Christmas event

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
The Christmas Visual Lobby theme

The Ephinea Christmas event is a major annual event that occurs during or around the month of December and lasts four weeks.

The Christmas event features the Christmas Fiasco series of quests, and the event-exclusive server-wide drop of Presents. Completing Christmas event quests also award the event-exclusive currency Tool icon.pngCoal, which may be exchanged for more Presents.

Additionally, St Rappies will spawn in the VR Temple instead of Love Rappies, and the Visual Lobby will feature the Christmas theme.

Boosts[edit | edit source]

Rotating weekly boosts[edit | edit source]

During the Christmas event, each of the four rotating weekly boosts are doubled during their respective active week.

Present rate increase[edit | edit source]

On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day, the drop rate for Presents is doubled, going from the base rate of 1/2250 up to 1/1125.

Event items[edit | edit source]

Present[edit | edit source]

Tool icon.pngPresent
A present wrapped with a ribbon. Wait till you see what's inside...
Event Item
Max Stack
Main article: Tool icon.pngPresent

During the Christmas event, Tool icon.pngPresents will drop from all enemies at a rate of 1/2250, regardless of quest, difficulty, or episode (with the exception of scared Rappies).

When found, a Present can be "used" from the player's inventory to acquire a random item. The list of items available from these Presents is pre-determined and varies each year, but this list is not revealed to the community. Instead, the community must compile the list of possible items by reporting them in the annual Christmas event thread posted on the forums at the start of the event.

Presents are not affected by any drop rate boosts. Presents will not drop from item boxes.

Note: The Christmas event-exclusive "Present" item should not be confused with other kinds of Presents.

Present types[edit | edit source]

From the 2017 Christmas event and onward, there are two types of Presents, "Common" and "Ultimate" (though they appear identical in the player's inventory):

  1. Common presents are those dropped in Normal, Hard, and Very Hard difficulties. These contain less generally valuable items, such as Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops, Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystals, Tool icon.pngHP, Tool icon.pngTP, or Tool icon.pngLuck materials (in quantities of 1-3), or "joke" weapons with varying Hit %.
  2. Ultimate presents are those dropped in Ultimate difficulty. These contain a much wider variety of items spread across different tiers of rarity. Ultimate presents can reward the aforementioned quantities of Photon Drops and Photon Crystals, but also items such as event-exclusive TypeM weapons, the various ring paints, high-Hit % common weapons with valuable specials (e.g. Arrest, Charge, Hell), as well as extremely high-value items at the rarest tier, such as one Tool icon.pngPhoton Hoard, three Tool icon.pngPhoton Spheres, a high Hit % Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent or Sword icon.pngCalibur, and even Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher.

Coal[edit | edit source]

Tool icon.pngCoal
An ore discovered upon landing on Ragol.
Seemingly useless but maybe someone wants this...?
Event Item
Max Stack
Main article: Tool icon.pngCoal

During the Christmas event, Tool icon.pngCoal is an event-exclusive currency that is primarily obtainable from clearing the Christmas-exclusive quests (see below). It can also be obtained (in varying quantities) from Presents (see above). Coal may be exchanged for two different types of Presents in the Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop at the following rates:

Present Required Coal
Common 8
Ultimate 40

Associated quests[edit | edit source]

The main quests featured in the Christmas event are the Christmas Fiasco series. These quests are long, high-enemy-density quests that span the majority of their respective episodes' areas. Upon completion, they award players with Tool icon.pngCoal in varying amounts (detailed below).

Event category[edit | edit source]

List of Christmas quests
Episode Quest Title Areas
Episode 1 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E1) Cave 2
Mine 2
Ruins 3
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #1* Forest 2
Ruins 1
Ruins 2
Quest icon.pngSolstice Snafu Ruins 1
Cave 3
Forest 2
Episode 2 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E2) VR Spaceship Beta
Central Control Area
Seabed Lower Levels
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #2* Jungle Area (East)
Mountain Area
Control Tower
Episode 4 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E4) Crater (Eastern Route)
Subterranean Desert 2
Subterranean Desert 3
* These quests are "omnispawn" quests, and are able to feature enemies from any area of their respective episodes (though not all are used).
Coal Rewards per Quest
Episode Quest Title Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Episode 1 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E1) 1 1 2 4
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #1 2 3 4 6
Quest icon.pngSolstice Snafu 0 1 2 3
Episode 2 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E2) 1 2 3 6
Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster #2 2 3 5 8
Episode 4 Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E4) 1 1 2 6

Shop category[edit | edit source]

Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop[edit | edit source]

The Christmas Event Shop is one of the featured quests during the annual Christmas event. This quest features a single NPC, near the Check Room, with whom players may trade Tool icon.pngCoal for the two different kinds of Christmas presents.

This quest may be selected at the quest counter year-round.

Previous events[edit | edit source]

Previous Christmas events
Year Start date End date Forum
2016 December 6th January 9th, 2017 Link
2017 December 8th January 8th, 2017 Link
2018 December 15th January 12th, 2019 Link
2019 December 17th January 13th, 2020 Link
2020 December 12th January 9th, 2021 Link
2021 December 11th January 8th, 2022 Link
2022 December 10th January 7th, 2023 Link
2023 December 12th January 9th, 2024 Link
2024 December 14th January 11th, 2025 Link

Gallery[edit | edit source]