Weapon attributes

From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Attributes are a set of five statistics unique to each weapon. The first four attributes – Native, A.Beast, Machine, and Dark – increase a weapon's minimum ATP when attacking an enemy of that type (with some exceptions).

The fifth attribute, Hit, is "hidden," only being listed on a weapon's attribute page if it is present on the equipped weapon or the one being viewed. Unlike the other four attributes, hit being shown as a percentage is misleading--hit increases the ATA of the weapon by an amount exactly equal to the percentage listed (ex. 10% hit is 10 ATA). As a result, it is more effective against every enemy, and often more valuable than the others.

Every weapon can have up to three attributes, with the following exceptions:

  • Sealed weapons (and their unsealed counterparts): The kill counter required to track the unsealing of items such as Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword and Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent is stored as part of the item's hex code, and for weapons, this data is stored in the same location as the third attribute slot. The data for the kill counter remains even after the weapons are unsealed into Sword icon.pngTsumikiri J-Sword and Sword icon.pngExcalibur, respectively.
  • ES Weapons: ES weapons cannot have attributes at all as the data for attributes is used to store an individual weapon's custom name.

No attribute on any weapon can exceed a value of 100.

Attributes on found weapons

Main article: Weapon attribute drop tables

All weapons can have up to three attributes (with the exceptions of Sealed J-Sword and Lame d'Argent, as mentioned above). For each possible attribute, the game rolls between 1 and 100, with the resulting number deciding which attribute the weapon gets.

The value of the attribute is rolled using another weighted table commonly called the pattern. For nonrare weapons, this table depends on the difficulty and area, whereas for rare weapons it's always a set table. The server rolls between 1 and 10,000 against the selected pattern to decide what the value of the attribute will be.

Example: For a Gladius dropped in Forest 2 in Ultimate difficulty, the first attribute is rolled against Pattern 2, the second against Pattern 1, and the third against Pattern 0. Pattern N means no attribute is rolled.

For Episode 1 only, parties with a section ID of Yellowboze have a slightly increased chance for an enemy attribute, the attribute and bonus depending on area and difficulty.

When all three attribute rolls have been completed, duplicate attributes are removed and converted to 'No Attribute' before the item is generated. For example, if a weapon's attributes rolled as none, 5% hit, and 25% hit, the generated weapon will have only 5% hit.

Existing attributes for untekked weapons can be further increased or decreased by up to 10% via Tekking them.

Adding attributes to weapons

Global flag
Flag (Hex)
Flag (Dec)
Bitmask (Hex)
Bitmask (Dec)

If the player brings Paganini the data from the terminal in Seabed during Quest icon.pngThe West Tower quest, the "Enhance weapon's Photon" option will be available in Paganini's exchange in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop for the character that completes this sidequest (which can be completed on any difficulty).

The "Enhance weapon's Photon" option allows the player to increase attribute percentages on their weapons in exchange for set amounts of Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops, at the following rates:

Cost Increase
Item Amount
Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop x4 +1%
x20 +5%
Tool icon.pngPhoton Sphere x1 +30%
Note: The Photon Sphere option cannot be used if the attribute to be increased is higher than 70%.

The following restrictions apply to adding attributes:

  • A weapon cannot have more than three attributes
    • Sealed weapons and their unsealed counterparts may not have more than two, including Hit%
  • Attributes cannot exceed 100%
  • Hit% cannot be added to a weapon
  • ES Weapons cannot have attributes

To unlock this option, a character must have already collected Quest icon.pngThe East Tower data for Paganini (refer to adding specials to ES weapons for directions), then follow these steps:

  • Start the quest Quest icon.pngThe West Tower
  • Talk to Hopkins in the lab (he is in the same place you would find him in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop to access Paganini)
  • Traverse the Seabed Upper levels until you find and access the terminal containing the Research Data (you will receive a Quest Board item)
    • Unlike the previous sidequest, you do not have to continue onto the Control Tower to complete this sidequest. You may simply access the terminal and return to Pioneer 2 via Tool icon.pngTelepipe or Ryuker.pngRyuker
  • Return to the lab and talk to Hopkins before ending the quest

Note: Unlike The East Tower, there is no easy way to check through Hopkins if you have already completed The West Tower sidequest, as Hopkins in Gallon's Shop will say the same "My father is working on a huge project right now." line, both before completing the previous sidequest as well as after completing this one.

Adding Hit to enemy weapons

It is possible to add Hit % to enemy weapons (and only enemy weapons) despite the attribute not being eligible for increase through Paganini's Exchange in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop. To add hit % to enemy weapons, a character must speak with Dr. Montague in the episode 4 quest Quest icon.pngClaire's Deal 5 after unlocking the feature through a sidequest present in the government quest Quest icon.png9-5:The Chosen (1/2).

Once the sidequest is completed, speaking to Dr. Montague in Claire's Deal 5 with an enemy weapon in the inventory will have him offer to further enhance the weapon through a process requiring Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystals. This process involves giving Dr. Montague an increasing number of Photon Crystals (starting with one) for a decreasing percentage chance (starting at 100%) of adding 10% more Hit to the weapon in question each time, to a maximum of 50% Hit.

Exchanging Photon Crystals
Cost Success Rate Total Hit
1 100% 10
2 80% 20
3 60% 30
4 40% 40
5 20% 50

The minimum amount of Photon Crystals a player must spend, therefore, is as follows:

  • 1 (1) Photon Crystal for 10% Hit;
  • +2 (3) for 20% Hit;
  • +3 (6) for 30% Hit;
  • +4 (10) for 40% Hit;
  • +5 (15) for 50% Hit

For a combined total of 15 Photon Crystals when all attempts are successes. The probability of succeeding on each increment in only one try is 3.84%. The average number of Photon Crystals required to reach 50 Hit is 42.5.

Eligible Weapons
Sword icon.pngRappy's Fan
Sword icon.pngBooma's Claw
Sword icon.pngGobooma's Claw
Sword icon.pngGigobooma's Claw
Cane icon.pngHildebear's Cane
Cane icon.pngHildeblue's Cane
Sword icon.pngDragon's Claw
Sword icon.pngG-Assassin's Sabers
Sword icon.pngP-Arms' Blade
Sword icon.pngS-Beat's Blade
Sword icon.pngS-Red's Blade
Gun icon.pngBaranz Launcher
Sword icon.pngDelsaber's Buster
Cane icon.pngSorcerer's Cane
Gun icon.pngBelra Cannon
Gun icon.pngBringer's Rifle
Sword icon.pngS-Berill's Hands #0
Sword icon.pngS-Berill's Hands #1
Gun icon.pngGi Gue Bazooka
Cane icon.pngGal Wind

To unlock this option, the player must follow these steps:

  • Start the quest Quest icon.png9-5:The Chosen (1/2);
  • Proceed through the quest as normal until the large, circular crater room in Desert 1;
  • In this room, all enemies must be defeated within five minutes of entering the room;
  • If done successfully, a cutscene will play showing Dr. Montague appearing, who must be spoken to;
  • Proceed to the end of the quest as normal, and speak to Dr. Montague a second time in the last room before heading back to Pioneer 2