
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Disk icon.pngAnti
Status restoration technique.
Helps nearby teammates at higher levels.
5 7 ××
5 7 ××
7 7 7 7

Anti.pngAnti is a recovery technique that removes status ailments. It cures additional ailments based on its level; unlike other healing and support techniques, Anti.pngAnti only has seven levels, with each level curing additional ailments (while still curing those cured by previous levels).

From level two onward, it can also cure other players.

At level seven, Anti.pngAnti is as effective as a Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer, capable of removing any status ailment. Unlike a Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer, however, Anti.pngAnti cannot be used while Shock.pngShocked or Paralysis.pngParalyzed. Anti.pngAnti can also not be used while Freeze.pngFrozen, though it can still be used (at level seven) to cure other players of the status.

Technique boosts


Class Technique(s) Boost
FOmarl Grants.png +50% damage
Resta.pngAnti.pngShifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOnewearl Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +30% damage
Megid.png Pierces
Resta.pngAnti.png +100% range


The following items, when equipped, will increase Anti.pngAnti's range.

Level progression

Anti.pngAnti's level progression is unique. Each level of Anti directly corresponds to another status ailment that the technique will cure.

The specific ailments per level are shown below. Each level of Anti.pngAnti will also cure all ailments curable by previous levels.


Level 7

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Source Drop Rate
All Ultimate Cave 3 Mil Lily, Pouilly Slime 1/8,000
Pan Arms 1/8,889
Nano Dragon 1/14,545
Hidoom, Migium 1/17,778
Govulmer 1/22,857
Vulmer, Item box 1/26,667
Pofuilly Slime 1/29,630
Ob Lily 1/32,000
Melqueek 1/53,333
Mine 1 Baranz 1/9,412
Sinow Blue 1/13,333
Sinow Red 1/14,545
Canabin, Canune 1/22,857
Gillchich, Dubchich, Item box 1/26,667
Mine 2 Baranz 1/7,002
Sinow Blue 1/9,920
Sinow Red 1/10,822
Canabin, Canune 1/17,006
Gillchich, Dubchich, Item box 1/19,840
Ruins Dark Bringer 1/9,091
Bulclaw, Delsaber, Indi Belra, Dark Gunner 1/17,778
Merlan, Del-D, Gran Sorcerer, Bulk 1/22,857
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/26,667
Central Control Area (All) Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/10,000
Sinow Spigell 1/17,778
Sinow Berill 1/20,000
Meriltas, Zol Gibbon 1/22,857
Merillia, Gee, Ul Gibbon, Item box 1/26,667
Seabed, Control Tower Delbiter, Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/10,000
Morfos, Deldepth, Ill Gill 1/20,000
Dolmdarl, Sinow Zele, Recobox, Del Lily 1/22,857
Dolmolm, Sinow Zoa, Epsilon, Item box 1/26,667
Recon 1/80,000
Crater (South, North, Interior), Subterranean Desert Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Dorphon Eclair, Merissa AA 1/8,000
Astark 1/9,412
Zu, Dorphon, Girtablulu 1/10,000
Yowie 1/17,778
Ze Boota 1/21,053
Ba Boota, Pyro Goran, Goran Detonator 1/22,857
Satellite Lizard, Boota, Goran, Item box 1/26,667
Merissa A 1/29,630