TypeM weapons

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
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TypeSA/Saber description

TypeM weapons are another special category of weapon introduced in Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. They have the visual of a basic weapon with a white photon, but many TypeM weapons have animations that differ from what is expected of them.

Their animation set and visual model can be inferred from their naming convention of "TypeXX/Yyyyy," where "XX" is the first two letters of the weapon type for the animations used, and "Yyyyy" is the full name of the weapon type for the model used. For example, the weapon Sword icon.pngTypeDS/Rod uses a double saber (TypeDS/Rod) animation with a rod (TypeDS/Rod) model.

List of TypeM Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. Classes Notes
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Sword icon.pngTypeSA/Saber 12★ 120 50 +125 370 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeSW/Sword 12★ 150 35 +125 400 350 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngTypeSW/J-Sword 12★ 100-150 40 +125 350-400 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeSW/Slicer 12★ 100-140 45 +125 350-390 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeBL/Blade 12★ 10 35 +90 190 350 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngTypeHA/Halbert 12★ 10 40 +90 190 350 ATP × × × ×
Sword icon.pngTypeHA/Rod 12★ 10 40 +80 170 350 MST × × × × × × × × +50 DFP
Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Slicer 12★ 140 50 +125 390 350 ATP Does not fire projectiles
Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Saber 12★ 100-130 60 +125 350-380 350 ATP Does not fire projectiles
Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Claw 12★ 100-150 45 +125 350-400 350 ATP Does not fire projectiles
Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Katana 12★ 100-140 55 +125 350-390 350 ATP Does not fire projectiles
Sword icon.pngTypeDS/D.Saber 12★ 30 40 +125 280 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeDS/Rod 12★ 10-30 40 +125 260-280 350 MST × × × × × × × × +50 DFP
Sword icon.pngTypeDS/Wand 12★ 10-30 40 +125 260-280 350 MST × × × × × × × × +50 MST
Sword icon.pngTypeCL/Claw 12★ 170 55 +125 420 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeJS/J-Sword 12★ 130 50 +125 380 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeJS/Saber 12★ 100-140 40 +125 350-390 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeJS/Slicer 12★ 100-130 55 +125 350-380 350 ATP
Sword icon.pngTypeSS/Swords 12★ 150 45 +125 400 350 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngTypeKN/Blade 12★ 180-200 70 +125 430-450 350 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Sword icon.pngTypeKN/Claw 12★ 120-220 65 +125 370-470 350 ATP
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Hand 12★ 10 45 +95 200 90 ATA
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Mechgun 12★ 10 50 +90 190 90 ATA
Gun icon.pngTypeRI/Rifle 12★ 10 60 +100 210 90 ATA × × × × × × × ×
Gun icon.pngTypeME/Mechgun 12★ 10 20 +30 70 90 ATA
Gun icon.pngTypeSH/Shot 12★ 10 40 +60 130 90 ATA × × × × × × × ×
Cane icon.pngTypeRO/Rod 12★ 10 40 +90 190 350 MST × × × × × × × × +50 DFP
Cane icon.pngTypeRO/Halbert 12★ 10-80 40 +100 210-280 350 ATP × × × ×
Cane icon.pngTypeRO/Sword 12★ 10-100 35 +100 210-300 350 ATP × × × × × × × ×
Cane icon.pngTypeWA/Wand 12★ 10 45 +60 130 350 MST × × × × × × × × +50 MST
Weapon Name Rarity ATP ATA Grind Total ATP Special Req. HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl RAmr RAml RAct RAcl FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl Notes

Event TypeM weapons[edit | edit source]

Eleven unique TypeM weapons have been made available on Ephinea through events, all of which come with a predetermined amount of Hit % and special attack:

Event TypeM weapons
Weapon Special(s) Hit %
Sword icon.pngTypeSW/J-Sword Spirit 30
Sword icon.pngTypeSW/Slicer Blizzard 30
Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Slicer Charge 25
Sword icon.pngTypeDS/Rod Devil's 30
Sword icon.pngTypeDS/Wand Arrest 30
Sword icon.pngTypeKN/Claw Berserk 50
Gun icon.pngTypeRI/Rifle Hell 40
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Hand Charge, Berserk, Spirit, Hell 40
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Mechgun Charge, Berserk, Spirit, Hell 35
Gun icon.pngTypeME/Mechgun Charge, Berserk, Spirit 40
Gun icon.pngTypeSH/Shot Charge, Berserk, Spirit 40

Additionally, while a Sword icon.pngTypeDS/D.Saber with an Arrest special and 30 Hit % was released in a previous event, it was quickly removed from distribution, making it the rarest of the TypeM weapons.