Pioneer Christmas/Dialogue

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Return to Quest icon.pngPioneer Christmas

Quest Start

Naura Cake Sister on Pioneer 2

(BGM: NiGHTS into Dreams - Dreams, Dreams)

(Light particles continuously scatter from the ceiling, akin to falling snow)

Hello, <hero name>.
Have you heard of the Naura Cake Shop?
The shop is run by my two sisters and me...
We ran out of paper to wrap our cakes in at the shop.
So I came here to purchase some paper...
But I realized there's some urgent business I need to take care of.
So I won't be able to return to the shop immediately.
So I thought maybe a Hunters could help me out.
I'd like you to hand over this wrapping paper to my sisters.
They're located in the Mountain Area.
I'm sorry to ask you to help on such a simple errand, but...
Will you please help?
(or, if you say 'No' at first)
Take her request
Thank you! Please deliver this!
(Quest Board item "Wrapping paper" is created)
"Received the wrapping paper."
Thank you very much for your help.
Because it's Christmas,
it's been difficult to find anyone who'd accept my request.
If I hadn't found you, I would've been in big trouble.
Again, thank you.
(Conversation ends)
Oh! I'm sorry.
Could you do something to help me out, please?
Don't take it
Oh, I see...
Sorry to be such a bother.
(Conversation ends, quest marked as failure)

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Return to Quest icon.pngPioneer Christmas

On Pioneer 2 Regardless of Request Choice

Blue/Purple/White Military Man

Do you have any business with the Lab? There seems to be few people here.
It's probably because it's Christmas today.

Blue-haired Man

Christmas, it's Christmas!
Oh no. I haven't figured out what I should get.
(Conversation ends)

(After initiating conversation again)
What should I do about my present?
(Conversation ends)

Blue-haired Woman

Ta la la...
At last Christmas has come.
Are you going to go out on a date with your love?
Ta la la...
(Conversation ends)

Red-haired Woman (Christmas Present Sidequest)

Merry Christmas!
I'm gathering as many donations as I can to give away to children.
Will you help me?
(Inventory menu will appear as a prompt)

(If you cancel out of the inventory menu prompt)
Don't you have anything, that can be a present?
Too bad.
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to give her an item that she isn't interested in, including Tool icon.pngPresent (Christmas))
Oh, I'm sorry. That's not a present.
We can only accept wrapped items, you know, "presents".
Sorry to have wasted your time.
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to give her a Tool icon.pngChristmas Present)
Wow, that's a genuine Christmas present!
That's the last thing I would accept.
You should keep it as a present for your significant other!
It should be appreciated by your partner!
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to give her a Tool icon.pngPresent)
Can I really accept this present?
(The Present that was offered is consumed)

(If the Present was of a color you have given her before, or is of the default White/Pink variety)
Thank you for your charity. The children will be very happy.
(Conversation ends)

(If the Present was of a color you haven't given her yet)
That's a wonderful present!
The children will be very happy.

(If the new Present was Yellow/Blue-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a vivid yellow box with a nice blue ribbon.

(If the new Present was Black/Yellow-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a chic black box with a nice yellow ribbon.

(If the new Present was Light-blue/Orange-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a light-blue box with a soothing orange ribbon.

(If the new Present was Pink/Yellow-green-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a nice pink box with an accented yellow-green ribbon.

(If the new Present was Magenta-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a magenta box that provides a mysterious aura.

(If the new Present was Blue-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a blue box that shows off the glossy wrapping.

(If the new Present was Yellow-wrapped)
Anyway, it's an elegant yellow box.

(If the new Present was Vermilion-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a vermillion box that provides a nice bright aura.

(If the new Present was Green-wrapped)
Anyway, it's a green box that shows off the glossy wrapping.

Note: You will only receive this message and reward once per character.
(If you have given her all nine different varieties of wrapped Presents she can accept, aside from the White/Pink variety)
Thank you very much for your various presents.
Please accept my Christmas present to you...
It's for your kindness and presents to all the children.
"Received a Christmas Present."

If you find a nice present again, please cooperate with us.
(Conversation ends)
(Inventory menu prompt will reappear)

Blonde Woman in Lab

The world is enjoying Christmas...
But I must put my work first...
I still have a lot of research data to deal with.
(Conversation ends)

Chief Natasha Milarose in Lab

Do you have any business with the Lab?
Today, many people are taking a Christmas holiday.
If it's not urgent, you should visit us later.
(Conversation ends)

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Return to Quest icon.pngPioneer Christmas

On Pioneer 2 Before Request Completion

Naura Cake Sister on Pioneer 2

Note: If you teleport to the Mountain Area but then go back to Pioneer 2, she will no longer be available until the quest is complete.

