August Atrocity 2

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 2
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngEvent
Client: Delta
Info: Monsters are overpopulating Ragol! We need your help.
Author: Ender
Languages: English
Total XP

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We are currently holding our annual monster clean-up on Ragol and we need your help!
- Quest description

Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 2 is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 2 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.


Similar to Quest icon.pngDecember Disasters #1 and #2, this quest uses the new omnispawn mechanic, whereby all enemies in the game may appear in one area, regardless of them normally not appearing in the area, or even in the episode (e.g. Satellite Lizards in Mine 2).

For the purposes of rare drops, enemies which appear in multiple episodes (e.g. Delsaber, which appears in both Ruins and VR Spaceship) have their rare drop determined by the episode in which the quest is initiated.

To simplify, this means if an enemy appears in both Episode 1 and Episode 2 and is included in an August Atrocity quest, it will have its Episode 1 drop in Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 1 (an Episode 1 quest), and its Episode 2 drop in August Atrocity 2 (an Episode 2 quest).

Enemy Counts

Central Control Area
Enemy Count
Barble 6
Bartle 7
Tollaw 4
Canabin 8
Canune 1
Sinow Blue 6
Dark Gunner 4
Dark Bringer 4
El Rappy 13
Ob Lily 7
Hildelt 18
Mothvist 2
Gulgus 4
Gulgus-gue 2
Baranz 4
Gran Sorcerer 15
Merillia 8
Meriltas 4
Ul Gibbon 32
Zol Gibbon 13
Gee 13
Gi Gue 8
Gibbles 5
Sinow Berill 8
Mericarol 5
Mericus 1
Merikle 2
Dolmdarl 2
Morfos 2
Del Lily 2
Ill Gill 1
Epsilon 1
Boota 17
Ba Boota 16
Ze Boota 13
Yowie 2
Satellite Lizard 2
Astark 6
Dorphon 6
Merissa A 7
Girtablulu 1