Christmas Event Shop

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop
Episode 1
Category: Quest category icon.pngShop
Client: ???
Info: No information given.
Languages: English
Total XP

0 0 0 0

No description given.
- Quest description
Click here for the dialogue script for this quest.

The Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop is a shop quest in Episode 1. In this quest, players may exchange Tool icon.pngCoal received from the Christmas event-exclusive quests or Tool icon.pngPresents with The Hunter NPC located near the check room for more Presents.

This quest remains available year-long, and may be used to trade Coal for Presents even outside of the Christmas event.

The Hunter

The Hunter near the bank seems up to something. For what possible reason could he want Tool icon.pngCoal? From The Hunter, you will be able to buy extra presents with your leftover Coal:

Present Required Coal
Common 8
Ultimate 40

Important NPCs Coordinates & Map


NPC Coordinates (X,Z)
The Hunter (-310, -75)


Christmas Event Shop Map.png