(If you refused her request)
Oh, no, I was invited, but...
Well, let's get back to the shop then.
(Conversation ends)

(If you accepted her request)
My sisters are deep in the Mountain Area.
It may be a little troublesome, but please do your best.
(Conversation ends)

Christmas Trio

Note: If you refused the quest request, they will not be available until you restart the quest.

(When you approach them)
???: Hello, you're <hero job> <hero name>, right?
Mary: I'm Mary. I teach these children.
Mary: Now you guys, give a salute to <hero name>.
Christopher: Hi, my name is Christopher. Nice to meet you!
Christina: I'm Christina. Nice to meet you!
Mary: Actually, I have a really big favor to ask <hero name>.
Mary: The destination of the request you took earlier, seems to be in
Mary: Mountain Area,
Mary: and I would like you to take us along.
Mary: ...
Mary: Oh, you want to know the reason? As a matter of fact,
Mary: these children have special talents and I'm supposed to teach them.
Mary: Our purpose is to check the results of their training.
Mary: We'll never interrupt <hero name>.
Mary: So, could you please accept this request?
Mary: Hey, please ask nicely.
Christopher: Taking us along will bring you not hindrance but fun, I bet!
Christina: So, bring us with you!
Mary: I appreciate your kindness.
Christopher: Wonderful!
Christina: Thanks!
(Conversation ends; Mary, Christopher and Christina join your party)
Mary: I see.That's a pity.
Mary: ...
Mary: If you have some troubles in the Mountain Area, we could be of help.
Christopher: At that time,
Christina: think of us.
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again after initially refusing them)
Mary: Could you take the children?
(Conversation jumps back to 'Yes/no' options initially offered)

(If they're in your party, occasionally)
Christopher: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!
Christina: Jingle all the way!

(If they're in your party and get lost)
Mary: Where are you?
Christopher: Oh? I can't find...
Christina: Where are you?

(If they're in your party and find you)
Mary: At last, I've finally found you.
Christopher: I found you!
Christina: I see ya!

Green-haired Man in Lab

(If you initiate conversation after refusing the quest request)
There is a teleporter to the surface here.
You may not use this until the Chief gives her permission.
So stay away!
(Conversation ends)

(After initial conversation if you refused the quest request)
Even though I finally got approval...
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach the nearby Teleporter room after refusing the quest request)
Hey! You!
You're <hero name>, aren't you?
I heard you refused the request of the cake shop girl at the last moment.
How dare you reject her request when you'd accepted via the Guild.
Was it because it was just a simple errand?
If so, you shouldn't have accepted the quest in the first place!
So, where are you planning to go?
There's no way I'd let a snob like you use this Teleporter.
So stay away!
(Your character moves away from the room back into the Lab, conversation ends)

(After initially denied access, if you again approach the nearby Teleporter room)
Hey! You!
Where do you think you're going to?
There's no way I'd let a snob like you use this Teleporter.
So stay away!
(Your character moves away from the room back into the Lab, conversation ends)

(If you initiate conversation after accepting the quest request)
Oh! You're the one the cake girl asked to help out, right?
The Teleporter is ready, so you can go down there.
(Conversation ends)

(After initial conversation if you accepted the quest request)
Please keep it a secret though. If they knew that I set it...
I'd get into a whole heap of trouble.
(Conversation ends)

 ↑ Go to top

Return to Quest icon.pngPioneer Christmas

Mountain Area

(BGM: NiGHTS into Dreams - Dreams, Dreams)
Note 1: The St Rappies that host games in this area will only offer Level 4 difficulty on Ultimate, and only if you previously cleared all 4 games in Ultimate on Level 3 in a single quest sitting without error.
Note 2: You cannot progress the quest without the Christmas Trio in the party. If you try to initiate conversation with any St Rappy while the Christmas Trio isn't in the party, even after quest completion, you simply get a "..." and the conversation ends.

