
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Revision as of 22:36, 28 September 2024 by Sundark (talk | contribs) (→‎Gallery)
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Mag icon.pngKama
Photon Blast
100 PB1/10 HPBoss
- Shifta & Deband Shifta & Deband
25% 25-60%

Availability[edit | edit source]

Evolution[edit | edit source]

A Mag will evolve into Mag icon.pngKama at level 50 (or any 5th level afterward) if it meets one of the following conditions:

  • Condition 1:
  1. Fed by a Hunter with one of the following Section IDs: GreenillBluefullPinkalOranWhitill
  2. The mag's stats satisfy the equation: POWDEXMIND or DEX = MIND > POW
  • Condition 2:
  1. Fed by a Ranger with one of the following Section IDs: ViridiaSkylyPurplenumRedriaYellowboze
  2. The mag's stats satisfy the equation: POW > DEXMIND or DEXMINDPOW or POW = MIND > DEX

The Mag cannot already have evolved into a fourth evolution Mag.

Feeding Table[edit | edit source]

Main article: Mag feeding tables
Table 4
Mate icon.pngMonomate −5 9 −5 0 2 −1
Mate icon.pngDimate 0 11 0 −10 2 0
Mate icon.pngTrimate 4 14 0 −15 0 1
Fluid icon.pngMonofluid −5 0 −6 10 2 −1
Fluid icon.pngDifluid 0 −10 0 11 2 0
Fluid icon.pngTrifluid 4 −15 0 15 0 1
Tool icon.pngAntidote −5 −5 16 −5 2 −1
Tool icon.pngAntiparalysis 7 −3 0 −3 −2 3
Tool icon.pngSol Atomizer 5 21 −5 −20 4 −2
Tool icon.pngMoon Atomizer −5 −20 5 21 3 0
Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer 4 6 8 5 3 2

Combinations[edit | edit source]

D-Photon Core[edit | edit source]

Equipping a level 100+ Kama and using the Mag cell Tool icon.pngD-Photon Core will consume both items and create the rare Mag Mag icon.pngGael Giel. The Kama equipped at the time of use will have its stats transferred to the resulting Gael Giel.

Dragon Scale[edit | edit source]

Equipping a level 50+ Kama and using the Mag cell Tool icon.pngDragon Scale will consume both items and create the rare Mag Mag icon.pngTellusis. The Kama equipped at the time of use will have its stats transferred to the resulting Tellusis.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Kama[edit | edit source]

Mag colors sorted by console version. Blue Burst (PC) has all of the previous console color variations. Ephinea has even more exclusive colors.

DC default mag colors[edit | edit source]
DC random mag colors[edit | edit source]
GC extra mag colors[edit | edit source]
Ephinea exclusive mag colors[edit | edit source]