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FOnewm is a newman Force who boasts the strongest Gi- and Ra-series techniques amongst all the Forces, due to his high MST and extra damage boosts. He is widely considered to be the strongest and most versatile Force, as alongside his unparalleled nuking power, he has enough ATP and ATA to equip various important weapons for physical damage in situations where techniques are not viable.

With his versatility, he can tackle all manners of content effectively and does not have any major drawbacks. While he will not hit as hard with weapons as the human Forces, his ATP is respectable and access to Sword icon.pngExcalibur allows him to do high damage where necessary, and his 180 ATA allows him to use Demon's Gun icon.pngES Mechgun for very high HP/DFP targets.

Pros and cons[edit | edit source]


  • Strongest techniques - Due to FOnewm's high MST and +30% boost to the Gi- and Ra-series techniques, FOnewm is the strongest Force for casting techniques
  • Extremely powerful solo - As FOnewm is a Force, he is very powerful when alone in Episodes 1 and 4
  • High Force ATA - With 180 ATA, FOnewm can hit more reliably than the human forces, and has access to Gun icon.pngES Mechgun for Demon's usage
  • Decent melee - While not as strong as FOmar/FOmarl, and despite his lack of access to Sword icon.pngGalatine, FOnewm is able to deal decent damage with physical weapons where necessary


  • Low support range - FOnewm does not have any extra range with support techniques, making support hard in parties where a supportive party member may be necessary

Section ID choice[edit | edit source]

Note that the section ID choices below are merely suggestions, and are not required choices for playing FOnewm. All IDs have tangible benefits, leaving ID selection up to player preference. Below are a few recommended IDs for FOnewm depending on what type of item coverage is preferred.

Finding items for FOnewm[edit | edit source]

Pinkal icon.pngPinkal

Pinkal is a staple for FOnewm, as it finds many core Force items in the early game, such as Cane icon.pngFire Scepter: Agni, Cane icon.pngIce Staff: Dagon, and Cane icon.pngStorm Wand: Indra, along with boosted rates to all amplifiers. Once reaching Ultimate, Pinkal offers useful Force items such as Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngLimiter, Cane icon.pngGuardianna, Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent, and Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman.

Finding items that FOnewm hunts well[edit | edit source]

Greenill icon.pngGreenill

Forces are masters of Episode 4, and Greenill has a very powerful Episode 4 with items such as Unit icon.pngV101, Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, and Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge. Greenill has decent Ruins drops as well, finding both Shield icon.pngRed Ring and Sword icon.pngMonkey King Bar.

Redria icon.pngRedria

Like Greenill icon.pngGreenill, Redria finds Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker and Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge in Episode 4. Redria also has good Ruins drops, finding both Shield icon.pngRed Ring and Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman.

General good ID[edit | edit source]

Whitill icon.pngWhitill

Whitill is a powerful ID that gets many coveted and valued items in almost every area in the game. Whitill is the most unrestrictive ID, giving players the freedom to play any content and still have the chance of scoring something big, in contrast to more restrictive IDs such as Bluefull icon.pngBluefull, which focus players into certain areas. Whitill finds many good items such as Unit icon.pngV502, Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman, Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter, Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic, and more!

Material and Mag plans[edit | edit source]

Leveling - Maxes important stats as early as possible. Recommended for levelling.
Lv 200 - Maxes as many character specific stats as possible by level 200 using the minimum number of slot units. Recommended at level 200.
Max Stats - Attempts to max all stats at level 200. Ignores any sort of equipment efficiency. Not recommended.

Plan Mag Units Shield Materials
Power Def Mind Evade Luck Unused
Lv 200 -
Max ATP, ATA, & MST (General use)
5/88/61/46 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngAdept, Unit icon.pngSmartlink Any x x 140 x x 10
Lv 200 -
Max ATP & ATA (Episode 2 build)
5/93/101/1 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngV502, Unit icon.pngSmartlink Any x x 140 x x 10
Lv 200 -
Max MST & DFP (Nuking only)
55/x/x/59 Unit icon.pngV801 Any - - 150 - - -
Lv 200 -
Max DFP, ATA & MST (Max ATA & MST by Lv 194)
40/0/104/56 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngSmartlink Any - - 150 - - -
Leveling -
Max ATA & MST by Lv 182
5/0/109/86 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngSmartlink Any - - 150 - - -
Leveling -
Max ATA & MST by Lv 167
5/0/76/119 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngAdept, Unit icon.pngSmartlink Any - - 150 - - -
Leveling -
Max MST by Lv 146
5/0/45/150 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngAdept, Unit icon.pngHeavenly/Mind Any - - 150 - - -
Max Stats 5/6/20/169 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngAdept, Unit icon.pngAdept, Unit icon.pngCenturion/Ability Shield icon.pngRed Ring 62 - - 42 13 33

Players leveling FOnewm should aim to maximize his MST stat with Tool icon.pngMind Materials and Unit icon.pngUnits as early as possible, and should pick a mag with a high Mind stat. As the player gains levels, they can consider creating a new mag or equipping different units to boost their ATA stat. ATA is FOnewm's second most important stat as it allows him to make better use of weapons with Demon's or Hell specials. ATA also helps FOnewm unlock the ability to use weapons such as Gun icon.pngBringer's Rifle and Gun icon.pngES Mechgun. Although less significant, ATP can be an important stat as well as FOnewm depends on this stat to equip Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic, Sword icon.pngExcalibur, and Sword icon.pngES J-Cutter or Sword icon.pngES Slicer. Although DFP is generally an insignificant stat, in certain cases maximizing this stat can help prevent the player from being knocked down. At level 200, there are different Mag stat plans for different scenarios that maximize certain stats and offer different levels of flexibility for Unit selection.

Note that the Max Stats plan isn't recommended here; it requires FOnewm to use all four of his unit slots for stats, resulting in him being unable to use various utility units such as Unit icon.pngSmartlink, Unit icon.pngV501, Unit icon.pngV502, Unit icon.pngV801, Unit icon.pngHeavenly/Technique (or lesser Technique unit), Unit icon.pngHeavenly/HP (or multiple), or any of the Cure units such as Unit icon.pngCure/Freeze and Unit icon.pngCure/Paralysis.

Equipment progression[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Recommended endgame equipment[edit | edit source]






Special Purpose


