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Disk icon.pngTechniques (commonly referred to as "techs" or "spells") are unique abilities that can only be used by human and newman characters. As with Hunters and melee weapons, and Rangers and ranged weapons, techniques are considered to be the primary attacking method for Forces.

Unlike regular attacks, technique damage is based on a character's MST, and is reduced by a target's resistances rather than their DFP. Techniques also ignore EVP, as they cannot miss unless they fail to make contact with their target. Techniques cannot deal critical hits. There are also a variety of support techniques that can heal or revive allies, raise or lower ATP and DFP, cure status effects, or even create a Telepipe to Pioneer 2.

Techniques can be learned from technique "disks" (not to be confused with music disks), which may be obtained via purchasing them from the Tools Shop on Pioneer 2, or by finding them on Ragol. To learn a technique from a disk, a character must have a base MST that meets or exceeds the required MST determined by the disk. Techniques require MST to learn and cost TP to cast, which prevents androids from using them. The amount of MST and TP required to learn and cast a technique depends on the type of techique as well as its level.

The highest level for most techniques is 30; however, non-Force classes are restricted to a maximum of 15 or 20 (in the case of Anti.pngAnti, the highest level is 7, with some classes being restricted to level 5).

Techniques improve as higher technique levels are learned. The effect is most promiminent for attack techniques, which benefit from increases in damage, cast speed, targeting range, area of effect, and enhanced visual effects. Non-damaging techniques, such as Resta.pngResta, will improve in cast speed, range, and effectiveness. Support techniques, such as Shifta.pngShifta, will also improve in duration.

Techniques can be further improved by boosts found on each of the specific Force classes, with similar boosts also being found on various equipment. The only techniques that are not boosted by at least one of the Force classes are Jellen.pngJellen and Zalure.pngZalure. There are no boosts to Reverser.pngReverser or Ryuker.pngRyuker.

List of techniques

Attack techniques

Attack techniques deal a fixed amount of base damage which scales up based on multiple factors. These techniques are classified into three categories based on their power and function: Simple, Normal, and Hard.

Attack techniques are affected by the target's resistance to the technique's damage type, rather than by the target's DFP. A target's EVP stat will not allow a technique to be dodged, nor will the caster's LCK stat allow a technique to deal a critical hit.

Simple techniques

Simple techniques (sometimes called "Si" techniques) are the easiest to learn, cost the least amount of TP, and are capable of dealing high single-target damage.

Icon Name Description
Foie.png Foie A fire technique. Burns a single enemy with a ball of fire.
Zonde.png Zonde A lightning technique. Strikes a single enemy from above with lightning.
Barta.png Barta An ice technique. A penetrating linear ice attack.

Normal techniques

Normal techniques (sometimes called "Gi" techniques, for the prefix) are capable of striking multiple targets, but cost more TP to cast.

Icon Name Description
Gifoie.png Gifoie A fire technique. Ring of fire burns any nearby enemies.
Gizonde.png Gizonde A lightning technique. Strikes enemies in a chain reaction.
Gibarta.png Gibarta An ice technique. Freezes enemies with ice projectiles.

Hard techniques

Hard techniques (sometimes called "Ra" techniques, for the prefix, though this can exclude Grants and Megid) have the highest MST requirements and TP costs of all techniques. These cover the three standard elements, but also include Grants.pngGrants and Megid.pngMegid, which are the only available light- and dark-element techniques, respectively. Hard techniques are characterized by their high area-of-effect damage, while Grants and Megid offer situationally powerful single-target options.

Icon Name Description
Rafoie.png Rafoie A fire technique. Large fiery explosion burns all nearby enemies.
Razonde.png Razonde A lightning technique. Strikes all surrounding enemies.
Rabarta.png Rabarta An ice technique. Launches arrows of ice to freeze nearby enemies.
Grants.png Grants A light technique. Strikes 1 enemy with countless arrows of light.
Megid.png Megid A dark technique. Strikes an enemy with a Curse of Death.

Recovery techniques

Recovery techniques heal the user and/or their target, either by recovering HP, curing status effects, or reviving fallen teammates.

Icon Name Description
Resta.png Resta HP restoration technique. Helps nearby teammates at higher levels (Lv. 3+).
Anti.png Anti Status restoration technique. Helps nearby teammates at higher levels (Lv. 2+).
Reverser.png Reverser A revival technique. Revives 1 fallen teammate back to life.

Support techniques

Support techniques allow a user to raise their allies' ATP and DFP, reduce their enemies' ATP and DFP, and return to Pioneer 2 if needed.

