Spread Needle/Guide

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Maximizing hit chance

The following tables assumes usage by a Ranger with maxed ATA and either Shield icon.pngRed Ring or Shield icon.pngRanger Wall equipped. The Hit shown in the table is the value required to hit the given enemy on Ultimate difficulty with S3; Paralysis.pngParalysis is never guaranteed, as neither of these enemies have low enough ESP to give even an android with Unit icon.pngV502 a 100% chance to paralyze.

Girtablulu can always be hit by S3 from either class with a 0 Hit Spread Needle. RAmar makes better use of Gun icon.pngES Needle, guaranteeing an S3 on any of these enemies, and RAmarl has a similarly guaranteed S3 with Gun icon.pngES Needle on Dorphon and Girtablulu, but not on Dorphon Eclair.

Detonating traps

If timed properly, Android Rangers can self-detonate their Trap icon.pngTraps using Gun icon.pngSpread Needle, which cannot be done with Gun icon.pngES Needle.