Christmas Fiasco (E2)/Dialogue

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Quest Start

Party Organizer inside the Lab

(You have the option to skip the opening dialogue)

It's about goddamn time.
The party's gonna start in 30 minutes
However, some monsters are being totally uncool, and are planning on
crashing the party.
So, I need you to go through three separate areas:
VR Spaceship BETA,
Central Control Area,
and the Seabed.
Kill them before they manage to crash our super-sweet shin-dig.
Though I'm not sure how VR monsters can crash the party,
but that's besides the point! Kill them anyway!
Now hurry the hell up and get to work!
(Conversation ends)

On Pioneer 2 Before Request Completion

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(BGM: Phantasy Star Universe - Christmas)

Party Organizer inside the Lab

Hurry up.
The faster you do this, the faster we get to start our super-sweet shin-dig.
(Conversation ends)

FOmar inside the Lab

♪ ♪ Jingle bells, Jingle Bells ♪ ♪
♪ Jingle all the... ♪
Ah! Don't sneak up on me like that!
Oh well, anyway it seems the hunters guild is hiring carolers for the
season, so I figured I'd practice up a bit.
You know me, never going to turn down Meseta when the right opportunity
comes along.
So, how'd I sound?
I'll tell you what's going to be flat soon! Your head!
Bah. Don't you have a mission you should be doing?
Go do that and let me practice.
Meseta doesn't fall from Boomas you know.
Err...oh yeah, it does. Whatever.
(Conversation ends)

Purple-haired Woman inside Lab

You know, I really hate parties.
But I REALLY need to get laid tonight.
So, don't screw this up, okay?
(Conversation ends)

Blonde Woman inside Lab

Oh, I'm sorry!
*munch* *munch* *munch*
(Conversation ends)

Green-haired Man inside Shop

So you're gonna tackle all those monsters who are trying to stop our party?
Well, good luck with that!
Just make sure you're well equipped for the task.
If need be, go see my twin brother at the Armor Shop.
He'll be sure to not to give you a discount!
(Conversation ends)

Military Man

I know the guy in charge of the party can be down-right rude,
but don't think of doing anything stupid.
Yeah, I know you may want to bash his skull in, but
if you do that, I'll have to take you in.
I don't want to have to do that.
Wouldn't you rather be home for the holidays?
(Conversation ends)

VR Spaceship Beta

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Starting Terminal

Begin clean-up?
Let's do it!
Please wait for the rest of the party.
(When everyone in the party is ready)
Not yet...
(Conversation ends)

Seabed Lower

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Ending Terminal

Send the all clear signal?
Clean-up task complete!
All clear signal sent!
(Conversation ends)

On Pioneer 2 After Request Completion

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Party Organizer inside the Lab

Awesome, you helped save the super-sweet shin-dig.
And no, you're totally not invited.
Dude, you're covered in blood.
Getting blood all over the floor is as uncool as crashing the party.
Head over to the Guild Counter to collect your reward.
"Earned (1/2/3/6 based on difficulty) Coal!"
(Quest marked as complete, BGM: After the story 1)
(Conversation ends)

(After initiating conversation again)
You're still here?
Your job is done. Get out of here.
You smell like unwashed butt and rotten cheese.
Please collect your reward and leave!
(Conversation ends)

FOmar inside the Lab

♪ ♪ ...'Tis the season to be jolly! Fa-ahhh! ♪ ♪
Stop doing that. Anyway, how'd it go?
You know those huge Rappies make quite a delicious dinner.
You should try some roasted on an open fire.
It's even better than turkey!
But man I tell ya, trying to wrestle that thing into the oven was a pain.
Huh? Oh, well we thought we had killed it already, but it turns out it was
just playing dead.
You should have seen the riot that was caused when we tried to cook it.
One of my friends lost an eye because of that thing.
Good times...
and hospital bills.
(Conversation ends)

Purple-haired Woman inside Lab

I am officially "open" for business!
Thanks, Doll.
(Conversation ends)

Blonde Woman inside Lab

Oh, hello! Welcome back.
I see you managed to kill all the enemies.
Ugh, but I've eaten so much cake, I don't even
have room for party food.
Maybe it's time to purge!
(Conversation ends)

Green-haired Man inside Shop

You did it!
Did you employ my brother's wares?
If so, let's talk about my referral fee...
(Conversation ends)

Military Man

Good job with completing the task!
The party thrower was trying to get me to engage
in a wager that you would spectacularly fail the mission.
I'm not a gambling man, but I did believe you'd pull it off.
(Conversation ends)

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