 3,6,9 10 45
N3 3,5,8 - 42
H1 15,17,20 21 58
H2 10,12,14 15 50
H3 10,12,14 - 48
N1 6,10,15 16 53
N2 4,8,12 13 48
N3 3,7,11 - 45
H1 15,19,22 23 60
H2 10,13,17 18 53
H3 10,13,16 - 50
N3 -
H3 -
N3 -
H3 -

L&K38 Combat

Animation Speed Attack Attack comes out on Total Frames
N1 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 46
H1 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 55
N1 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 / 23 48
H1 20 / 23 / 26 / 29 / 32 57

Photon Blast

Startup for the first player is 61 frames. Players chaining will join the first player for however many startup frames were left.

Twins is 255 frames, all other PBs are 254. Two PB chains are 404 frames.

HP Drain

Weapon Frames
Sword icon.pngDouble Cannon 25
Sword icon.pngGirasole 25
Sword icon.pngLavis Blade (first drain) 20
Sword icon.pngLavis Blade (second drain) 27
Sword icon.pngLavis Cannon 21
Cane icon.pngGal Wind 23
Sword icon.pngOrotiagito 22
Cane icon.pngPsycho Wand (any spell) 15
Sword icon.pngRaikiri 22
Sword icon.pngSoul Banish 23+1*
* Soul Banish drains on frame 23, but adds one additional frame to the collapse animation

Total time to revive with a Tool icon.pngScape Doll:

(time to drain) + 7f (collapsing) + 119f (dead) + 70f (reviving) + 1f (standing but cannot act)

Example: With Lavis Blade, it would be: 20+7+119+70+1 = 217f total, or 7.23 seconds for a full retrap.

Block Recoil

Blocking damage (EVP or DFP block) leaves the character in recoil for 8 frames.