St Rappy (Game #1)

(If you approach it with the Christmas Trio in the party)
St Rappy: ...
Christina: Oh? What?
St Rappy: ...
Christina: He says:
Christina: Step on the buttons in good order in time to pass this point.
(Christina points to the switches on the ground ahead)
Christina: He says the area around there will gleam.

(After initial conversation or if you approach it after losing this game during the quest sitting)
Christina: Are you ready?
Mary: There are 4 difficulty levels. Which one will you select?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Christopher: Now then, the questions start!
(The switches on the ground nearby will light up in different patterns based on earlier choice)
Christina: Following this, the countdown begins! Game starts!
(Temporary BGM change: Chu Chu Rocket - Multiplayer ~ Mouse Mania)

(If you lose, quest marked as having made an error)
Christina: That's a pity!
Christina: Let's try it again!
Mary: Yes, you're next.
(Conversation ends)

(If you succeed, the barricade blows up; SE: Symbol Chat "Pleasure")
Christina: It opened! Great!
Mary: I knew you could do it, <hero name>.
(Conversation ends)

(After success, if you approach it again)
Christopher: What? Yeah, yeah.
Christopher: ...
Christopher: He says: "You can pass here." Let's go!
(Conversation ends)
(Conversation ends)

1st Group of St Rappies

(When first approaching them)
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) Now, today is a certain special day. What day is this?
St Rappy #2: ...
Christina: (Translating) Special day?
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) What is it?
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) It's called Christmas and it's a very nice day we have only once a year.
St Rappy #2: ...
Christina: (Translating) Christmas?
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) Is it delicious?
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) Various kinds of foods are also prepared.
Mary: (Translating) Also, presents, too.
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) Really!?
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) Christmas presents, Christmas cake
Mary: (Translating) and roasted...
St Rappy #2: ...
Christina: (Translating) Say... What?
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) I couldn't hear it well. Roasted what?
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: ...
Mary: (Translating) Roasted turkey.
St Rappy #2: ...
Christina: (Translating) Roasted turkey?
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) What is roasted turkey? Does it taste good?
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) A turkey is a bird.
St Rappy #2: !!!
St Rappy #3: !!!
St Rappy #1: ...
Mary: (Translating) They roast a bird called a turkey over a large fire, for a long time.
St Rappy #2: ...
St Rappy #3: ... ...
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) It's not heat that ends in a moment like Foie,
Mary: (Translating) but a gradual slow heat that rises and rises.
St Rappy #3: ...!
Christopher: (Translating) Whoof!
St Rappy #2: ... ...!
Christina: (Translating) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) If you two don't want to become roasted Rappys,
Mary: (Translating) you shouldn't approach dangerous hunters.
St Rappy #3: ...
Christopher: (Translating) Yes.
St Rappy #2: ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yes!
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) Oh? The one next to you, is a...
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...!?
Christopher: (Translating) Hunters!?
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...!!!
Christina: (Translating) "Yeow!!!
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...!
Mary: (Translating) I won't let you lay a hand on these children!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...!
Christina: (Translating) Noooo!
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...!
Christopher: (Translating) Go away!
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to advance through the area after approaching them)
Christopher: She shouldn't threaten them by mentioning roasted turkeys.
Christina: I agree. It ruined a long-waited special day, didn't it?
Mary: Tee-hee-hee.
Mary: Brace your nerves all the more because it's a special day like this.
Mary: If you do nothing but just spree, it could lead to a big accident.
Mary: You guys should also take care, OK?
Christina: Yes.
Mary: What has happened?
Christopher: ... ... ...
Christopher: But...
Christina: What?
Christopher: Is a roast Rappy delicious?
Christina: ... ... ...
Christina: Spoiler...
(Conversation ends)

St Rappy (Game #2)

(Before attempting this game, if you approach it)
St Rappy: ...
Christopher: Oh? What?
St Rappy: ...
Christopher: He says:
Christopher: "Step on the buttons in good order in time to pass this point."
Christopher: What? He told us the same thing the last Rappy said.
St Rappy: ...
Christopher: Yeah, yeah.
Christopher: ...

