Episode 2: Stage 2/Guide

From Ephinea PSO Wiki

HUcast Autogun usage

Although HUcaseal can equip any Autogun that drops in this stage with starting stats, HUcast needs the following boosts to his ATA level from adding DEX to his Mag, swapping Mags with a Ranger, or equipping any Marksman/Arm or General/Arm units that drop in the stage.

Additional stats required to equip Autogun on HUcast (no Mag swap)
Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
Additional DEX levels on Mag 0 0-1 1+ 1-2 2 1 0
ATA-boosting units equipped 2 Marksman/Arm General/Arm Marksman/Arm
Additional stats required to equip Autogun on HUcast (Mag swapped with Ranger)
Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
Additional Dex levels on Mag 0 1 0
ATA-boosting units equipped Marksman/Arm None

Fonewearl Breakpoints

Mind Materials, Priest/Mind, and General/Mind can all be found in this stage, which increase the player's MST by 10, 5, and 10 respectively when used. Depending on the number of Mind Materials consumed, and the number of MST-boosting units equipped, FOnewearls can defeat the following enemies with fewer casts of a given technique than at the start of the stage.

Additional MST required
Enemy name Technique casted Number of casts Total MST required Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18
Barbarous Wolf Foie 3 179 +45 +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 +10
Delsaber Barta 6 190 +55 +50 +45 +35 +30 +25 +20
Dubchic Barta 1 212 +75 +70 +65 +60 +50 +45 +40
Savage Wolf Zonde 2 224 +90 +80 +75 +70 +65 +60 +55
Delsaber Barta 5 277 +140 +135 +130 +125 +115 +110 +105

Area 8


1. Clear, then press button to allow one team to warp and other team go north

Warp route:

2a. Clear, go north

2b. Clear, go west

Door route:

2c. Clear, go west

2d. Clear, go south

3. Clear, attack left switch on west door to open and go west

4. Clear, go north

5. Clear, go north and warp

6. Clear, go west

7. Clear, go south

8. Clear, go west

9. Clear, go north to exit

Area 9


1. Clear only Gilchic, go south

2. Press west switch, Clear only Wolf, go south

3. Press west switch, Clear only Wolf, go south

4. Press west switch, Clear only Pan Arms, go south and warp

5. Clear only Delsaber, go north

6. Clear only Garanz, go north to exit

Area 10


Team A (southwest):

1a. Clear, go east

1b. Clear, go north

Team B (north):

1c. Go to south of room to trigger spawn, Clear, go west

1d. Clear, go south

2. Take warp in center of room

3. Clear 2 Wolves and 1 Pan Arms, go west

4. Go north to press timed switch, then go south

5. Clear, go south (ignore hallway enemies)

6. Clear, go south to press timed switch, then go west

7. Light switch is in middle of room surrounded by walls and must be held. Clear, one team go east and one team go west

8. One person kill boxes while the other goes north

9. Press switch and return to room 8, avoiding hallway Garanz

Everyone return to room 7 and go north to exit

Area 11


1. Clear, warp

2. Clear, warp

3. Poison switch in northwest. Clear, warp

4. Clear, warp

5. Clear, warp

6. Clear, press switches, go north

7. Clear, go north (ignore hallway enemies)

8. Go east

9. Clear, go south

10. Clear, go east

11. Clear, go north

12. Clear, go east to exit

Area 12


1. Clear, go north

2. Clear, go east

3. Poison switch in northeast corner. Clear only Wolves, go east

4. Clear only Wolves and go north

5. Clear only Pan Arms, go west

6. Poison pressure switch in middle of room. Press it to spawn

Delsabers. Clear only Delsabers and go west

7. Clear only Chaos Sorceror, go north

8. WAIT UNTIL ALL 6 DUBCHICS SPAWN, then kill Dubwitch. Go west to exit

Area 13


Team A (south):

1a. Go west

1b. Clear, go west (avoid hallway enemies)

1c. Clear, go west, warp

Team B (north):

1d. Go east

1e. Clear, go north (avoid hallway enemies)

1f. Clear, go east, warp

2. Ignore enemies if possible. Press switch and take center warp.

3. Take northeast warp

4. Take southwest warp

5. Poison switch behind north barrier. Clear, go east

6. Clear, go east

7. Clear, go north

8. Go east

9. Clear, go east (avoid hallway enemies)

10. Clear, go southeast to boss