Mag feeding tables: Difference between revisions

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(this page is kind of a mess but i think it looks better now, idk, there's a lot more i'd do with it if i cared a little more than i do rn)
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[[Mag Feeding Tables]] are the various feeding tables and values to follow when feeding [[Mags]].
A collection of the various [[Mag feeding tables]] that dictate what kind of stat changes one can expect from feeding [[Mags]] certain items.

==List of Tables==
===Table 0===
: '''[[Mags#Starter_Mag|Stage 0]]''': {{Mag|Mag}}

===Table 0===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Mag
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': Take advantage of being able to quickly build a single stat, with minimal gains in other stats, while using less tools.''

===Table 1===
===Table 1===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Kalki, Varuna, Vrita
: '''[[Mags#First_Evolution_Mags|Stage 1]]''': {{Mag|Kalki}}; {{Mag|Varuna}}; {{Mag|Vritra}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': If you want only 5 DEF in the end result, stick to Antidote/Antiparalysis.''

===Table 2===
===Table 2===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Ashvinau, Namuci, Marutah, Rudra, Sumba
: '''[[Mags#Second_Evolution_Mags|Stage 2]]''': {{Mag|Ashvinau}}; {{Mag|Namuci}}; {{Mag|Marutah}}; {{Mag|Rudra}}; {{Mag|Sumba}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': If you want a starting photon blast that is not Estlla, 5/6 times this is your table during the second evolution. Any DEF gains can be offset with DEX gains by feeding Antidote/Antiparalysis depending on your build.''

===Table 3===
===Table 3===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Surya, Tapas, Mitra
: '''[[Mags#Second_Evolution_Mags|Stage 2]]''': {{Mag|Mitra}}; {{Mag|Tapas}}; {{Mag|Surya}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': Offers pure stat gains but also very slow, for trainers not wanting to juggle feed.''

===Table 4===
===Table 4===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Asparas, Vayu, Varaha, Ushasu, Kama, Kaitabha, Kumara, Bhirava
: '''[[Mags#Second_Evolution_Mags|Stage 2]]''': {{Mag|Vayu}}
: '''[[Mags#Third_Evolution_Mags|Stage 3]]''': {{Mag|Apsaras}}; {{Mag|Bhirava}}; {{Mag|Kaitabha}}; {{Mag|Kama}}; {{Mag|Kumara}}; {{Mag|Ushasu}}; {{Mag|Varaha}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': The best DEX gains of the third evolution tables. The only table with a pure DEF gain option.''

===Table 5===
===Table 5===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Ila, Garuda, Sita, Soma, Durga, Nandin, Yaksa, Ribhava,
: '''[[Mags#Third_Evolution_Mags|Stage 3]]''': {{Mag|Durga}}; {{Mag|Garuda}}; {{Mag|Ila}}; {{Mag|Nandin}}; {{Mag|Ribhava}}; {{Mag|Sita}}; {{Mag|Soma}}; {{Mag|Yaksa}}
Deva, Rukmin, Sato
: '''[[Mags#Fourth_Evolution_Mags|Stage 4]]''': {{Mag|rare|Deva}}; {{Mag|rare|Rukmin}}; {{Mag|rare|Sato}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': The best POW and MIND gains of the third evolution tables.''

===Table 6===
===Table 6===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Andhaka, Kabanda, Naga, Naraka, Bana, Marica, Madhu, Ravana,
: '''[[Mags#Third_Evolution_Mags|Stage 3]]''': {{Mag|Andhaka}}; {{Mag|Bana}}; {{Mag|Kabanda}}; {{Mag|Madhu}}; {{Mag|Marica}}; {{Mag|Naga}}; {{Mag|Naraka}}; {{Mag|Ravana}}
Rati, Pushan, Bhima
: '''[[Mags#Fourth_Evolution_Mags|Stage 4]]''': {{Mag|rare|Bhima}}; {{Mag|rare|Pushan}}; {{Mag|rare|Rati}}
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': For fourth evolution mags this the slowest table to train on.''

