Random Attack Xrd REV 4

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Quest icon.pngRandom Attack Xrd REV 4
Episode 4
Category: Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack
Info: Fight off swarms of monsters in various areas. Can you make it to the end?
Reward: ??? Meseta
Author: Ender
Languages: English
Total XP

??? ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ???

Venture through a randomized series of maps.
- Quest description


Each floor in this quest has a randomized split. This quest always starts in Crater East, and 3 other areas are randomly chosen from the rest. The quest always ends in the Meteor Impact Site with either Saint-Milion or Shambertin (chosen at random).

Enemy Counts

Crater East
Enemy Count
Boota 13 (6 + 7/0)
Ze Boota 14 (4 + 4/6)
Ba Boota 13 (6 + 4/3)
Satellite Lizard 12 (4 + 4/4)
Yowie 8 (1 + 5/2)
Sand Rappy 13 (5 + 4/4)
Zu 3 (1 + 1/1)
Astark 9 (3 + 0/6)
Dorphon 1 (0 + 1/0)
Crater West
Enemy Count
Boota 27 (8 + 12/7)
Ze Boota 15 (4 + 9/2)
Ba Boota 14 (4 + 5/5)
Satellite Lizard 31 (0 + 18/13
Yowie 20 (0 + 9/11)
Sand Rappy 15 (0 + 9/6)
Zu 4 (2 + 1/1)
Astark 19 (6 + 9/4)
Dorphon 3 (2 + 1/0)
Crater South
Enemy Count
Boota 14 (4 + 8/2)
Ze Boota 15 (0 + 10/5)
Ba Boota 22 (6 + 12/4)
Satellite Lizard 15 (2 + 5/8)
Yowie 11 (0 + 5/6)
Sand Rappy 5 (0 + 2/3)
Zu 9 (2 + 2/5)
Astark 8 (0 + 5/3)
Dorphon 7 (0 + 4/3)
Crater North
Enemy Count
Boota 8 (1 + 4/3)
Ze Boota 12 (6 + 2/4)
Ba Boota 2 (0 + 0/2)
Satellite Lizard 15 (4 + 7/4)
Yowie 13 (3 + 7/3)
Sand Rappy 6 (2 + 2/2)
Zu 17 (9 + 6/2)
Astark 9 (5 + 0/4)
Dorphon 4 (2 + 1/1)
Crater Interior
Enemy Count
Boota 12 (3 + 9/0)
Ze Boota 13 (4 + 3/6)
Ba Boota 2 (2 + 0/0)
Satellite Lizard 34 (7 + 11/16)
Yowie 15 (4 + 6/5)
Sand Rappy 8 (8 + 0/0)
Zu 17 (1 + 1/15)
Astark 8 (1 + 3/4)
Dorphon 15 (4 + 10/1)
Subterranean Desert 1
Enemy Count
Goran 25 (4 + 2/19)
Pyro Goran 38 (0 + 28/10)
Goran Detonator 16 (3 + 5/8
Satellite Lizard 21 (3 + 8/10)
Yowie 10 (0 + 1/9)
Sand Rappy 22 (0 + 5/17)
Zu 3 (0 + 2/1)
Merissa A 19 (0 + 13/6)
Girtablulu 2 (1 + 1/0)

Subterranean Desert 2
Enemy Count
Goran 24 (7 + 6/11)
Pyro Goran 15 (2 + 6/7)
Goran Detonator 7 (0 + 4/3)
Satellite Lizard 19 (5 + 4/10)
Yowie 11 (2 + 2/7)
Sand Rappy 6 (0 + 6/0
Zu 5 (1 + 4/0)
Merissa A 34 (10 + 4/20)
Girtablulu 5 (1 + 3/1)
Subterranean Desert 3
Enemy Count
Goran 22 (8 + 10/4)
Pyro Goran 19 (3 + 10/6)
Goran Detonator 12 (4 + 3/5)
Satellite Lizard 16 (5 + 8/3)
Yowie 19 (4 + 7/8)
Sand Rappy 27 (6 + 15/6)
Zu 19 (3 + 14/2)
Merissa A 16 (7 + 3/6)
Girtablulu 7 (1 + 0/6)
Meteor Impact Site
Enemy Count
Shambertin 1
Saint-Milion 1
Enemy Count
Shambertin 1
Saint-Milion 1

(bracketed numbers indicate potential range encountered per run)

Enemy Count Enemy Count
Boota 74 (6-57) Goran 71 (0-59)
Ze Boota 69 (8-43) Pyro Goran 72 (0-50)
Ba Boota 53 (9-39) Goran Detonator 35 (0-24)
Astark 55 (3-34) Merissa A 69 (0-56)
Dorphon 30 (0-22) Girtablulu 14 (0-13)
Saint-Milion 1 (0-1)
Sand Rappy 102 (15-56) Shambertin 1 (0-1)
Satellite Lizard 167 (31-64)
Yowie 107 (13-39)
Zu 77 (6-50)
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Crater West Crater South Crater North Crater Interior Subterranean Desert 1 Subterranean Desert 2 Subterranean Desert 3 Meteor Impact Site
Box 16 Box 30 Box 14 Box 16 Box 21 Box 19 Box 29 Box (Meseta) 2
Box (Tool) 2
Box (Tool) 2
Box (Armor) 8
Box (Weapon) 8