Icon Name Description
Shifta.png Shifta Attack-enhancing technique. Also helps teammates at higher levels (Lv. 3+).
Deband.png Deband A defensive boost technique. Helps teammates as well, at higher levels (Lv. 3+).
Jellen.png Jellen Attack-weakening technique. Can affect enemies near the target (Lv. 3+).
Zalure.png Zalure Defense-weakening technique. Can affect enemies near the target (Lv. 3+).
Ryuker.png Ryuker Opens a teleport gate to the city until the creator returns through it.

Technique levels

As mentioned previously, different classes have different maximum levels they can learn for Techniques. The table below shows the maximum level of techniques for each class. Simple, normal, and hard attack techniques are grouped together, with Grants.pngGrants and Megid.pngMegid listed separately from the other hard attack techniques.

A dash ("-") represents that the class cannot learn the respective Technique(s), while Ryuker.pngRyuker and Reverser.pngReverser, which only have a single level, are indicated with "Yes."

Techniques Maximum Level
HUmar HUnewearl RAmar RAmarl Forces
Attack Barta.pngSimple 15 20 15 20 30
- 30
Recovery Resta.pngResta 15 20 15 20 30
Anti.pngAnti 5 7 5 7 7
Reverser.pngReverser - Yes
Support Shifta.pngShifta
- 20 15 20 30
15 20 - 20 30
Ryuker.pngRyuker Yes

Technique boosts

Certain boosts will be applied to techniques depending on the type of Force casting the technique, or if certain items are equipped at the time of casting.

  • Attack techniques will have their damage boosted by a fixed percentage.
    • Megid.pngMegid is the exception to this, and instead gains the ability to pierce enemies.
  • Recovery and Support techniques will have their range boosted.

If multiple boosts apply, the percentage boosts are applied additively, meaning every applicable percentage bonus is added together before multiplying the damage by the final result. For example, if a character is benefitting from two +30% damage boosts to Foie.pngFoie (e.g. a FOnewearl with an equipped Shield icon.pngFoie Merge), Foie's damage will be boosted by +60%. Multiple boosts to Megid will not have any further effect.

Class-based boosts

Each of the Forces receive their own boosts to specific techniques, which are as follows:

Class Technique(s) Boost
FOmar Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png Grants.png +30% damage
Shifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOmarl Grants.png +50% damage
Resta.pngAnti.pngShifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOnewm Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png +30% damage
FOnewearl Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +30% damage
Megid.png Pierces
Resta.pngAnti.png +100% range

Equipment-based boosts

The following equipment will boost specific techniques, depending on the individual item, while equipped.

For techniques with effects that occur instantly (e.g. Shifta.pngShifta, Deband.pngDeband), the equipment must be equipped at the time of cast. For techniques with a travel time (e.g. Barta.pngBarta), it is possible to cast the technique without the item equipped, and still receive the boost by equipping the item before the technique strikes its target.

  • This is especially notable for the technique Gifoie.pngGifoie, which can be cast multiple times before it expands outward enough to strike any targets (potentially faster if cast on a male character without a weapon equipped), and still receive the boost by quickly equipping a weapon such as Cane icon.pngFire Scepter: Agni or Cane icon.pngMagical Piece before targets take damage.


Item Name Technique(s) Boost
Cane icon.pngClub of Laconium Foie.png +40%
Cane icon.pngHildebear's Cane Foie.png +30%
Cane icon.pngMace of Adaman Barta.png +40%
Cane icon.pngHildeblue's Cane Barta.png +30%
Cane icon.pngClub of Zumiuran Zonde.png +40%
Cane icon.pngThe Sigh of a God Zonde.png +30%
Cane icon.pngSiren Glass Hammer Gibarta.png +50%
Cane icon.pngCaduceus Grants.png +20%
Cane icon.pngMercurius Rod Grants.png +30%
Cane icon.pngDemonic Fork Megid.png Pierces
Cane icon.pngDark Bridge Grants.pngMegid.png +20%; Pierces
Cane icon.pngClio Grants.pngZalure.png +10%; Range +100%
Cane icon.pngFire Scepter: Agni Foie.pngGifoie.pngRafoie.png +20%
Cane icon.pngIce Staff: Dagon Barta.pngGibarta.pngRabarta.png +20%
Cane icon.pngStorm Wand: Indra Zonde.pngGizonde.pngRazonde.png +20%
Cane icon.pngSummit Moon Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +30%
Cane icon.pngTwinkle Star Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +20%
Sword icon.pngNei's Claw Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +20%
Cane icon.pngMagical Piece Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png +30%
Cane icon.pngSorcerer's Cane Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png +20%
Sword icon.pngRika's Claw Gifoie.pngGibarta.pngGizonde.png +20%
Cane icon.pngPsycho Wand Rafoie.pngRabarta.pngRazonde.png +30%
Cane icon.pngProphets of Motav Rafoie.pngRabarta.pngRazonde.png +20%
Cane icon.pngSolferino Resta.png Range +30%
Cane icon.pngMarina's Bag Resta.pngAnti.png Range +100%
Sword icon.pngMadam's Parasol Resta.pngAnti.png Range +100%
Sword icon.pngMadam's Umbrella Shifta.pngDeband.png Range +100%
Cane icon.pngStriker of Chao Shifta.pngDeband.png Range +100%
Cane icon.pngGlide Divine Jellen.pngZalure.png Range +100%
Sword icon.pngTyrell's Parasol Resta.pngShifta.pngDeband.png Range +100%