(After initial conversation or if you approach it after losing this game during the quest sitting)
Christopher: Are you prepared?
Mary: There are 4 difficulty levels. Which one will you select?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Christopher: Now then, the questions start!
(The switches on the ground nearby will light up in different patterns based on earlier choice)
Christina: Following this, the countdown begins! Game starts!
(Temporary BGM change: Chu Chu Rocket - Multiplayer ~ Mouse Mania)

(If you lose, quest marked as having made an error)
Christopher: It was close...
Christopher: Let's try it again!
Mary: Uh-oh...
Mary: All right, I'm sure you can do it next time.
(Conversation ends)

(If you succeed, the barricade blows up; SE: Symbol Chat "Pleasure")
Christopher: It opened! I'm impressed!
Mary: You made it <hero name>.
(Conversation ends)

(After success, if you approach it again)
Christina: Well, what?
Christina: ...
Christina: He says: "It's been cleared!! I just can't take it!"
Christina: Guess he's frustrated that you, <hero name>, cleared it.
Christina: Well done, <hero name>!
(Conversation ends)
(Conversation ends)

2nd Group of St Rappies

(When first approaching them)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) That's the sea.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yes, the sea.
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) Sea...
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) That's the setting sun.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yes, the setting sun.
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) Setting sun?
Mary: (Translating) We don't have the sun shining, do we?
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) That's beautiful.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Beautiful.
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...!
Mary: (Translating) You ignored me!
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) "We're at the end of the year, do we?
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yeah, We're at the end of the year.
St Rappy #3: ... ... ...
Mary: (Translating) I wish you good luck for the coming year.
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to advance through the area after approaching them)
Christopher: Definitely!
Christopher: It was a subtle feed!
Christina: Yeah.
Christina: The "pause" and other elements are no good.
Christopher: Oh no...
Christopher: How can he be an entertainer with that performance!?
Christina: I don't think so...
Mary: Oh? Are you guys trying to become entertainers?
Mary: I didn't know that.
Christopher: What! Not in the least.
Mary: I have to rethink the curriculum.
Christina: Hey, I mean, no way!!
(Conversation ends)

St Rappy (Game #3)

(Before attempting this game, if you approach it)
St Rappy: ...
Christina: Oh what?
St Rappy: ...
Christina: "Step on the buttons in good order in time to pass this point."
Christina: ...
Christina: He said the same thing again! The rules are the same.
Christina: We must step on the buttons in the correct order in the time limit.

(After initial conversation or if you approach it after losing this game during the quest sitting)
Christina: If you are ready, let's begin.
Mary: There are 4 difficulty levels. Which one will you select?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Christopher: Now then, the questions start!
(The switches on the ground nearby will light up in different patterns based on earlier choice)
Christina: Following this, the countdown begins! Game starts!
(Temporary BGM change: Chu Chu Rocket - Multiplayer ~ Mouse Mania)

(If you lose, quest marked as having made an error)
Christina: Oh no!
Christina: It was so close.
Christina: Let's attempt it one more time! Next time we'll get there!
Mary: Don't give up! There's only a little more left ahead.
(Conversation ends)

(If you succeed, the barricade blows up; SE: Symbol Chat "Pleasure")
Christina: Excellent, <hero name>!
Mary: Amazing, <hero name>.
(Conversation ends)

(After success, if you approach it again)
Christopher: Hmm?
Christopher: ...
Christopher: He says: "That's incredible that you cleared this!!!"
Christopher: I think so, too!
(Conversation ends)
(Conversation ends)

3rd Group of St Rappies

(When first approaching them)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Take a look at those freely flying seagulls.
Christopher: (Translating) They indicate the future for us.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) What do you mean?
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) We will fly freely and strongly!
Christopher: (Translating) We can fly through any difficulties!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Oh...
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Take a look at that grand current of clouds.
Christopher: (Translating) It shows the way we should follow.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) What do you mean?
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) It means whatever storm we survive will only strengthen our bond.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yeah...
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Take look at that vast ocean that shines red.
Christopher: (Translating) It hints at our future!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) What do you mean?
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) It means the truly hot future is waiting for us!!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Eh...
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Let's stay together in the future, too.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Yes, I'll follow you forever...
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to advance through the area after approaching them)
Christopher: Whoa...
Christopher: That couple out there said an unbelievable thing.
Christopher: And they're not ashamed.
Christina: Yes.
Christopher: Does a girl feel pleased when told a such thing?
Christina: Oh? I don't know.
Christina: Because I've never been told.
Christina: Will you say so, so I can test this?
Christopher: Heh?
Christopher: ...
Christopher: Well... Perhaps another time!
Christina: Gah!
(Conversation ends, except if you approached both the 3rd and 4th groups of St Rappies first)
Christopher: By the way, it's not too good to push to much, is it?
Christina: Why?
Christopher: Because the couple on this side had a dreadful scene for some reason.
Christina: In the world of Rappy, too, persistent men are disliked.
Christopher: Did she despise him at the start, or was it due to his persistence?
Christina: In either case, if you invite a girl, you must do so stylishly.
Christopher: What is "stylishly"?
Christina: Think about it by yourself!

