
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Hunters Boost Road for {{{month}}} {{{text}}}

Usage[edit source]

Simple template for displaying the month's Hunters Boost Road, type {{HuntersBoostRoad|month=Month|text=...}} while editing something, like the Main Page.

Example[edit source]

Hunters Boost Road for January
* {{Link|icon=quest|Lost ICE SPINNER}}
* {{Link|icon=quest|Sweep-up Operation 2|Sweep-up Operation #2}}
* {{Link|icon=quest|Sweep-up Operation 3|Sweep-up Operation #3}}
* {{Link|icon=quest|War of Limits 4|War of Limits #4}}
* {{Link|icon=quest|New Mop-Up Operation 2|New Mop-Up Operation #2}}