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RAmarl is a human Ranger who is considered to be a true jack-of-all-trades class, being able to deal damage, provide good crowd control, and support herself and parties effectively. She does not excel in any one category, but is able to hold her own in both One Person and multiplayer games, regardless of what is required.

RAmarl has the second highest ATA in the game, but has the lowest ATP of all the non-Force types. In comparison to RAmar, this does make her weaker in every situation as a damage dealer, but her access to level 20 Shifta.pngShifta, Deband.pngDeband, Jellen.pngJellen, Zalure.pngZalure, and Resta.pngResta, along with various support boosting items, makes her much more effective at supporting than he is, and can make almost every situation become very low risk while playing alone or providing support for others.

RAmarl is perfect for players who wish to play a truly versatile type, but do not expect to offer anything better than what specialized types are able to offer.

Pros and cons[edit | edit source]


  • Very high ATA - Allows her to use all manners of Extra Attack.pngspecial attacks effectively, giving her good crowd control and ability to use sacrificial specials very well
  • Level 20 support techniques - Allows her to buff herself and other party members, as well as provide potent healing during the early game and for Berserk usage
  • Ranger arsenal - With options such as Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter, Gun icon.pngES Needle, Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, and sacrificial Gun icon.pngArms, Rangers have options for every situation
  • Good at both single- and multiplayer - Even if not the best, all options are open to RAmarl


  • Weaker than other classes in multiplayer - If there is another RAmarl, HUnewearl, or Force present, another Hunter or Ranger would always be a stronger candidate
  • Weaker than RAmar at high levels in One Person mode - RAmar works better alone due to higher ATP and ATA and the existence of ES weapons for Zalure.pngZalure, though it should be noted that RAmar only overtakes RAmarl in base ATP at level 80 and in base HP at level 100

Section ID choice[edit | edit source]

Note that the section ID choices below are merely suggestions, and are not required choices for playing RAmarl. All IDs have tangible benefits, leaving ID selection up to player preference. Below are a few recommended IDs for RAmarl depending on what type of item coverage is preferred.

Finding items for RAmarl[edit | edit source]

Greenill icon.pngGreenill

Greenill has access to many core Ranger items – namely Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter, Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge, and Unit icon.pngV502. Greenill also has access to Unit icon.pngV101 and Shield icon.pngRed Ring, important items that are excellent hunts for any class.

Purplenum icon.pngPurplenum

Purplenum also receives many items that are excellent hunts for any Ranger. Like Greenill icon.pngGreenill, it gets Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter, and Unit icon.pngV502; Purplenum also has several good Gun icon.pngM&A60 Vise drops and an increased chance of finding common mechguns, giving it the best chance at acquiring sacrificial Gun icon.pngVulcans with high Hit.

Finding items that RAmarl hunts well[edit | edit source]

Bluefull icon.pngBluefull

Rangers are incredibly good everywhere, but especially in Episode 2, where Bluefull has a very powerful Seabed, which includes Sword icon.pngYunchang, Sword icon.pngZanba, Cane icon.pngPsycho Wand, and Tool icon.pngParasitic Gene "Flow". On top of this, Bluefull can hunt Unit icon.pngLimiter very well from Astarks, which is an easy hunt for Rangers as well. Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker also makes an appearance in Episode 1 from Del-Ds.

Skyly icon.pngSkyly

Similarly to Bluefull icon.pngBluefull, Skyly has many good items and hunts in Episode 2, where Ranger shines in comparison to other classes. While Skyly is usually thought of as a Hunter ID, Rangers will have an easier time hunting many of the core Skyly items, which include Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher, Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword, Sword icon.pngMonkey King Bar, Sword icon.pngVivienne, Sword icon.pngDaylight Scar, and Sword icon.pngGuren. On top of this, Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent can be found from Goran Detonators, which is a very useful item for all classes, but especially Rangers.

