Easter event

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
The Easter visual lobby theme

The Ephinea Easter event is a major annual event that occurs during or around the month of April and lasts four weeks.

The Easter event features no event-exclusive quests, but does feature the server-wide drop of the event-exclusive currency called Tool icon.pngEvent Eggs. Event Eggs may be may be traded at Quest icon.pngThe Egg Shop for various rewards.

Additionally, Egg Rappies will spawn in the VR Temple instead of Love Rappies, and the Visual Lobby will feature the Easter theme.


Event items

Tool icon.pngEvent Egg
Try to find as many of these as you can before the event ends!
You may be able to trade your eggs to someone for something good!
Event Item
Max Stack
Main article: Tool icon.pngEvent Egg

During the Easter event, Tool icon.pngEvent Eggs can drop from all monsters (with the exception of scared Rappies) at the following rates:

Difficulty Rate
Normal 1/2000
Hard 1/1800
Very Hard 1/1200
Ultimate 1/500

While Event Eggs are not affected by most drop rate boosts, as of the 2024 Easter Event, boosts from a quest selected for Ragol Boost Road now do affect their drop rate. Event Eggs will not drop from item boxes.

Associated quests

Shop category

Quest icon.pngThe Egg Shop

The Egg Shop is one of the featured quests during the annual Easter event. This quest features two shop NPCs at which players may trade in their Event Eggs for various items, and a third NPC with which players may gamble their Event Eggs for various items of differing quality

This quest may be selected at the quest counter year-round.

Previous events

Previous Easter events
Year Start date End date Forum
2016 March 19th April 9th Link
2017 April 2nd April 30th Link
2018 March 23rd April 20th Link
2019 March 31st April 28th Link
2020 April 12th May 10th Link
2021 April 3rd May 14th Link
2022 April 2nd April 30th Link
2023 April 2nd April 30th Link
2024 March 30th April 27th Link