Chat commands
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Chat commands are commands that players can input by using the in-game chat. Chat commands are always prefixed with the /
List of chat commands
- /partyinfo: Displays the following information about the current party:
- Experience Rate
- Experience Share Settings
- Drop Rate
- Rare Drop
- Drop Style
- Section ID
- Anguish Level
- /setname x: Changes the party's name. 12 characters maximum.
- /setpass x: Change the party's password. Leave clear to remove. 16 characters maximum.
- /lobby: Returns you to the lobby.
- /purist: Forces classic drop style with experience share off, along with 1x rates.
- /pk: Enables a PvP flag in your current game. All players must have this enabled.
- /showwep: Displays SPECIAL WEAPON names on pickup.
- /killcount: Displays kill counters for unsealable items.
- /bank: Toggles between character and common banks.
- /cbank x: Changes characters displayed at login. There are 8 "character banks."
- /forecast: Displays the current luck forecast.
- /luck: Displays your current luck level.
- /noluck: Disables any luck boosts in your games.
- /hbr: Displays your current Hunters Boost Road scores.
- /modname x: Changes your character name. 10 characters maximum.
- /modsecid x: Changes your Section ID. This command can only be used once every 3 calendar months.
- /matcount: Displays your character's material usage.
- /matreset: Resets your character's material usage (excluding HP/TP).
- /wipecmode: Deletes the current character's Challenge Mode data.
- /gamefilter: Shows only joinable games at the counter.
- /ping: Check your ping to the current ship.
- /time: Displays the current time in UTC.
- /lang x: Sets the current language to English (1) or Japanese (2) for quests.
- /bgm x: Sets background music volume. Ranges from 0 to 10.
- /sfx x: Sets sound effect volume. Ranges from 0 to 10.
- /mobhp: Enables or disables monster HP bars. On by default.
- /resetmobhp: Sets monster HP bar parameters to default.
- /mobhpfilled RRGGBB: Sets monster HP bar filled colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.
- /mobhpfilling RRGGBB: Sets monster HP bar filling colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.
- /mobhpdamage RRGGBB: Sets monster HP bar damaged colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.
- /starttimer x: Starts a simple timer. If x is defined, the timer will countdown from the amount of seconds defined by x.
- /freezetimer: Freezes the currently displayed timer.
- /killtimer: Destroys the currently displayed timer.
- /revealtimer: Reveals a destroyed timer.
- /registertimer x,y,z: Creates a timer on standby waiting for register y to be set. The timer will automatically freeze once register z has been set. If x is set, the timer will count backwards from x number of seconds to 0.
- /zonetimer x,y,z,r: Immediately starts a timer waiting for room z of floor y to be cleared. If r is set, the timer is created on standby, waiting for register r to be set before counting. If x is set, the timer will count backwards from x number of seconds to 0.
- /damagecancel: Toggles server-side damage cancel mitigation measures on or off.
Sandbox mode only
These commands are only available to Sandbox mode accounts.
- /addmeseta: Creates any number of Meseta.
- /item: Will create any item.
- /levelup: Levels up your character.
- /redbox: Forces all drops to be rare (Leader Only).
- /srank: Awards you an S-Rank Weapon the next Challenge Mode stage completed.
- /warpall: Warps everyone in the current game to a floor of your choice (Leader Only).
- /warpme: Warps you to a floor of your choice.
- /wipecmode: Clears your Challenge Mode data.