
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Paralyze)

Paralysis.pngParalysis is a status effect in PSO. Paralysis can be applied by:

Some quests also have special traps that can inflict paralysis on the player.


Paralysis.pngParalysis and Poison.pngPoison cannot affect the same player at the same time; if a player is paralyzed and becomes poisoned, they will no longer be paralyzed, and vice versa.


Paralysis lasts until dispelled by Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis, Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer, level 3 Anti.pngAnti, a healing ring, or the nurse at the Medical Center. Paralysis prevents players from attacking or casting techniques, but not moving or using items. Android players are immune to paralysis, as are players with a Frame icon.pngSacred Cloth or Unit icon.pngCure/Paralysis equipped.


Paralysis lasts for 7 seconds. If paralysis is applied to a monster that is already paralyzed, its paralysis duration will be reset for the player who re-inflicted it, but not for the other players. Paralysis prevents monsters from moving or attacking, and will lower the monster's EVP by 15%. Bosses and Machine-type monsters are immune to paralysis.

Special attacks

Paralysis can be applied using the special attack from an Arrest-series weapon. Provided the attack connects, each special has a different chance of success.

Androids receive a 30% boost to the activation rate of all paralysis specials on Ultimate difficulty. This value can be added directly to the values in the Power column below. Unit icon.pngV501 and Unit icon.pngV502 give an additional 50% boost to the activation rate of paralysis specials; these stack with the android boost, but not with each other.

Base Paralysis Chance = ((Power) - (Enemy ESP)) * (Special Reduction) * (Unit Boost)
Rarity Special Name Power
1★ Bind 32%
2★ Hold 48%
3★ Seize 64%
4★ Arrest 80%