
From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Chaos is a confuse weapon special. It is the highest tier of confusion specials (4★). Chaos weapons have a chance to Confuse.pngConfuse their targets.


Chaos weapon special attacks deal 0.67x the damage of a normal attack. The chance to Confuse.pngConfuse monsters depends on Enemy ESP.

Rarity Special Name Power
4★ Chaos 76%
Confuse Chance = ((Power) - (Enemy ESP)) * (1 - Special Reduction) * (Unit Boost)
  • Androids receive a 30% boost to the activation rate of all confusion specials on Ultimate difficulty. This value can be added directly to values in the Power column below (Chaos has a power of 106%).
  • Special Reduction is as follows (See also: List of weapons with reduced specials):
  • Unit Boost is as follows:
    • 1.5 if either Unit icon.pngV501 or Unit icon.pngV502 are equipped
      • These stack with the android boost, but not with each other
    • 1 if neither are equipped

Bosses cannot be Confuse.pngConfused. Players equipped with a Unit icon.pngCure/Confuse are also immune to being confused.

List of Chaos weapons

There are three weapon types that can have specials. Specials on common weapons dropping from Monsters or Item boxes are randomly assigned, but are predetermined on all rare weapons. Specials on ES Weapons can be added with Tool icon.pngPhoton drops.

Rare weapons

Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. Classes Notes
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Sword icon.pngGreat Bouquet 9★ 1 1 0 1 Chaos 0 Can hit up to 10 targets
Sword icon.pngDaisy Chain 9★ 350-410 32 0 350-410 Chaos 400 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngCrazy Tune 9★ 200-255 30 0 200-255 Chaos 412 ATP
Sword icon.pngS-Berill's Hands #1 11★ 320-321 30 +15 350-351 Chaos 600 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngRainbow Baton 11★ 300-320 40 +24 348-368 Chaos 570 ATP
Sword icon.pngPanther's Claw 9★ 180-280 38 0 180-280 Chaos 412 ATP × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngHeart of Poumn 10★ 695-715 71 0 695-715 Chaos 850 ATP × × × × × × × × × × × +15 DFP, MST, EVP and LCK
Gun icon.pngOphelie Seize 10★ 390-420 50 +9 408-438 Chaos 170 ATA × × × × × × × × Turns into Gun icon.pngMille Marteaux if used with Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher
Gun icon.pngAngel Harp 11★ 300-320 60 0 300-320 Chaos 120 ATA × × × × × × × × +10 DFP;
+30% ATP and +12 ATA if equipped with Frame icon.pngSweetheart
Gun icon.pngRambling May 10★ 360-450 45 0 360-450 Chaos 170 ATA × × × × × × Can hit up to 1 target; increased range (+40); fires 2 shots per attack;
Bullets have infinite vertical range; +30 ATA with Safety Heart equipped
Gun icon.pngPanzer Faust 10★ 350-500 42 +9 368-518 Chaos 181 ATA × × × × × × × × × × Can hit up to 1 target
Gun icon.pngIron Faust 10★ 500-580 42 +18 536-616 Chaos 181 ATA × × × × × × × × × × Can hit up to 1 target; cannot combo; projectile
explodes on impact, causing splash damage
Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge 10★ 600-750 45 +30 660-810 Chaos 200 ATA × × × × × × × × Increased range (+30)
Cane icon.pngRabbit Wand 9★ 120-230 48 0 120-230 Chaos 348 MST × × × × × × × × × × +45 MST

Common weapons

The chance of obtaining specials on common weapons depends on area and difficulty. When a common weapon drops in an untekked state, there is a chance for it to come with Chaos as a special. Chaos can also be obtained by tekking up a common weapon that drops with the Havoc special. Once a weapon drops in an untekked state, the table below lists the overall chance of it coming with the Chaos special (including the ability to tekk up from Havoc).

Chaos drop chance
Area Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha - 0% 0% 0% 4.55%
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta - 0% 0% 3.03% 4.55%
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha Crater East 0% 0% 3.03% 4.55%
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta Crater West 0% 3.03% 3.03% 4.55%
Cave 3 Jungle Area North Crater South 0% 0% 4.55% 4.55%
Mine 1 Jungle Area East Crater North 0% 3.03% 4.55% 4.55%
Mine 2 Mountain Area Crater Interior 0% 3.03% 4.55% 4.55%
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
Subterranean Desert 1 0% 3.03% 4.55% 4.55%
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels Subterranean Desert 2 0% 3.03% 4.55% 4.55%
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
Subterranean Desert 3 0% 3.03% 4.55% 4.55%

ES weapons

Chaos can be added to ES Weapons as a special for 40 Tool icon.pngPhoton drops.