4th Group of St Rappies

(When first approaching them)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Hey, Catherine, let's go on a date now.
Christopher: (Translating) How about collecting fruits in the Jungle and when we have them,
Christopher: (Translating) we go feel the sea breeze on the beach?
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) I'm not interested.
Christina: (Translating) I'm too busy, so just go away.
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) That's too much, Cathy.
Christopher: (Translating) Besides, it's Christmas. Let's enjoy it.
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) I'm busy. How about asking another girl?
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) You're cold. No one will yell at you if you slack off on the job today.
Christopher: (Translating) So, let's go on a date!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...!
Christina: (Translating) You're annoying! I said I'm not interested!
Christina: (Translating) Understand? Now go away... Now!
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Cathy!
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Cathy, let's go on a date!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...!
Christina: (Translating) Huh!
(Conversation ends)

Note: This conversation will not happen if you have also approached the 3rd group of St Rappies beforehand.
(If you try to advance through the area after approaching them)
Christopher: Isn't it good to be persistent?
Christina: No.
Christopher: Then, about what we saw a little while ago...
Christina: No good at all.
Christina: That's not a good example to follow.
Christopher: I have no intention to follow that!
Christina: You gotten so compulsive. Seems suspicious!
Christina: Have you followed it enough to discover the truth?
Christina: Ha, ha, ha!
Christopher: No, no way!
Christopher: Don't assume so!
Christina: Don't get mad, don't get mad.
Christina: I'm just pulling your leg a bit.
Christopher: Oh no...
Christina: Then, who have you invited?
Christopher: Hey!
(Conversation ends)

St Rappy (Game #4)

(Before attempting this game, if you approach it)
Christopher: Maybe you want to say:
Christopher: "Step on the buttons in good order in time to pass this point."
Christopher: don't you?
(Piano slam sound effect)
St Rappy: ...
Christopher: She says: "Uh, well, that's right."
Christopher: Given the same direction 3 times, I said that in advance despite myself.
Christopher: Sorry.
St Rappy: ...

(After initial conversation or if you approach it after losing this game during the quest sitting)
Christopher: So, that's it. Are you ready?
Mary: There are 4 difficulty levels. Which one will you select?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Christopher: Now then, the questions start!
(The switches on the ground nearby will light up in different patterns based on earlier choice)
Christina: Following this, the countdown begins! Game starts!
(Temporary BGM change: Chu Chu Rocket - Multiplayer ~ Mouse Mania)

(If you lose, quest marked as having made an error)
Christopher: ...
Christopher: It's only natural that you'd fail at some point.
Mary: If you don't let it get you down, you'll find a way. Don't give up.
(Conversation ends)

(If you succeed, the barricade blows up; SE: Symbol Chat "Pleasure")
Christopher: Wow!
Christopher: Great!
Christopher: I got confused halfway.
Christina: Yes, so did I.
Christina: I'd never be able to memorize it, no matter how hard I tried.
Christina: <hero name>, you are fantastic!
Mary: Splendid, <hero name>.

(If you scored at least 8 points total)
St Rappy: ...
Christina: Oh, really? Try this game.
Christina: <hero name>, if you're good enough, this girl will give you a present.

(If you don't have enough room in your inventory)
Christina: Oh, it looks like you already have the maximum number of these items.
Christina: Well, here's what she is giving us:

(And you scored 8-11 points)
Christina: "Monomate" x5 "Monofluid" x5
Christina: "Dimate" x5 and "Difluid" x5.

(And you scored 12-15 points)
Christina: "Trimate" x5 and "Trifluid" x5.

(And you either scored 20 points after the first time, or scored 16-19 points)
Christina: "Star Atomizer" x5 "Moon Atomizer" x5 and "Sol Atomizer" x5.

(And you scored 20 points for the first time)
Christina: "Christmas Present".