General good ID[edit | edit source]

Whitill icon.pngWhitill

Whitill is a powerful ID that gets many coveted and valued items in almost every area in the game. Whitill is the most unrestrictive ID, giving players the freedom to play any content and still have the chance of scoring something big, in contrast to more restrictive IDs such as Bluefull icon.pngBluefull, which focus players into certain areas. Whitill finds many good items such as Unit icon.pngV502, Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker, Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman, Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter, Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic, and more!

Material and Mag plans[edit | edit source]

Important Stats Only - Maxes important stats as early as possible. Recommended for leveling.
Min-Max - Maxes as many character specific stats as possible by level 200 using the minimum number of slot units. Recommended at level 200.
Max Stats - Attempts to max all stats at level 200. Ignores any sort of equipment efficiency. Not recommended.

Plan Mag Units Shield Materials
Power Def Mind Evade Luck Unused
Important Stats Only[1] 5/149/46/0 Unit icon.pngV101 Shield icon.pngRed Ring 129 - 93 - 28 -
Min-Max[2] 5/149/46/0 Unit icon.pngV101 Shield icon.pngRed Ring 45 45 132 - 28 -
Max Stats[2] 5/155/40/0 Unit icon.pngV101, Unit icon.pngCenturion/Ability Shield icon.pngRed Ring 24 51 117 29 13 16
  1. This plan allows for Cane icon.pngClio usage at level 180
  2. 2.0 2.1 This plan allows for Clio usage at level 157

Equipment progression[edit | edit source]

Early-game (Normal to Very Hard)[edit | edit source]

Play the game as you wish and use what you find, but you will want to focus on finding the following as soon as possible:

You may find these from the player shop as you progress, the later areas in Normal difficulty (Ruins, Seabed, Subterranean Desert), or all areas in Hard/Very Hard. These will give you the starting foundation on RAmarl, as Shifta and Deband will increase your attack and defense, while Resta will allow you to make more mistakes as you learn to tackle enemies, as well as providing support for any other players you play with.

After progressing through the starting difficulties and finding some Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops, you will want to focus on procuring the following equipment through trade:

These upgrades will help you make the jump into Very Hard, and also eventually into Ultimate once you reach there.

Once you reach level 41, you will want to obtain Shield icon.pngRanger Wall from Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop, which is the best barrier for RAmarl until level 180.

Mid-game (early Ultimate)[edit | edit source]

Once you enter Ultimate, you will want to focus on acquiring the following items, either by hunting or through trade:

Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter

Frozen Shooter is a Ranger staple, as its special attack will freeze an enemy with 100% success rate, providing the accuracy check is passed and the enemy is not immune to freeze. This makes a lot of content easier, especially where larger enemies are involved.

Gun icon.pngSpread Needle

Spread Needle is a classic weapon that makes it very easy to clear content as a low-level Ranger. With normal-heavy-heavy combos, any enemy which is susceptible to knockback can be permanently stunlocked. The special on RAmarl, however, is mostly useless, as Seize is not very effective on her. Spread Needle should only be used when enemies have approached you, as your Hit Gun icon.pngCharge Arms will always do more damage otherwise.

Eventually, you will replace Spread Needle with various Gun icon.pngES Needles, which are stronger and have more potent special attacks.

Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge

Cannon Rouge is a launcher that fires a shot that explodes on detonation. This weapon cannot combo, but the explosion is very potent on enemies with multiple hitboxes, such as idle Lilies, Dragon, and Gal Gryphon. The shot has infinite height, so it will connect with flying enemies by just firing a shot in their general direction.

Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker

Heaven Striker is a handgun with unrivaled ATP, rifle range, and a unique Berserk attack. The special attack has a radius and range similar to a shot, allowing you to attack enemies directly above you, or to your side. Heaven Striker is a fantastic weapon for picking off lone enemies, as the "auto-aim" mechanic of the special attack can save a lot of time.

You will need 200 ATA to equip this weapon, so it is recommended that you try to procure as many Unit icon.pngHeavenly/Arms as possible.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Recommended endgame equipment[edit | edit source]




Special Purpose