===Table 7===
===Table 7===
'''Relevant Mags:''' Savitri, Diwari, Nidra, Mag Cell Mags
: '''[[Mags#Fourth_Evolution_Mags|Stage 4]]''': {{Mag|rare|Diwari}}; {{Mag|rare|Nidra}}; {{Mag|rare|Savitri}}; all [[Mags#Cell_Mags|cell Mags]]
: ''{{PSO icon|Mag}}'''Trainer Tips''': The absolute quickest training table from level 50 to level 200.''

Latest revision as of 23:38, 28 September 2024

A collection of the various Mag feeding tables that dictate what kind of stat changes one can expect from feeding Mags certain items.

List of Tables[edit | edit source]

Table 0[edit | edit source]

Stage 0: Mag icon.pngMag
Table 0
Mate icon.pngMonomate 5 40 5 0 3 3
Mate icon.pngDimate 10 45 5 0 3 3
Mate icon.pngTrimate 15 50 10 0 4 4
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid 5 0 5 40 3 3
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 10 0 5 45 3 3
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 15 0 10 50 4 4
Tool icon.pngAntidote 5 10 40 0 3 3
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 5 0 44 10 3 3
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 15 30 15 25 4 1
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer 15 25 15 30 4 1
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 25 25 25 25 6 5
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: Take advantage of being able to quickly build a single stat, with minimal gains in other stats, while using less tools.

Table 1[edit | edit source]

Stage 1: Mag icon.pngKalki; Mag icon.pngVaruna; Mag icon.pngVritra
Table 1
Mate icon.pngMonomate 5 10 0 −1 0 0
Mate icon.pngDimate 6 15 3 −3 2 1
Mate icon.pngTrimate 12 21 4 −7 3 2
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid 5 0 0 8 0 0
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 7 0 3 13 2 1
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 7 −7 6 19 3 2
Tool icon.pngAntidote 0 5 15 0 0 1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis −1 0 14 5 2 0
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 10 11 8 0 −2 2
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer 9 0 9 11 3 −2
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 14 9 18 11 4 3
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: If you want only 5 DEF in the end result, stick to Antidote/Antiparalysis.

Table 2[edit | edit source]

Stage 2: Mag icon.pngAshvinau; Mag icon.pngNamuci; Mag icon.pngMarutah; Mag icon.pngRudra; Mag icon.pngSumba
Table 2
Mate icon.pngMonomate 1 9 0 −5 0 −1
Mate icon.pngDimate 1 13 0 −10 3 0
Mate icon.pngTrimate 8 16 2 −15 4 1
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid 0 −5 0 9 0 −1
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 4 −10 0 13 3 0
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 6 −15 5 17 3 2
Tool icon.pngAntidote −5 4 12 −5 −1 1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis −5 −6 11 4 0 0
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 0 11 3 −5 4 −2
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer 4 −5 0 11 −1 1
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 7 8 6 9 4 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: If you want a starting photon blast that is not Estlla, 5/6 times this is your table during the second evolution. Any DEF gains can be offset with DEX gains by feeding Antidote/Antiparalysis depending on your build.

Table 3[edit | edit source]

Stage 2: Mag icon.pngMitra; Mag icon.pngTapas; Mag icon.pngSurya
Table 3
Mate icon.pngMonomate 0 3 0 0 0 −1
Mate icon.pngDimate 5 7 0 −5 2 0
Mate icon.pngTrimate 4 14 6 −10 3 1
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid 0 0 0 4 0 0
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 4 −5 0 8 0 1
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 4 −10 3 15 2 2
Tool icon.pngAntidote 0 0 7 0 −3 3
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis −4 −5 20 −5 3 0
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer −10 9 6 9 3 −2
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer 8 5 −8 7 −2 2
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 7 7 7 7 3 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: Offers pure stat gains but also very slow, for trainers not wanting to juggle feed.