Christina: Let's sort out our items and get it later!
(Conversation ends if Christina has already evaluated your score)

(If you have enough room in your inventory and you scored 8-11 points)
"You received "Monomate" x5 and "Monofluid" x5."
"You also got "Dimate" x5 and "Difluid" x5."
(Conversation ends if Christina has already evaluated your score)

(If you have enough room in your inventory and you scored 12-15 points)
"You received "Trimate" x5 and "Trifluid" x5."
(Conversation ends if Christina has already evaluated your score)

(If you have enough room in your inventory and you either scored 20 points after the first time, or scored 16-19 points)
"You received "Star Atomizer" x5 "Moon Atomizer" x5 and "Sol Atomizer" x5."
(Conversation ends if Christina has already evaluated your score)

(If you have enough room in your inventory and you scored 20 points for the first time)
"You received "Christmas Present"."

(If you scored 16 points on Ultimate but did not unlock Level 4 difficulty yet)
St Rappy: ... ... ...
Christina: Oh!
Christina: Are there any more difficult questions!?
St Rappy: ...
Christina: Hmm.
Christina: She'll prepare more difficult questions the next time we visit here.
Christina: And if we answer all the questions perfectly, she'll give us items!
Christina: ...
Christina: I wonder what she'll give to us!
(Level 4 difficulty games unlocked)

(Christina will say different things based on your difficulty completions; If you did not make an error in the games, you will get 4 bonus points)

(4 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 4 pts. out of 20. It's the lowest recorded rank.
(Conversation ends)

(5 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 5 points out of 20.
Christina: That's really poor you know.
(Conversation ends)

(6 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 6 points out of 20.
Christina: Work harder!
(Conversation ends)

(7 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 7 points out of 20.
Christina: If we answer the more difficult questions, we get a higher score.
(Conversation ends)

(8 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 8 points out of 16.

(If Level 4 difficulty hasn't been unlocked yet)
Christina: Just the half way point. Still, it doesn't mean anything.
(Conversation ends)

(If Level 4 difficulty has been unlocked)
Christina: She says we can earn bonus points if we don't make any mistakes!
(Conversation ends)

(9 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 9 points out of 20.
Christina: <hero name>, do your best!
(Conversation ends)

(10 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 10 points out of 16.

(If Level 4 difficulty hasn't been unlocked yet)
Christina: She says we can earn bonus points if we don't make any mistakes!
(Conversation ends)

(If Level 4 difficulty has been unlocked)
Christina: Just the half way point. Still, it doesn't mean anything.
(Conversation ends)

(11 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 11 points out of 20.
Christina: I heard we can earn more points by choosing the more difficult questions.
(Conversation ends)

(12 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 12 points out of 20.
Christina: She says we can earn 4 bonus points if we don't make any mistakes!
(Conversation ends)

(13 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 13 points out of 20.
Christina: The score's looking more respectable.
(Conversation ends)

(14 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 14 points out of 20.
Christina: Do your best in a bid to get more points!
(Conversation ends)

(15 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 15 points out of 20.
Christina: It's a fairly good score!
(Conversation ends)

(16 points total while Level 4 difficulty hasn't been unlocked)
Christina: Oh, we've got the maximum number of points. 16 out of 16. GREAT!!!

(16 points total while Level 4 difficulty is already unlocked)
Christina: Oh, the record is 16 points out of 20.
Christina: We tried so hard, but there's still a long way to go.
(Conversation ends)

(17 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 17 points out of 20.
Christina: Our score is pretty good, isn't it?
(Conversation ends)

(18 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 18 points out of 20.
Christina: Amazing! But it'll only get more difficult from now on.
(Conversation ends)

(19 points total)
Christina: Oh, the record is 19 points out of 20. We got an almost perfect score!
(Conversation ends)

(20 points total)
Christina: Oh, we've got the maximum number of points. 20 out of 20. GREAT!!!
(Conversation ends)

(After success, if you approach it again and have items left to claim this quest sitting)
St Rappy: ...
Christina: Oh, she says she'll give items we failed to get a little while ago.
(Conversation jumps back to checking if you have enough room in your inventory)

(After success, if you approach it again and don't have items left to claim this quest sitting)
Christina: Well?
Christina: ...
Christina: She says: "Didn't expect you to clear this... I must take off my hat..."
Christopher: She's not taking off her hat, though.
Christina: Hush!
Christina: I'll feel sorry for her if you say such a thing.
St Rappy: ...
(Conversation ends)

