
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
A basic saber

Sabers are the most basic melee weapon in Phantasy Star Online. They hit one enemy once per attack. All hunters start with a basic saber.

Standard Saber Information

Number of targets 1
Number of hits 1-1-1
Horizontal distance 14
Vertical distance 18
Horizontal angle 26°
Vertical angle 26°

List of Sabers

Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. Classes Notes
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Sword icon.pngSaber 0★ 40-55 30 +35 110-125 Varies 30 ATP
Sword icon.pngBrand 1★ 80-100 33 +32 144-164 Varies 90 ATP
Sword icon.pngBuster 2★ 120-160 35 +30 180-220 Varies 155 ATP
Sword icon.pngPallasch 3★ 170-220 38 +26 222-272 Varies 233 ATP
Sword icon.pngGladius 4★ 240-280 40 +18 276-316 Varies 296 ATP
Sword icon.pngBattledore 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.pngGreat Bouquet 9★ 1 1 0 1 Chaos 0 Can hit up to 10 targets
Sword icon.pngFlower Bouquet 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.pngRacket 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.png5th Anniv. Blade 9★ 152-282 45 0 152-282 90 ATP +45 DFP, +45 MST
Sword icon.pngJitte 9★ 123-135 32 0 123-135 135 ATP +10 DFP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber 9★ 200-250 43 +44 288-328 320 ATP Set effect (see page)
Sword icon.pngKaladbolg 9★ 260-320 45 +25 310-370 Freeze 340 ATP
Sword icon.pngDurandal 9★ 300-376 45 +37 374-450 Lord's 360 ATP +15 MST
Sword icon.pngAkiko's Wok 9★ 210-250 40 0 210-250 Burning 412 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3062) 10★ 112-124 27 +18 148-160 130 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3064) 10★ 289-301 48 +18 325-337 288 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3067) 10★ 100-143 29 +14 128-171 131 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3069 Torato) 10★ 130-149 27 +21 172-191 129 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3069 Chris) 10★ 189-202 34 +36 261-274 140 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3070) 10★ 93-109 21 +29 151-167 90 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3073) 10★ 212-231 29 +24 260-279 253 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3075) 10★ 300-340 40 +85 470-510 600 ATP × Real version
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3077) 10★ 140-168 30 +9 158-186 139 ATP
Sword icon.pngDelsaber's Buster 10★ 340-350 44 +9 358-368 Storm 295 ATP +100% ATP if equipped with Shield icon.pngShield of Delsaber
Sword icon.pngSting Tip 10★ 170 35 +30 230 Soul 450 MST × × × × × × × × +30 MST, +40 EVP
Sword icon.pngCommander Blade 10★ 560-585 45 0 560-585 Trap Vision 502 ATP +15 MST;
can only be equipped by a Team Master
Sword icon.pngKusanagi 10★ 560-575 53 +32 624-639 Demon's 502 ATP × × × × +20% attack speed if equipped with Shield icon.pngYata Mirror;
+30 ATA if equipped with Unit icon.pngYasakani Magatama
Sword icon.pngRed Saber 10★ 450-489 51 +78 606-645 Fill 502 ATP +30% ATP and +15 ATA if equipped with Frame icon.pngRed Coat;
+50% ATP and +22 ATA if equipped with Frame icon.pngCrimson Coat
Sword icon.pngElysion 10★ 360-368 52 +9 378-386 Foie.pngFoie 680 MST × × × × × Foie.pngFoie Lv. 6
Sword icon.pngAncient Saber 10★ 531-544 50 +9 549-562 King's 740 ATP × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngFlamberge 10★ 575-590 50 +30 635-650 Spirit 740 ATP × × × ×
Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent 10★ 430-465 40 +35 500-535 800 ATP × Unseals into Sword icon.pngExcalibur after 10,000 kills
Sword icon.pngLavis Cannon 11★ 730-750 54 0 730-750 See Notes 800 ATP × × × × × × × × Fires a penetrating beam at the cost of 5% of max HP;
Turns into Sword icon.pngLavis Blade if used with a Tool icon.pngSyncesta
Sword icon.pngEvil Curst 11★ 444-666 44 0 444-666 Megid.pngMegid 999 MST × × × × × × × × +35 MST, +50 EVP;
cannot combo
Sword icon.pngExcalibur 12★ 900-950 60 0 900-950 Berserk 800 ATP × +35 MST; Can hit up to 3 targets;
+20% attack speed and
+10 EDK/ELT if equipped with Mag icon.pngTellusis
Sword icon.pngGalatine 12★ 990-1260 77 +9 1008-1278 Spirit 820 ATP × × ATP previously varied based on beat time;
Changed in update on April 30th, 2023
Sword icon.pngTypeSA/Saber 12★ 120 50 +125 370 350 ATP TypeM weapon
Sword icon.pngES Saber 12★ 150 50 +250 650 Varies 800 ATP × Obtained from Challenge Mode
Sword icon.pngES Axe 12★ 200 50 +250 700 Varies 800 ATP × Obtained from Challenge Mode
Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl Notes

Frame Data

All frame data is calculated from first input until return to neutral (i.e. the ability to make another input).

Attack Data

NNN combo.

Class Attack Speed
Default +5% +10% +20% +40%
Male 69F 67F 64F 60F 53F
Female 77F 74F 72F 66F 59F
FOmarl 84F 81F 78F 72F 63F

Cast Data

Level 1 Foie.

Class V801
No Yes
Male 37F 34F
Female 37F 34F
FOmarl 37F 34F


Any common weapon drop has a 13% chance to be a saber-type weapon.