
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
A basic saber

Sabers are the most basic melee weapon in Phantasy Star Online. They hit one enemy once per attack. All hunters start with a basic saber.

Standard Saber Information[edit | edit source]

Number of targets 1
Number of hits 1-1-1
Horizontal distance 14
Vertical distance 18
Horizontal angle 26°
Vertical angle 26°

List of Sabers[edit | edit source]

Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. Classes Notes
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Sword icon.pngSaber 0★ 40-55 30 +35 110-125 Varies 30 ATP
Sword icon.pngBrand 1★ 80-100 33 +32 144-164 Varies 90 ATP
Sword icon.pngBuster 2★ 120-160 35 +30 180-220 Varies 155 ATP
Sword icon.pngPallasch 3★ 170-220 38 +26 222-272 Varies 233 ATP
Sword icon.pngGladius 4★ 240-280 40 +18 276-316 Varies 296 ATP
Sword icon.pngBattledore 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.pngGreat Bouquet 9★ 1 1 0 1 Chaos 0 Can hit up to 10 targets
Sword icon.pngFlower Bouquet 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.pngRacket 9★ 1 1 0 1 0
Sword icon.png5th Anniv. Blade 9★ 152-282 45 0 152-282 90 ATP +45 DFP, +45 MST
Sword icon.pngJitte 9★ 123-135 32 0 123-135 135 ATP +10 DFP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber 9★ 200-250 43 +44 288-328 320 ATP Set effect (see page)
Sword icon.pngKaladbolg 9★ 260-320 45 +25 310-370 Freeze 340 ATP
Sword icon.pngDurandal 9★ 300-376 45 +37 374-450 Lord's 360 ATP +15 MST
Sword icon.pngAkiko's Wok 9★ 210-250 40 0 210-250 Burning 412 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3062) 10★ 112-124 27 +18 148-160 130 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3064) 10★ 289-301 48 +18 325-337 288 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3067) 10★ 100-143 29 +14 128-171 131 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3069 Torato) 10★ 130-149 27 +21 172-191 129 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3069 Chris) 10★ 189-202 34 +36 261-274 140 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3070) 10★ 93-109 21 +29 151-167 90 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3073) 10★ 212-231 29 +24 260-279 253 ATP
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3075) 10★ 300-340 40 +85 470-510 600 ATP × Real version
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3077) 10★ 140-168 30 +9 158-186 139 ATP
Sword icon.pngDelsaber's Buster 10★ 340-350 44 +9 358-368 Storm 295 ATP +100% ATP if equipped with Shield icon.pngShield of Delsaber
Sword icon.pngSting Tip 10★ 170 35 +30 230 Soul 450 MST × × × × × × × × +30 MST, +40 EVP
Sword icon.pngCommander Blade 10★ 560-585 45 0 560-585 Trap Vision 502 ATP +15 MST;
can only be equipped by a Team Master
Sword icon.pngKusanagi 10★ 560-575 53 +32 624-639 Demon's 502 ATP × × × × +20% attack speed if equipped with Shield icon.pngYata Mirror;
+30 ATA if equipped with Unit icon.pngYasakani Magatama
Sword icon.pngRed Saber 10★ 450-489 51 +78 606-645 Fill 502 ATP +30% ATP and +15 ATA if equipped with Frame icon.pngRed Coat;
+50% ATP and +22 ATA if equipped with Frame icon.pngCrimson Coat
Sword icon.pngElysion 10★ 360-368 52 +9 378-386 Foie.pngFoie 680 MST × × × × × Foie.pngFoie Lv. 6
Sword icon.pngAncient Saber 10★ 531-544 50 +9 549-562 King's 740 ATP × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngFlamberge 10★ 575-590 50 +30 635-650 Spirit 740 ATP × × × ×
Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent 10★ 430-465 40 +35 500-535 800 ATP × Unseals into Sword icon.pngExcalibur after 10,000 kills
Sword icon.pngLavis Cannon 11★ 730-750 54 0 730-750 See Notes 800 ATP × × × × × × × × Fires a penetrating beam at the cost of 5% of max HP;
Turns into Sword icon.pngLavis Blade if used with a Tool icon.pngSyncesta
Sword icon.pngEvil Curst 11★ 444-666 44 0 444-666 Megid.pngMegid 999 MST × × × × × × × × +35 MST, +50 EVP;
cannot combo
Sword icon.pngExcalibur 12★ 900-950 60 0 900-950 Berserk 800 ATP × +35 MST; Can hit up to 3 targets;
+20% attack speed and
+10 EDK/ELT if equipped with Mag icon.pngTellusis
Sword icon.pngGalatine 12★ 990-1260 77 +9 1008-1278 Spirit 820 ATP × × ATP previously varied based on beat time;
Changed in update on April 30th, 2023
Sword icon.pngTypeSA/Saber 12★ 120 50 +125 370 350 ATP TypeM weapon
Sword icon.pngES Saber 12★ 150 50 +250 650 Varies 800 ATP × Obtained from Challenge Mode
Sword icon.pngES Axe 12★ 200 50 +250 700 Varies 800 ATP × Obtained from Challenge Mode
Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl Notes

Frame Data[edit | edit source]

All frame data is calculated from first input until return to neutral (i.e. the ability to make another input).

Attack Data[edit | edit source]

NNN combo.

Class Attack Speed
Default +5% +10% +20% +40%
Male 69F 67F 64F 60F 53F
Female 77F 74F 72F 66F 59F
FOmarl 84F 81F 78F 72F 63F

Cast Data[edit | edit source]

Level 1 Foie.

Class V801
No Yes
Male 37F 34F
Female 37F 34F
FOmarl 37F 34F

Availability[edit | edit source]

Any common weapon drop has a 13% chance to be a saber-type weapon.