Beyond the Horizon

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from BTH)
Quest icon.pngBeyond the Horizon
Episode 4
Category: Quest category icon.pngVR
Info: Defeat enemies within the time limit!
Author: Sonic Team
Languages: English, Japanese
Total XP

26773 93835 152112 470730

26773 93835 152112 470730

Want to challenge our new VR? Anyone can, for a fee! Waiting for challengers...
- Quest description

Beyond the Horizon is an Episode 4 quest located in VR. To play the quest, there is a fee of 10000 Meseta. Beyond the Horizon is well-known for having rapid spawns with little to no downtime, making it effective for grinding either experience or kill counts for unsealing items.

Drops are disabled in this quest.

Enemy Counts

Crater East
Enemy Count
Boota 25
Ze Boota 18
Ba Boota 18
Satellite Lizard 6
Yowie 35
Sand Rappy 34
Zu 6
Astark 8
Crater Interior
Enemy Count
Boota 20
Ze Boota 21
Ba Boota 18
Satellite Lizard 8
Yowie 32
Sand Rappy 32
Zu 14
Astark 20
Dorphon 15
Subterranean Desert 1
Enemy Count
Goran 26
Pyro Goran 18
Goran Detonator 16
Satellite Lizard 5
Yowie 26
Sand Rappy 23
Zu 6
Merissa A 30
Subterranean Desert 2
Enemy Count
Goran 22
Pyro Goran 21
Goran Detonator 28
Satellite Lizard 13
Yowie 18
Sand Rappy 15
Zu 30
Merissa A 21
Girtablulu 12
Subterranean Desert 3
Enemy Count
Goran 15
Pyro Goran 19
Goran Detonator 20
Satellite Lizard 10
Yowie 20
Sand Rappy 27
Zu 18
Merissa A 31

Grand Total: 820
Enemy Count Enemy Count
Boota 45 Goran 63
Ze Boota 39 Pyro Goran 58
Ba Boota 36 Goran Detonator 64
Astark 28 Merissa A 82
Dorphon 15 Girtablulu 12
Sand Rappy 131
Satellite Lizard 42
Yowie 131
Zu 74