Dark Bridge

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Cane icon.pngDark Bridge
Dark Bridge.png
A claw imprinted with Olga Flow DNA.
The dark malignant Photons still retain the power of ancient techniques.
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.pngStar rare.png
900 MST
Max Grind
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl
H. Dist
14 (
H. Angle
26° (
V. Dist
V. Angle
26° (

Cane icon.pngDark Bridge is a rare rod that is part of the "Dark" weapon series. It is a result of combining the rare combination item Tool icon.pngParasitic Gene "Flow" with any common rod.

When this weapon is equipped, it boosts the power of Grants.pngGrants and Megid.pngMegid, and reduces TP cost of Techniques by 50%, at the cost of 50% of the original TP cost being drained from HP.

Occasionally causes the user to become Freeze.pngFrozen, Confuse.pngConfused, or Paralysis.pngParalyzed.

Although Dark Bridge is made with the rare Parasitic Gene "Flow," it is generally considered a less worthwhile use of the item, as its boost to Grants.pngGrants is outclassed by Cane icon.pngMercurius Rod, and the piercing boost to Megid.pngMegid can also be found in the weapon Cane icon.pngDemonic Fork, the rare frames Frame icon.pngCursed Cloak or Frame icon.pngDirty Lifejacket, as well as being a trait inherent to FOnewearl.

Technique Boost

Technique Boost
Grants.png +20% Damage
Megid.png Pierces

The Forge

One Dark Bridge is one of six trade components for the Shield icon.pngRed Ring plating Tool icon.pngHeart Plating in the quest Quest icon.pngThe Forge.



Dark Bridge can be created by using a Tool icon.pngParasitic Gene "Flow" with any fully ground common rod equipped. The rod equipped at the time of use will have its attributes transferred to the resulting Dark Bridge.

This combination must be done on a Force with at least 900 MST, and a certain level is required depending on the rod used.

Requirements Result
Item Grind Level Class Stat
Cane icon.pngRod 75 100 Force 900 MST Cane icon.pngDark Bridge
Cane icon.pngPole 50 110
Cane icon.pngPillar 30 120
Cane icon.pngStriker 20 130