Tsumikiri J-Sword

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Sword icon.pngTsumikiri J-Sword
Tsumikiri J-Sword.png
Owned by Orochi Agito, the blade was made along the same lines as Agito, with a carved seal on the blade.
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.pngStar rare.pngStar rare.png
910 ATP
Max Grind
See Page
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl
H. Dist
H. Angle
V. Dist
V. Angle

Sword icon.pngTsumikiri J-Sword is a rare sword obtained by unsealing the weapon Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword, and one of the rarest items in the game.

Tsumikiri J-Sword's special attack is a 360° wave attack that deals heavy attack damage and cannot miss. The attack requires 20 Photon Blast gauge to initiate, and the gauge is quickly decreased to 0. The attack can be repeatedly used until the Photon Blast gauge has been completely depleted. At 100 PB, a player may do a full 3-attack combo using the special attack. The special attack lingers and can deal multiple instances of damage to enemies that are vulnerable as they spawn.

As Tsumikiri J-Sword is a weapon originating from a sealed item, it can only have a maximum of two attributes instead of the usual three.


Tsumikiri J-Sword has Ephinea-exclusive cosmetic skins that can be obtained. This renames the Tsumikiri J-Sword to Tsumikiri J-Sword*. The skin can be removed via using Tool icon.pngNeutralizer, but you will not receive the used weapon skin back.

Each of these skins lack the blue bubble particle for the special attack. The pillar particles and the weapon otherwise functions normally.



Tsumikiri J-Sword can be obtained by selecting the "Use" option on a Sealed J-Sword with 23,000 kills accumulated.


  • Similar to Sword icon.pngBerdysh, by using Tsumikiri J-Sword's special attack and swapping to a different weapon, a player may prevent the special attack draining all of their PB. By buffering a weapon swap, players may intentionally drain as little as 38 PB. Intentional partial draining of PB allows for players to more quickly achieve 100 PB triggers from their Mags.
PB Drain With +40% Battle Speed
Combo PB Required To Start Minimum PB Drained
Male Female Male Female
S 20 45
SS 40 96
SSS 79 80 100
-S 20 38
-SS 39 40 100
--S 20 46
  • The PB gauge has a maximum visual fill/deplete rate which is slower than Tsumikiri J-Sword's special attack PB drain. The PB gauge may appear to continue draining even after the weapon is unequipped as the gauge continues to animate until it reaches the actual PB value remaining.
  • The special attack expands outward from the player's location up to a maximum radius while continuously draining PB. If the PB gauge is depleted, the effect ends. The maximum range is not guaranteed. However, if a considerable amount of PB is generated during the attack, the duration may be extended.
  • Each special attack can hit a maximum of 8 targets.
  • Although it is exceptionally rare, a Sealed J-Sword with Hit % is worth keeping sealed, as it is the only multi-target weapon in the game that is capable of having Hit % as well as an unreduced Hell special. Additionally, Tsumikiri J-Sword does not benefit significantly from having Hit %, as its special attack is incapable of missing.