5th Group of St Rappies

(When first approaching them)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Oh no! What are you doing here!
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) That's OK. Nobody will come here.
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Er, but....
Christina: (Translating) Oh, who's there?
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) What? Who are you guys?
Christopher: (Translating) Go away!
(Conversation ends)

(If you approach them again)
St Rappy #1: ... ... ...
Christina: (Translating) Oh, who's there?
St Rappy #2: ... ... ...
Christopher: (Translating) Go away!
(Conversation ends)

(If you try to advance through the area after approaching them)
Christopher: The Rappies we saw a little while ago were friendly.
Christina: Yes.
Christina: I felt bad that we sort of disturbed them.
Christopher: Yeah, but there was no choice this time. Let's be careful from now on.
Mary: Tee-hee-hee.
Mary: Yes, it'll be okay if we're careful next time.
Mary: When you feel bad, you tend to be careful the next time.
Mary: So failure itself is not always bad.
Mary: Just make sure to learn from your mistakes.
Mary: Do you understand?
Christopher: Sure!
Christina: I get it!
(Conversation ends)

Naura Cake Sister #2

(Only during first interaction)
Oh, you're not a customer?
Oh, you came here to deliver the wrapping paper?
Thank you!
Can you hand it over to my sister? She's in the back over there.
(Conversation ends)

(After initial conversation, if initiating conversation again before completing request)
Can you hand over the wrapping paper to my sister in the back?
(Conversation ends)

(If initiating conversation after completing request)
A thousand thanks for delivering this to us!
Hmm... I wonder what she's doing.
(Conversation ends)

Naura Cake Sister #3

(When first approaching her)
Are you surprised to find a cake shop in a location such as this?
Oh? Could it be that your package is...
Eh? Our sister asked you to deliver this?
She's hopeless.
(Request complete, Quest Board item "Wrapping paper" is consumed)
"You handed over the wrapping paper."

(Depending on your gender)
Yes, this is what we asked her to get.
Thank you for being kind enough to deliver it.
Well, let me wrap a present as a token of our gratitude.
You could give your girlfriend/boyfriend a nice present...
You know, for this long-awaited Christmas.
(Inventory menu will appear as a prompt)

(If you cancel out of the inventory menu prompt)
Oh? Are you going to quit?
If you have another item you want wrapped, please visit us again.
(Conversation ends, switches to Christmas Trio if initial conversation)
Don't quit
(Inventory menu prompt will reappear)

(If you try to give her an item that can't be wrapped)
Sorry, we can't wrap that item.
Could you choose something else?
(Inventory menu prompt will reappear)

(If you give her an item that she can wrap, wraps the offered item into a Tool icon.pngPresent)
Here you are. Your partner will be very happy!
(Conversation ends)

(After initial conversation, if initiating conversation again)
Anyway, I wonder what she's doing.
(Conversation ends if you already had her wrap an item for you this quest sitting)

(If you haven't had her wrap an item yet this quest sitting)
By the way, shall I wrap something up as a present?
(Conversation jumps back to when the inventory menu prompt appears)

Christmas Trio

(Regardless of whether or not you wrapped a present with Naura Cake Sister #3)
Christopher: Now that you reached the cake shop,
Christina: Your job has ended, <hero name>.
Mary: Really, good job today.
(Temporary BGM change: Burning Rangers - I Just Smile)
Christopher: I don't think Christmas jobs are so much fun.
Christopher: But Christmas where you spend time together with Rappy isn't that bad.
Christopher: How about that?
Christina: The hours where you were with us...
Christina: were very enjoyable.
Mary: I had you take these children 'cause it'd help their training.
Mary: The purpose was achieved. Thank you for your help.
(Telporter back to Pioneer 2 appears around Mary)
Christopher: ...
Christopher: Well, now it's time for us to go.
(Christopher steps into the teleporter and disappears)
Christina: Merry Christmas.
(Christina steps into the teleporter and disappears)
Mary: Merry Christmas.
Mary: And have a Happy New Year.
(Mary disappears, conversation ends)

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On Pioneer 2 After Request Completion

Naura Cake Sister on Pioneer 2

(Only during first interaction since completing request)
Oh, <hero name>.
Good job, today. You were so helpful.
I put a reward at the Guild Counter, though it's a small amount.
Still, please accept it.
(Quest marked as complete, conversation ends)

(After previous interaction, when initiating conversation again)
I left your reward at the guild counter.
Please get it there.

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