Table 4[edit | edit source]

Stage 2: Mag icon.pngVayu
Stage 3: Mag icon.pngApsaras; Mag icon.pngBhirava; Mag icon.pngKaitabha; Mag icon.pngKama; Mag icon.pngKumara; Mag icon.pngUshasu; Mag icon.pngVaraha
Table 4
Mate icon.pngMonomate −5 9 −5 0 2 −1
Mate icon.pngDimate 0 11 0 −10 2 0
Mate icon.pngTrimate 4 14 0 −15 0 1
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid −5 0 −6 10 2 −1
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 0 −10 0 11 2 0
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 4 −15 0 15 0 1
Tool icon.pngAntidote −5 −5 16 −5 2 −1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 7 −3 0 −3 −2 3
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 5 21 −5 −20 4 −2
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer −5 −20 5 21 3 0
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 4 6 8 5 3 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: The best DEX gains of the third evolution tables. The only table with a pure DEF gain option.

Table 5[edit | edit source]

Stage 3: Mag icon.pngDurga; Mag icon.pngGaruda; Mag icon.pngIla; Mag icon.pngNandin; Mag icon.pngRibhava; Mag icon.pngSita; Mag icon.pngSoma; Mag icon.pngYaksa
Stage 4: Mag icon.pngDeva; Mag icon.pngRukmin; Mag icon.pngSato
Table 5
Mate icon.pngMonomate −4 13 −5 −5 2 −1
Mate icon.pngDimate 0 16 0 −15 0 1
Mate icon.pngTrimate 3 19 −2 −18 2 0
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid −4 −5 −5 13 2 −1
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 0 −15 0 16 0 1
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 3 −20 0 19 2 0
Tool icon.pngAntidote 5 −6 6 −5 0 1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 0 −4 14 −10 −1 1
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 4 17 −5 −15 4 −1
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer −10 −15 5 21 2 0
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 2 8 3 6 3 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: The best POW and MIND gains of the third evolution tables.

Table 6[edit | edit source]

Stage 3: Mag icon.pngAndhaka; Mag icon.pngBana; Mag icon.pngKabanda; Mag icon.pngMadhu; Mag icon.pngMarica; Mag icon.pngNaga; Mag icon.pngNaraka; Mag icon.pngRavana
Stage 4: Mag icon.pngBhima; Mag icon.pngPushan; Mag icon.pngRati
Table 6
Mate icon.pngMonomate −3 9 −3 −4 −1 1
Mate icon.pngDimate 0 11 0 −10 2 0
Mate icon.pngTrimate 2 15 0 −16 2 0
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid −3 −4 −3 9 −1 1
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 0 −10 0 11 2 0
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid −2 −15 0 19 2 0
Tool icon.pngAntidote 0 6 9 −15 2 −1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 0 −15 9 6 −2 3
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 9 −20 −5 17 3 −1
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer −5 20 5 −20 0 2
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 0 11 0 11 3 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: For fourth evolution mags this the slowest table to train on.

Table 7[edit | edit source]

Stage 4: Mag icon.pngDiwari; Mag icon.pngNidra; Mag icon.pngSavitri; all cell Mags
Table 7
Mate icon.pngMonomate −4 21 −15 −5 −1 0
Mate icon.pngDimate −1 27 −10 −16 0 1
Mate icon.pngTrimate 5 29 −7 −25 2 0
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid −10 −5 −10 21 −1 0
Fluid icon.pngDifluid −5 −16 −5 25 0 1
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid −7 −25 6 29 2 0
Tool icon.pngAntidote −10 −10 28 −10 −1 1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 9 −18 25 −15 2 −1
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 19 18 −15 −20 2 1
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer −15 −20 19 18 2 1
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 3 7 3 3 4 2
Mag icon.pngTrainer Tips: The absolute quickest training table from level 50 to level 200.