
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Disk icon.pngGrants
A light technique.
Strikes 1 enemy with countless arrows of light.
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30 30 30 30

Grants.pngGrants is a hard attack technique that deals light damage. It charges a powerful burst of light that damages a single enemy.

It boasts both the highest base power and the longest casting animation of any technique in the game, as well as very long range. Grants.pngGrants is an effective tool for damaging highly mobile enemies; once Grants.pngGrants is cast, its target cannot avoid being damaged by it without relying on invincibility frames from another attack.

However, in terms of damage over time and TP efficiency, it is outclassed by the simple techniques in most cases. However, with the right equipment to boost its effectiveness, Grants.pngGrants can be a very potent technique.

Damage formula

All techniques that deal damage can have that damage calculated with this formula:

  • Damage = round(((TechPower + MST) * 0.2 * (1 + Boosts) * (100 - Resistance) / 100), 1)

Technique boosts


Class Technique(s) Boost
FOmar Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png Grants.png +30% damage
Shifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOmarl Grants.png +50% damage
Resta.pngAnti.pngShifta.pngDeband.png +100% range


The following items, when equipped, will increase Grants.pngGrants's damage.

Level progression

Grants.pngGrants's statistics improve when its level increases, but the MST required to learn it and TP required to cast it increase as well.


Level 30

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Source Drop Rate
All Ultimate Ruins 3 Dark Bringer 1/340,909
Bulclaw, Indi Belra, Dark Gunner 1/666,667
Merlan, Del-D, Gran Sorcerer, Bulk 1/857,143
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/1,000,000
Seabed Lower Levels, Control Tower Delbiter, Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/375,000
Morfos, Deldepth, Ill Gill 1/750,000
Dolmdarl, Sinow Zele, Recobox, Del Lily 1/857,143
Dolmolm, Sinow Zoa, Epsilon, Item box 1/1,000,000
Recon 1/3,000,000
Subterranean Desert 3 Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Merissa AA 1/300,000
Girtablulu, Zu 1/375,000
Yowie 1/666,667
Pyro Goran, Goran Detonator 1/857,143
Satellite Lizard, Goran, Item box 1/1,000,000
Merissa A 1/1,111,111