
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Disk icon.pngGifoie
A fire technique.
Ring of fire burns any nearby enemies.
15 20 ××
15 20 ××
30 30 30 30

Gifoie.pngGifoie is a normal attack technique that deals fire damage. It creates a ring of fireballs that circles rapidly around the area it was cast for a short time.

The area covered by, and the duration of, the fireballs increases with tech level. Enemies that enter the constantly growing area of effect, indicated by the current position of the fireballs, are immediately damaged by Gifoie.pngGifoie regardless of where the fireballs currently are. For example, new enemies could spawn in the center of Gifoie.pngGifoie's area of effect and be instantly damaged, despite the fireballs being nowhere near them.

Gifoie.pngGifoie does not necessarily have a target limit. Casting the technique does not require any targets, and the game will track which entities were hit by the Gifoie.pngGifoie cast to avoid damaging them each frame. The game allocates space to track only 32 entities per Gifoie.pngGifoie cast. Once Gifoie.pngGifoie fills this storage, any additional entities hit by the technique will be hit every frame until the technique is finished.

Although higher levels of Gifoie.pngGifoie visually create more fireballs, enemies are damaged once by each cast of Gifoie.pngGifoie, excluding the limitation listed above.


  • Extremely useful. Can be used to suppress huge areas at higher levels and stack up damage for approaching or yet-to-spawn enemies
  • Can interrupt mob attacks (e.g. Dorphon/Delbiter charges, Zu dives, etc.), though Razonde.pngRazonde is faster to cast


  • Overuse can create problems when fighting mobs that react to damage, such as Sinow Berill and Gi Gue
  • Has one of the longest casting times of any technique in the game, though this can be partially mitigated by Unit icon.pngV801

Damage formula

All techniques that deal damage can have that damage calculated with this formula:

  • Damage = round(((TechPower + MST) * 0.2 * (1 + Boosts) * (100 - Resistance) / 100), 1)

Technique boosts


Class Technique(s) Boost
FOmar Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png Grants.png +30% damage
Shifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOnewm Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png +30% damage


The following items, when equipped, will increase Gifoie.pngGifoie's damage.

Level progression

Gifoie.pngGifoie's statistics improve when its level increases, but the MST required to learn it and TP required to cast it increase as well.


Level 30

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Source Drop Rate
All Ultimate Ruins 1 Bulclaw, Delsaber, Indi Belra 1/666,667
Merlan, Del-D, Gran Sorcerer, Bulk 1/857,143
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/1,000,000
VR Temple Beta El Rappy, Love Rappy, Mil Lily, Hildetorr 1/300,000
Hildelt 1/375,000
Crimson Assassin 1/750,000
Indi Belra 1/857,143
Merlan 1/967,742
Arlan, Del-D, Ob Lily, Item box 1/1,000,000
Mothvert 1/1,500,000