Item Name Technique(s) Boost
Frame icon.pngIgnition Cloak Foie.pngGifoie.pngRafoie.png +10%
Frame icon.pngTempest Cloak Zonde.pngGizonde.pngRazonde.png +10%
Frame icon.pngCongeal Cloak Barta.pngGibarta.pngRabarta.png +10%
Frame icon.pngMother Garb Grants.png +10% (20% chance to activate)
Frame icon.pngMother Garb+ Grants.png +30% (33.3% chance to activate)
Frame icon.pngSelect Cloak Grants.png +10%
Frame icon.pngCursed Cloak Megid.png Pierces
Frame icon.pngDirty Lifejacket Megid.png Pierces


Item Name Technique(s) Boost
Shield icon.pngFoie Merge Foie.png +30%
Shield icon.pngGifoie Merge Gifoie.png +30%
Shield icon.pngRafoie Merge Rafoie.png +30%
Shield icon.pngZonde Merge Zonde.png +30%
Shield icon.pngGizonde Merge Gizonde.png +30%
Shield icon.pngRazonde Merge Razonde.png +30%
Shield icon.pngThree Seals Razonde.png +30%
Shield icon.pngBarta Merge Barta.png +30%
Shield icon.pngGibarta Merge Gibarta.png +30%
Shield icon.pngRabarta Merge Rabarta.png +30%
Shield icon.pngBlack Gauntlets* Megid.png Pierces
Shield icon.pngRed Merge Foie.pngGifoie.pngRafoie.png +20%
Shield icon.pngYellow Merge Zonde.pngGizonde.pngRazonde.png +20%
Shield icon.pngBlue Merge Barta.pngGibarta.pngRabarta.png +20%
Shield icon.pngResta Merge Resta.png +100% Range
Shield icon.pngAnti Merge Anti.png +100% Range
Shield icon.pngShifta Merge Shifta.png +100% Range
Shield icon.pngRupika Shifta.png +100% Range
Shield icon.pngDeband Merge Deband.png +100% Range
*Note: Not obtainable on Ephinea.

Technical data

Base power values

Technique levels past 15 use a different set of base power and power scaling values.

Tech Base Power
(Levels 1-15)
Base Power
(Levels 16-30)
Power Growth
(Levels 2-15)
Power Growth
(Levels 16-30)
Maximum Targets
Foie.pngFoie 110 -85 50 65 1
Gifoie.pngGifoie 260 30 26 42 10
Rafoie.pngRafoie 350 370 22 21 10
Barta.pngBarta 50 -125 50 63 10
Gibarta.pngGibarta 230 0 24 40 10
Rabarta.pngRabarta 400 470 19 15 10
Zonde.pngZonde 80 5 50 55 1
Gizonde.pngGizonde 200 -30 22 38 5
Razonde.pngRazonde 450 550 16 9 10
Grants.pngGrants 1180 1400 75 60 1
Megid.pngMegid 27 42 3 2 1
Resta.pngResta 50 50 5 5 10

The growth in technique power per technique level can be calculated using this formula:

  • Tech Base Power + (Tech Growth * Tech Level-1)

Technique power table

Technique power at each level can be calculated with this table.

