Talk:Present (Christmas)

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
This is a talk page to discuss the Present (Christmas) article.
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List formatting stuff

  1. FOR ANYONE EDITING THIS PAGE: There are bullet points within the lists that have been left blank INTENTIONALLY, as they reflect "gaps" in the item lists as found in the "Ephinea Christmas (year) Thread" the lists have been pulled from. Please leave these blank bullet points in the source so potentially later-reported findings may be easily added to this page. THANKS!
  2. I was updating the tables to exclude the bullet points (cos it looks nice) but forgot about this whole concept so now there's an awkward amount of bulleted vs. non-bulleted tables and i'm not sure what to do about it just yet
  3. Alright commenting out the bullet points works to make the list look nice in the table but preserves them in the source, so I've done that for every table that's relevant. Hooray.

- Sundark (talk) 18:04, 24 January 2024 (UTC)