Accuracy glitch
The accuracy glitch (commonly referred to as the "SNS glitch", or simply "SNS") is a glitch that alters the accuracy of attacks in a combo. The term is typically associated with ranged attacks utilizing both components of the glitch, particularly Slicer type weapons in order to greatly increase accuracy.
The two parts of the accuracy glitch are Combo Step modifier inheritance and Attack Type modifier inheritance. A select few melee weapon attacks can utilize only the first part, while most ranged weapon attacks can utilize both.
Primary example
- Refer to gameplay terminology for more information on SNS, NHS, SSS, S1, N2 and other combo notation.
The most common useful example of accuracy glitch is an SNS combo with Slicer of Fanatic at medium distance. Without accuracy glitch, the accuracy modifiers on the S1 attack of this combo would be
1.0 * 0.5
= 0.5
, but with the accuracy glitch the modifiers on the S1 attack become those of N2: 1.3 * 1.0
= 1.3
This results in a little more than 2.5x the expected effective accuracy, allowing a typically incredibly inaccurate S1 attack to be more reliable than an N1 attack (1.0 * 1.0
= 1.0
) or an S3 attack (1.69 * 0.5
= 0.845
). This allows even low ATA characters to fight high EVP monsters more easily and effectively, while also elevating the ceiling of strong combos for high ATA characters with good positioning.
The SNS combo - or simply SN combo if S3 accuracy is not reliable - can be effective against a majority of monsters in the game. However, if the monster is exceedingly evasive like Deldepth or Ill Gill, the glitch can be pushed to even further effectiveness with a NSN combo (1.69 * 1.0
= 1.69
), glitching S2's projectile with N3's accuracy modifiers. This is notably useful for a FOmar without Red Ring's addition ATA bonus using Hell ES Slicer or
ES J-Cutter against many of the medium-high EVP monsters in Episode 2.
Combo Step modifier inheritance
This portion of the glitch is usable both by all ranged weapons provided enough distance as well as a select few melee weapon types that have combo and animation timings allowing the next combo input to be queued before the previous attack hits a monster - most notably usable on first combo step's second hit for Daggers and Twin Sabers weapon types.
This modifier is updated at the time the player queues an attack. In any case that a weapon's earlier attack does not hit a monster until after the next attack is queued, the earlier attack will inherit the later attack's Combo Step modifier.
Combo Step modifier refers to the accuracy adjustment multiplier based on which step of the 3 hit combo the player is on, using the following values:
- Combo Step modifier is:
- First attack: 1.0
- Second attack: 1.3
- Third attack: 1.69
Attack Type modifier inheritance
This portion of the glitch is usable by most ranged weapons provided enough distance. Melee weapons cannot utilize this component unless the glitched attack is one of a few projectile special attacks on select weapons.
This modifier is updated at the time of a projectile's creation in the player's attack animation. In almost any case that a weapon's earlier projectile does not hit a monster until after the next projectile is created, the earlier attack will inherit the later attack's Attack Type modifier.
- Some ranged weapon projectiles will not inherit Attack Type modifier, namely every Card-type weapon except
ES Cards.
An attack must be queued before a projectile can be created, so any case of ranged Attack Type modifier inheritance will also imply a Combo Step modifier inheritance.
An Attack Type modifier inheritance will always be accompanied by a Combo Step modifier inheritance, but not the other way around.
The player receiving damage after the next attack is queued but before the projectile is created will interrupt the animation prior to the projectile's creation. In this case, the previous ranged attack will inherit the Combo Step modifier, but not the Attack Type modifier.
- Canceling a projectile's creation by having a menu open or toggling to an alternate palette with no attack inputs bound will not interfere with the Attack Type modifier inheritance or Combo Step modifier inheritance of the previous attack.
Attack Type modifier refers to the accuracy adjustment multiplier based on the type of attack, using the following values:
- Attack Type modifier is:
- Normal: 1.0
- Heavy: 0.7
- Special: 0.5 (Some special attacks use the 0.7 Heavy modifier)
Weapon type uses
Ranged weapons
Slicers are the easiest and most popular weapon type to accuracy glitch. The projectiles are relatively slow yet very resilient against manual evasion even during long bullet travel time.
Players intuitively use this weapon type at medium distance in order to avoid counterattacks, and accuracy glitching happens naturally at this distance with little effort.
Handguns have relatively fast projectiles and medium-long range. They can be accuracy glitched starting at a medium distance. For targets at longer distances, it is best if the monster is stationary or immobilized with Freeze or
Paralysis status effects. Otherwise, the long bullet travel time against fast moving monsters in Ultimate difficulty leaves the attack susceptible to manual evasion.
Mechguns have relatively fast projectiles, relatively slow animation, and medium-short range. However, there is a small positioning window near the maximum targeting range where they can be accuracy glitched.
This distance and positioning can be practiced by advancing towards a monster from outside of Mechgun range, and attacking the moment the targeting reticle appears on the monster.
Mechguns with increased range
Yasminkov 9000M,
Rage de Foudre,
Rage de Glace,
Rage d'Ame,
Rage de Feu,
Guld Milla,
Mille Marteaux, and
Dual Bird feature increased range which can provide a more forgiving positioning window to accuracy glitch.
However, the longer travel time and inherent knockback property of Heavy attacks can cause manual evasion, interfering with the effectiveness of accuracy glitching at long range. Players can avoid these drawbacks when using increased range Mechgun accuracy glitching against targets that cannot be pushed back, do not move, or are immobilized with Freeze or
Paralysis status effects.
Rifles have relatively fast projectiles and a slower animation than Handguns, but can be accuracy glitched at medium to long distances. This is easiest to perform on stationary monsters, as the long bullet travel time leaves the attack susceptible to manual evasion.