Tech Level Foie.pngFoie Gifoie.pngGifoie Rafoie.pngRafoie Barta.pngBarta Gibarta.pngGibarta Rabarta.pngRabarta Zonde.pngZonde Gizonde.pngGizonde Razonde.pngRazonde Grants.pngGrants Megid.pngMegid Resta.pngResta
1 110 260 350 50 230 400 80 200 450 1180 27 50
2 160 286 372 100 254 419 130 222 466 1255 30 55
3 210 312 394 150 278 438 180 244 482 1330 33 60
4 260 338 416 200 302 457 230 266 498 1405 36 65
5 310 364 438 250 326 476 280 288 514 1480 39 70
6 360 390 460 300 350 495 330 310 530 1555 42 75
7 410 416 482 350 374 514 380 332 546 1630 45 80
8 460 442 504 400 398 533 430 354 562 1705 48 85
9 510 468 526 450 422 552 480 376 578 1780 51 90
10 560 494 548 500 446 571 530 398 594 1855 54 95
11 610 520 570 550 470 590 580 420 610 1930 57 100
12 660 546 592 600 494 609 630 442 626 2005 60 105
13 710 572 614 650 518 628 680 464 642 2080 63 110
14 760 598 636 700 542 647 730 486 658 2155 66 115
15 810 624 658 750 566 666 780 508 674 2230 69 120
16 890 660 685 820 600 695 830 540 685 2300 72 125
17 955 702 706 883 640 710 885 578 694 2360 74 130
18 1020 744 727 946 680 725 940 616 703 2420 76 135
19 1085 786 748 1009 720 740 995 654 712 2480 78 140
20 1150 828 769 1072 760 755 1050 692 721 2540 80 145
21 1215 870 790 1135 800 770 1105 730 730 2600 82 150
22 1280 912 811 1198 840 785 1160 768 739 2660 84 155
23 1345 954 832 1261 880 800 1215 806 748 2720 86 160
24 1410 996 853 1324 920 815 1270 844 757 2780 88 165
25 1475 1038 874 1387 960 830 1325 882 766 2840 90 170
26 1540 1080 895 1450 1000 845 1380 920 775 2900 92 175
27 1605 1122 916 1513 1040 860 1435 958 784 2960 94 180
28 1670 1164 937 1576 1080 875 1490 996 793 3020 96 185
29 1735 1206 958 1639 1120 890 1545 1034 802 3080 98 190
30 1800 1248 979 1702 1160 905 1600 1072 811 3140 100 195

Damage formula

Techniques that deal damage can have that damage calculated with this formula:

  • Damage = round(((TechPower + MST) * 0.2 * (1 + Boosts) * (100 - Resistance) / 100), 1)

Healing formula

The amount of HP restored by Resta.pngResta can be calculated with this formula:

  • HP Restored = Tech Power + (MST/2)

Megid formula

Megid.pngMegid functions differently than every other attack technique. While it has a base power and power scaling like other attack techniques, Megid.pngMegid does not deal damage. Instead, Megid.pngMegid's power directly represents its percent chance to instantly kill its target. This chance is reduced by the target's EDK.

Megid.pngMegid's chance to kill follows the linear formula of:

  • Success chance = Tech Power - (Resistance)

Thus, if level 30 Megid.pngMegid (with a Tech Power of 100) strikes a target with 80 EDK, the success chance will be 20%.

Equipment that boosts Megid.pngMegid will not improve its chance to kill, but will instead cause it to pierce through enemies, allowing the technique to hit multiple targets in a single cast.

Casting animation

Casting Speed refers to the entire technique casting animation from start to finish. Casting speed is composed of four animations: Startup -> Charge time -> Cast time -> Endlag

  1. Startup is the first movement your character does when you begin to cast a technique, and it is always 6 frames;
  2. Charge time is a stationary animation after startup that is accompanied by particle effects, and ranges from 0 frames (absent) to 15 frames;
  3. Cast time is the time from the end of the charge animation to when TP is deducted and the technique's effect happens;
  4. Endlag is the amount of time after the technique is cast that the player cannot move or perform any actions.

Casting speed varies between techniques, classes, and even specific weapons. Techniques in any context reach their maximum casting speed at or before Lv16.

Casting speed modifications

The rare unit Unit icon.pngV801 is the only item in the game that explicitly increases casting speed.

Other factors that affect casting speed outside of the V801 include technique/level, character class, whether the player is armed or unarmed, and in unique cases the specific weapon the character is using. For detailed information and exact casting speed data, see Game mechanics/Frame data.

Technique disks drop table

See also: Level 30 technique drop charts

This table lists the percentage distribution of specific techniques when a technique disk is dropped, and at what level(s) they can drop, for each area in each difficulty. Table cells in green highlight areas where a maximum-level technique disk can be found, with maximum-level Attack techniques being significantly rarer than maximum-level Support techniques.