Random Attack Xrd REV 2

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd REV 2
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack
Info: Fight off swarms of monsters in various areas. Can you make it to the end?
Reward: ??? Meseta
Author: Ender
Languages: English
Total XP

??? ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ???

Venture through a randomized series of maps.
- Quest description


This quest randomly picks 4 of 10 possible floors and chains them together. Each floor contains a randomized split, so the player will never fight the full number of enemies that spawn on a given floor. However, Control Tower has no randomized split and the player will therefore fight all the enemies listed below. The last floor of each area that appears has a 1/3 chance of spawning the Boss Teleporter before going to the following area. For example, if the quest gives you Temple Alpha and Temple Beta, then only Temple Beta will perform the random roll for the boss. However if you received only Temple Alpha, then Temple Alpha will perform the random roll for the boss.

Each boss on the selected route provides an additional 10000 Meseta to the base 20000 Meseta reward on Ultimate.

The quest can end on any floor as long as 4 floors were visited.

Enemy Counts

VR Temple Alpha
Enemy Count
Dimenian 25
La Dimenian 23
So Dimenian 11
Rag Rappy 12
Poison Lily 27
Hildebear 16
Grass Assassin 10
Dark Belra 10
Monest 4
VR Temple Beta
Enemy Count
Dimenian 18
La Dimenian 20
So Dimenian 22
Rag Rappy 16
Poison Lily 19
Hildebear 15
Grass Assassin 10
Dark Belra 20
Monest 2
VR Spaceship Alpha
Enemy Count
Gillchic 43
Dubchic 22
Dubwitch 8
Savage Wolf 10
Barbarous Wolf 14
Delsaber 20
Pan Arms 6
Garanz 20
VR Spaceship Beta
Enemy Count
Gillchic 28
Dubchic 21
Dubwitch 7
Savage Wolf 22
Barbarous Wolf 14
Delsaber 22
Pan Arms 11
Chaos Sorcerer 21
Jungle East
Enemy Count
Merillia 25
Meriltas 21
Ul Gibbon 18
Zol Gibbon 8
Gee 21
Sinow Berill 14
Sinow Spigell 6
Mericarol 4
Merikle 5
Mericus 3
Gibbles 1
Gi Gue 1
Random Mericarol 3
Enemy Count
Merillia 20
Meriltas 11
Ul Gibbon 36
Zol Gibbon 25
Gee 37
Sinow Berill 13
Sinow Spigell 6
Mericarol 1
Mericus 1
Gibbles 11
Gi Gue 2
Random Mericarol 1
Enemy Count
Merillia 10
Meriltas 11
Ul Gibbon 14
Zol Gibbon 12
Gee 46
Sinow Berill 13
Sinow Spigell 9
Mericarol 1
Merikle 1
Mericus 1
Gibbles 4
Gi Gue 15
Random Mericarol 2
Seabed Upper
Enemy Count
Dolmolm 36
Dolmdarl 26
Recobox 29
Recon 145
Morfos 15
Deldepth 9
Sinow Zoa 23
Sinow Zele 9
Delbiter 12
Seabed Lower
Enemy Count
Dolmolm 36
Dolmdarl 29
Recobox 22
Recon 140
Morfos 16
Deldepth 15
Sinow Zoa 21
Sinow Zele 9
Delbiter 16
VR Temple Final
Enemy Count
Barba Ray 1
VR Spaceship Final
Enemy Count
Gol Dragon 1
Cliffs of Gal Da Val
Enemy Count
Gal Gryphon 1
Test Subject Disposal Area
Enemy Count
Olga Flow 1
Control Tower
Enemy Count
Recobox 4
Recon 20
Mericarol 4
Merikle 3
Mericus 3
Gibbles 7
Gi Gue 9
Delbiter 9
Del Lily 14
Ill Gill 22
Epsilon 6
Random Mericarol 2
Enemy Count
Barba Ray 1
Gol Dragon 1
Gal Gryphon 1
Olga Flow 1
Enemy Count Enemy Count Enemy Count Enemy Count Enemy Count
Dimenian 43 Gillchic 71 Merillia 51 Dolmolm 72 Mericarol 10
La Dimenian 43 Dubchic 43 Meriltas 47 Dolmdarl 55 Merikle 7
So Dimenian 43 Dubwitch 15 Ul Gibbon 68 Recobox 55 Mericus 10
Rag Rappy 28 Savage Wolf 32 Zol Gibbon 45 Recon 205 Gibbles 24
Poison Lily 45 Barbarous Wolf 28 Gee 104 Sinow Zoa 44 Gi Gue 27
Hildebear 31 Delsaber 42 Sinow Berill 40 Sinow Zele 18 Delbiter 38
Grass Assassin 20 Pan Arms 17 Sinow Spigell 21 Morfos 31 Del Lily 14
Dark Belra 30 Garanz 20 Deldepth 24 Ill Gill 22
Chaos Sorcerer 21 Epsilon 6
Random Mericarol 8
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
VR Temple Alpha VR Temple Beta VR Spaceship Alpha VR Spaceship Beta Jungle East
Box 16 Box 18 Box 20 Box 20 Box 22
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Mountain Seaside Seabed Upper Seabed Lower Control Tower
Box 38 Box 21 Box 21 Box 16 Box 17
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
VR Temple Final VR Spaceship Final Cliffs of Gal Da Val Test Subject Disposal Area
Box (Weapon) 7 Box (Weapon) 12 Box (Weapon) 8 Box (Weapon) 10
Box (Armor) 7 Box (Armor) 12 Box (Armor) 4 Box (Armor) 10