Penumbral Surge 3

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge #3
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngExtermination
Client: Lab
Info: The eclipse is attracting an abundance of monsters on Gal Da Val Island.
Reward: Normal: 2000
Hard: 4000
Very Hard: 6000
Ultimate: 23000
Author: Esther
Languages: English
Total XP

??? ??? ??? ???

A strange umbral eclipse is causing an abnormal amount of monsters to swarm on Gal Da Val Island. Exterminate them!
- Quest description

Penumbral Surge #3 (PS3) is the third installment of the Penumbral Surge series. This quest both starts and ends in the Seaside Area of Gal Da Val Island.

Completing both the Mountain Area and Jungle Area North will allow access to the rest of Seaside to complete the quest. PS3 will change the starting position in Seaside area for all players the moment a player reaches the teleporter room, where Mountain Area and Jungle Area North can be accessed.

  • The Enemy/Box Count is separated from Start and End of Seaside.

Enemy Counts

Seaside Area
Enemy Count
Pass 1 Pass 2
Merillia 16 33
Meriltas 8 10
Ul Gibbon 2 14
Zol Gibbon 0 9
Gee 20 33
Sinow Berill 3 11
Sinow Spigell 0 12
Mericarol 0 3
Merikle 0 1
Gi Gue 2 14
Box Type Count
Jungle North
Box 10
Box 13
Box 4 | 21