Christmas Fiasco (E2)/Dialogue
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E2)
Quest Start
Party Organizer inside the Lab
- (You have the option to skip the opening dialogue)
- It's about goddamn time.
- The party's gonna start in 30 minutes
- However, some monsters are being totally uncool, and are planning on
- crashing the party.
- So, I need you to go through three separate areas:
- VR Spaceship BETA,
- Central Control Area,
- and the Seabed.
- Kill them before they manage to crash our super-sweet shin-dig.
- Though I'm not sure how VR monsters can crash the party,
- but that's besides the point! Kill them anyway!
- Now hurry the hell up and get to work!
- (Conversation ends)
On Pioneer 2 Before Request Completion
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E2)
- (BGM: Phantasy Star Universe - Christmas)
Party Organizer inside the Lab
- Hurry up.
- The faster you do this, the faster we get to start our super-sweet shin-dig.
- (Conversation ends)
FOmar inside the Lab
- ♪ ♪ Jingle bells, Jingle Bells ♪ ♪
- ♪ Jingle all the... ♪
- Ah! Don't sneak up on me like that!
- Oh well, anyway it seems the hunters guild is hiring carolers for the
- season, so I figured I'd practice up a bit.
- You know me, never going to turn down Meseta when the right opportunity
- comes along.
- So, how'd I sound?
- ...
- Flat?
- I'll tell you what's going to be flat soon! Your head!
- Bah. Don't you have a mission you should be doing?
- Go do that and let me practice.
- Meseta doesn't fall from Boomas you know.
- Err...oh yeah, it does. Whatever.
- (Conversation ends)
Purple-haired Woman inside Lab
- Yo.
- You know, I really hate parties.
- But I REALLY need to get laid tonight.
- So, don't screw this up, okay?
- (Conversation ends)
Blonde Woman inside Lab
- ...Oh!
- Oh, I'm sorry!
- ...
- *munch* *munch* *munch*
- (Conversation ends)
Green-haired Man inside Shop
- Greetings.
- So you're gonna tackle all those monsters who are trying to stop our party?
- ...
- Well, good luck with that!
- Just make sure you're well equipped for the task.
- If need be, go see my twin brother at the Armor Shop.
- He'll be sure to not to give you a discount!
- (Conversation ends)
Military Man
- Hey.
- I know the guy in charge of the party can be down-right rude,
- but don't think of doing anything stupid.
- Yeah, I know you may want to bash his skull in, but
- if you do that, I'll have to take you in.
- I don't want to have to do that.
- Wouldn't you rather be home for the holidays?
- (Conversation ends)
VR Spaceship Beta
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E2)
Starting Terminal
- Begin clean-up?
- Let's do it!
- Please wait for the rest of the party.
- (When everyone in the party is ready)
- Not yet...
- (Conversation ends)
Seabed Lower
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E2)
Ending Terminal
- Send the all clear signal?
- Yes
- Clean-up task complete!
- All clear signal sent!
- No
- (Conversation ends)
On Pioneer 2 After Request Completion
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E2)
Party Organizer inside the Lab
- Awesome, you helped save the super-sweet shin-dig.
- And no, you're totally not invited.
- Dude, you're covered in blood.
- Getting blood all over the floor is as uncool as crashing the party.
- Head over to the Guild Counter to collect your reward.
- "Earned (1/2/3/6 based on difficulty) Coal!"
- (Quest marked as complete, BGM: After the story 1)
- (Conversation ends)
- (After initiating conversation again)
- You're still here?
- Your job is done. Get out of here.
- You smell like unwashed butt and rotten cheese.
- Please collect your reward and leave!
- (Conversation ends)
FOmar inside the Lab
- ♪ ♪ ...'Tis the season to be jolly! Fa-ahhh! ♪ ♪
- Stop doing that. Anyway, how'd it go?
- You know those huge Rappies make quite a delicious dinner.
- You should try some roasted on an open fire.
- It's even better than turkey!
- But man I tell ya, trying to wrestle that thing into the oven was a pain.
- Huh? Oh, well we thought we had killed it already, but it turns out it was
- just playing dead.
- You should have seen the riot that was caused when we tried to cook it.
- One of my friends lost an eye because of that thing.
- Good times...
- and hospital bills.
- (Conversation ends)
Purple-haired Woman inside Lab
- Excellent.
- I am officially "open" for business!
- Thanks, Doll.
- (Conversation ends)
Blonde Woman inside Lab
- Oh, hello! Welcome back.
- I see you managed to kill all the enemies.
- Ugh, but I've eaten so much cake, I don't even
- have room for party food.
- Maybe it's time to purge!
- (Conversation ends)
Green-haired Man inside Shop
- Awesome!
- You did it!
- Did you employ my brother's wares?
- If so, let's talk about my referral fee...
- (Conversation ends)
Military Man
- Good job with completing the task!
- The party thrower was trying to get me to engage
- in a wager that you would spectacularly fail the mission.
- I'm not a gambling man, but I did believe you'd pull it off.
- (Conversation ends)
← Return to Christmas Fiasco (E1)