Spread Needle and
ES Needle are modified Rifles with the same projectile speed and animation as other Rifles but with short range - slightly less than Mechgun range.
Similarly to Mechguns, there is a small positioning window near the maximum targeting range where they can be accuracy glitched. This distance and positioning can be practiced by advancing towards a monster from outside of Needle range, and attacking the moment the targeting reticle appears on the monster.
Shots have relatively fast projectiles, relatively slow animation, and medium range. There is a small positioning window near the maximum range where they can be accuracy glitched.
Baranz Launcher
Baranz Launcher is a Shot-type weapon with incredibly slow projectiles. Unlike Slicers, it is highly susceptible to manual evasion beyond very short range.
It is very easily accuracy glitched from even very short distances where manual evasion is much less of an issue.
Any Ranger with max ATA equipped with a 50 Hit Baranz Launcher and attacking frozen monsters is capable of a very reliable accuracy glitched SSS combo against all but the most evasive targets - these targets can be reliably be handled with accuracy glitched SHS combo instead.
Launchers projectiles behave differently from standard photon bullet projectiles. These have "infinite vertical" reach above and below the projectile and do not require reticle on a target at the time the bullet is fired to hit it: the projectile will hit whatever target it collides with.
Launchers have slow animations and identical horizontal range to Handguns. Similarly, they can be accuracy glitched at medium-long distance.
Cards use modified launcher projectiles but typically cannot be accuracy glitched. However, ES Cards and can be fully accuracy glitched at medium range, giving the player a fast single target, high accuracy attempt at a Hell or Demons special activation attack that can be queued and pre-fired before a monster has fully spawned in and become targetable.
ES Cards can also be Combo Step glitched with no distance needed.
Slingshot glitch
The "slingshot glitch" refers to swapping weapons and firing immediately, before the new weapon finishes its load-in animation. When this happens, bullets originate from the last location that the weapon was equipped on the current map (or from the default 0,0,0
origin of the map if the weapon was not equipped previously in the current map), leading to potentially very long travel time to the target destination.
Stealth Suit eliminates the weapon load-in animation, making the slingshot glitch impossible.
In these cases, the player may have time to complete an entire combo and begin one or more combos before the very first slingshotted bullet(s) arrive at their target. The slingshotted bullet(s) receive the Combo Step accuracy modifier of the most recent Combo Step queued, and the Attack Type accuracy modifier of the most recent projectile created.
Note that all currently active projectiles are destroyed upon changing equipped weapon. There is no opportunity to use slingshot accuracy glitching with any weapon swap stat adjustments.
Melee weapons
Most melee weapons are unable to accuracy glitch. If the weapon type or specific weapon is not listed here, it is not known to be able to be accuracy glitched under standard battle speeds up to the maximum of 40% battle speed provided by Heavenly/Battle or
Daggers hit two times per combo step. For both the first combo step and the second combo step, the second hit can be accuracy glitched for an increased combo step modifier.
- HHH combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: H1 H1, H2 H2, H3 H3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: H1 H2, H2 H3, H3 H3
- SNS combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: S1 S1, N2 N2, S3 S3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: S1 S2, N2 N3, S3 S3
- NSS combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: N1 N1, S2 S2, S3 S3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: N1 N2, S2 S3, S3 S3
Double Saber
Double Sabers' combo steps hit in a pattern of two hits, one hit, then three hits. For the first combo step, the second hit can be accuracy glitched for an increased combo step modifier.
- HHH combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: H1 H1, H2, H3 H3 H3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: H1 H2, H2, H3 H3 H3
- SNS combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: S1 S1, N2, S3 S3 S3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: S1 S2, N2, S3 S3 S3
- NSS combo:
- Standard accuracy per hit: N1 N1, S2, S3 S3
- Glitched accuracy per hit: N1 N2, S2, S3 S3
Projectile-based melee weapon specials
The following melee weapons have projectile special attacks that are able to be fully accuracy glitched.
Weapon Type | Weapon Name |
Sabers | ![]() |
Daggers | ![]() |
Partisans | ![]() |
Double Sabers | ![]() |
![]() | |
Katanas | ![]() |
![]() | |
Canes | ![]() |
Wands | ![]() |
Combo-locked weapons
Weapons that cannot make a combo attack are also inherently unable to accuracy glitch. The following table lists all combo-locked weapons on Ephinea.
Other notes
While the accuracy glitch typically improves accuracy, there are instances in which the glitch decreases accuracy. For example, a ranged attack combo of NSS at long range will cause N1 (1.0 x 1.0 = 1.0
) to use S2 (1.3 x 0.7 = 0.91
) Combo Step and Attack Type modifiers. In these cases, the player can intentionally delay the S2 input to ensure the S2 projectile is not created before the N1 projectile hits the monster, preserving the higher N1 accuracy modifiers for the N1 attack.
Given the above circumstance and depending on the positioning and timing, the player can choose to:
- Attack as fast as possible to fully accuracy glitch, provided enough distance.
- Delay an input slightly in order to land the previous attack between when the next combo step input is pressed and when the next combo step projectile is created, accuracy glitching only combo step modifier for improved accuracy.
- Delay an input longer in order to not use any form of accuracy glitch at this point in the combo. However, the player can choose to accuracy glitch the next attack instead.
- The long range NSS example above would be best handled with a long delay between the N1 input and S2 input, but no delay between the S2 and S3 inputs. This results in the accuracy modifier for the three combo steps in sequence to become N1, S3, and S3.
Visual guide to understanding the accuracy glitch (very professional):